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May 14, 2000
Japan's greatest battle in song and story
May 14, 2000
Adjusting traditions
May 14, 2000
Ex-garbage man bags career as pro caddie
May 13, 2000
Democracy hangs in the balance in Iran
May 13, 2000
Tate residency builds a cultural bridge
May 12, 2000
Farcical Troussier saga will continue until June
May 12, 2000
Keeping your money alive and kicking
May 11, 2000
Young women study up for the future
May 11, 2000
Firing up Fukuoka's hippest corner
May 11, 2000
Recalling the toil of winter in the rites of spring
May 11, 2000
French with a difference
May 10, 2000