Search - world

Jul 30, 2000

Evolving Okubo strikes a balance

Okubo's image varies widely. To some people, it's a nasty urban jungle filled with sleaze. To others, it's a foreign world of fascination.
Jul 30, 2000

Hair care for all the community . . . with a twist

Most people are a bit weary of hair salons; it's difficult to get what you want. Granted this may have something to do with the desired image you want. Yourself with say, Julia Robert's hair. It just can't be done. In a parallel universe maybe, but not this one.
Jul 30, 2000

Music for repressed romantics

Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku Opera
Jul 29, 2000

Fujimori's last chance

Peru's president, Mr. Alberto Fujimori, was sworn in to begin his third term Friday. It was a bittersweet occasion for the president. The festivities were marred by massive protests against an election tainted by charges of fraud. Mr. Fujimori, a combative man who never backs down from a challenge, has...
Jul 29, 2000

Russia peace treaty stance remains firm

The government on Friday rejected a call by the ruling party's No. 2 man to seek a peace treaty with Russia without setting the resolution of a long-standing territorial dispute between the two countries as a precondition.
Jul 29, 2000

Play revives old debate over Nazi A-bomb

"Absence of A-bomb: Were the Nazis duped -- or simply dumb?" So asks the weekly U.S. News & World Report in a piece for its July 24-31 cover story, "Mysteries of History." The question is being revisited now perhaps because of a recent Broadway import from London: Michael Frayn's "Copenhagen."
Jul 28, 2000

Yasser Arafat draws the line

BEIRUT -- At one fraught moment during Camp David, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak reportedly warned Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat: "If we don't finish the job now, at the next meeting I will no longer be prime minister." To which the Palestinian leader retorted: "If I give in on Jerusalem, I will...
Jul 27, 2000

HIV debacle may get Abe three years

Prosecutors demanded three years in prison for former Teikyo University Vice President Takeshi Abe, 84, for professional negligence resulting in the death of a male patient through the use of HIV-tainted blood coagulants at the university hospital.
SOCCER / J. League
Jul 27, 2000

Yokohama FC struggling to survive despite JFL success

Yokohama FC, the club formed by the former Yokohama Flugels supporters 1 1/2 years ago, is fighting hard, both on and off the pitch, in its quest to gain promotion from the Japan Football League to the J. League's second division next season. But the club is struggling financially and this has put...
Jul 27, 2000

Sasaki talking the talk in Seattle

SEATTLE -- The good news is that Kazuhiro Sasaki is learning a little English. The bad news is that his teacher is Seattle Mariners teammate Jay Buhner.
Jul 27, 2000

Don't concede the peace

After 15 days of intense discussions, the Middle East peace talks at Camp David have ended in failure. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat could not agree on the final status of the city of Jerusalem, and broke off negotiations. Both men return home weakened. The failure...
Jul 26, 2000

Translation of young soldiers' letters shows other side of war

Two U.S.-based scholars have recently published the first full-scale English version of a longtime Japanese seller, featuring letters written by Japanese student soldiers during World War II.
Jul 26, 2000

The homesick cycad tree of Myokokuji Temple

On a hot August day last year I took the train and tram to Sakai City in the south of Osaka. I wanted to see the ancient Japanese sago palm (sotetsu, Cycas revoluta), a member of the Cycad family, which grows in the grounds of Myokokuji Temple. The temple was first built in 1562 by a wealthy merchant...
LIFE / Digital
Jul 26, 2000

Itsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny . . . camera The surfcam pointing out from the Ocean Key Resort in Key West, Fla., gives glimpses of leisure boats as they make wakes, and then, as it refreshes every couple minutes, makes them disappear. It's a beautiful seascape even on a CRT, but Sleepyspud just can't wake up in time to catch...
Jul 26, 2000

Russia gets back into the Korean fray

At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union re-established itself as a major player on the Korean Peninsula largely as a result of U.S. initiatives in dividing the country, for administrative convenience, between two zones of military occupation. In doing so, the Americans displayed great ignorance...
Jul 26, 2000

Ethics for a turbulent age

There is much justifiable concern in Japan and Britain about rising levels of crime and bad behavior, especially among young people. The responses have been varied, including the usual calls for heavier punishments combined with "zero tolerance" policing. Yet few have much idea how this is to be enforced...
Jul 26, 2000

Testing times for Sino-Pakistani friendship

ISLAMABAD -- There was a familiar ring to recent allegations in U.S. newspapers, reportedly based on intelligence sources, that China is continuing to aid Pakistan's plans to build long-range nuclear-capable missiles. It is not the first time such allegations have surfaced in the United States, especially...
Jul 25, 2000

G8 shapes up for a new century

Despite presummit speculation about possible exchanges of views on issues not on the summit agenda, the leaders of the Group of Eight countries generally focused their debates over the past three days on issues contained in the scenario developed by working-level officials. Such speculation had preceded...
Jul 25, 2000

Crack found in oil duct at nuclear power plant

A cracked oil duct has been found at a Fukushima nuclear power plant that was closed Sunday following an oil leak, plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Monday.
Jul 25, 2000

Panel drops idea of 20% consumption tax

A government advisory panel on taxation was planning to recommend in its triennial proposals unveiled July 14 that the consumption tax rate be hiked to 20 percent, only abandoning the idea out of concern over a probable public backlash, panel sources said Friday.
Jul 24, 2000

NGOs eye future cooperation

NAGO, Okinawa Pref. — With the official closing of the Group of Eight summit here Sunday, some nongovernmental organizations say they have strengthened their ties and will cooperate in working toward — among other things — resolved conflicts, a healthy environment and human rights.
Jul 24, 2000

Echelon knows what you're thinking

Echelon is the code name for an exclusive club of Anglo-Saxon nations that long ago set out to spy on all global communications. Only now are some of its activities coming to light. The French are angry and want indignantly to know why Britain, their alleged EU partner, has joined with the United States...
Jul 23, 2000

As mighty as the mouse

Here is an odd thing: The more people use electronic means of communication -- PCs, Internet-linked cell phones and organizers, and the like -- the more stationery stores there seem to be and the more customers they attract. These are not all mauve-haired old ladies in kimono either, although if you...
Jul 23, 2000

I am, therefore who am I? An artist's search for self

What is the link between a 12-meter-long bronze snake slithering into the future as part of an exhibition for the physically and mentally challenged and the 20 brains (made from materials as diverse as pebbles and chili peppers), eight costumes, pieces of body armor and fragments of temple roof tile...
Jul 23, 2000

Baffling Japanese mysteries solved at last

There are many myths about Japan. Let's look at some of them and see whether they're true or false.


The building of new high-rise residential buildings has some alarmed that they could empty and fall into disrepair as Japan's population shrinks.
The high cost of letting Japan's condos crumble