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Feb 16, 2001

Black Eyed Peas try to bring it all back

Whither hip hop? Since it's still relatively young, a better question might be: When will it become as redundant as rock? I think it already has, and not because, musically at least, hip hop is by definition a pastiche, but because thematically it's stuck in a rut.
Feb 15, 2001

'Japan 2001' fest set to take center stage in U.K.

Several years ago, Foreign Minister Yohei Kono and former British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind came up with an idea. Why not try, they asked, to think of ways for Japan and the U.K. to promote each other's image in a better light?
Feb 15, 2001

G7 nations' options limited on Japan's 'financial bomb'

All eyes will be on Paul O'Neill at the upcoming meeting of finance ministers and central bank chiefs of the Group of Seven industrialized nations in Palermo, Sicily.
Feb 15, 2001

Japan carmakers bite deeper into Europe

VALENCIENNES, France -- After securing a firm footing in the U.S., Toyota Motor Corp. is now gearing up its European operations in a bid to bite deeper into the world's second-largest market.
Feb 15, 2001

'Floating objects' seen in space

The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan announced Wednesday that its telescope in Hawaii has spotted about 100 "small floating objects" in a star-forming region.
Feb 15, 2001

'Floating objects' seen in space

The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan announced Wednesday that its telescope in Hawaii has spotted about 100 "small floating objects" in a star-forming region.
Feb 15, 2001

Current account surplus up 3.7% to 12.6 trillion yen

The nation's current account surplus grew for the first time in two years in 2000, jumping 3.7 percent from the previous year to 12.6 trillion yen, according to preliminary figures released Wednesday by the Finance Ministry.
Feb 15, 2001

Current account surplus up 3.7% to 12.6 trillion yen

The nation's current account surplus grew for the first time in two years in 2000, jumping 3.7 percent from the previous year to 12.6 trillion yen, according to preliminary figures released Wednesday by the Finance Ministry.
Feb 15, 2001

G7 to focus on Japan, U.S.

Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa and Bank of Japan Gov. Masaru Hayami will emphasize Japan's resolve to employ fiscal and monetary policies to achieve a quick economic recovery when the Group of Seven finance ministers and central bank governors gather this weekend in Palermo, Sicily.
Feb 15, 2001

G7 to focus on Japan, U.S.

Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa and Bank of Japan Gov. Masaru Hayami will emphasize Japan's resolve to employ fiscal and monetary policies to achieve a quick economic recovery when the Group of Seven finance ministers and central bank governors gather this weekend in Palermo, Sicily.
Feb 15, 2001

Nature in Tokyo: the long and Short of it

Kevin Short's latest book, "Nature in Tokyo," which came out in December from Kodansha International, is a 335-page guide to animals and plants in Tokyo and the surrounding area. Through this book, readers will become much more aware of the origins of Tokyo and realize that it's not all flat nor totally...
Feb 14, 2001

Disputed isles set for aerial inspection

Ryutaro Hashimoto, state minister on issues pertaining to the disputed islands north of Hokkaido, said Tuesday he will inspect some areas of the Russian-held islands from the air on Saturday.
Feb 14, 2001

Girls triumph in English speech event

A Tokyo junior high school girl and an Okayama elementary school girl won a prestigious English-language speech contest Monday for students in Japan, beating some 44,000 fellow competitors from around the country.
Feb 14, 2001

Japan readies fresh ODA for Myanmar

Japan is considering the first large-scale official development assistance in four years for Myanmar to help relieve the impoverished Southeast Asian country's acute power-supply shortages, government sources said Tuesday.
Feb 14, 2001

Japan readies fresh ODA for Myanmar

Japan is considering the first large-scale official development assistance in four years for Myanmar to help relieve the impoverished Southeast Asian country's acute power-supply shortages, government sources said Tuesday.
Feb 14, 2001

Mori, Putin plan March treaty talks

Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori and Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet in the Russian city of Irkutsk on March 25 for peace treaty talks, the two leaders agreed during a phone conversation Tuesday.
Feb 14, 2001

Mori, Putin plan March treaty talks

Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori and Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet in the Russian city of Irkutsk on March 25 for peace treaty talks, the two leaders agreed during a phone conversation Tuesday.
Feb 12, 2001

Destroying a fragile trust

In the semirural area near Tokyo where I and some others spend weekends, we have just suffered our first break-ins. Nothing serious. Someone, probably delinquent kids, going through unlocked parked cars looking for loose items. Far more interesting is why we have been able to leave our houses and cars...
Feb 12, 2001

Getting back on the right track

In all walks of life, those who make successful comebacks have always been admired. They become figures of resilience with a commendable never-say-die attitude; think Muhammad Ali or even Bill Clinton.
Feb 12, 2001

Rescuing baby ibises at Sanchahe

A crested ibis was presented to the Japanese people Oct. 13 by Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji. As an ornithologist, I was excited by the news, and it recalled my visits to the nesting area in Sanchahe Valley, a nature reserve for the crested ibis in Yang County, Shanxi Province.
Feb 12, 2001

How to profit from a nation's tragedy

THE TIANANMEN PAPERS: The Chinese Leadership's Decision to Use Force against their Own People -- in their Own Words, compiled by Zhang Liang, edited by Andrew Nathan and Perry Link, with an afterword by Orville Schell. Public Affairs, 2001, 560 pp., $30 (cloth). "The Tiananmen Papers" surfaced with...
Feb 11, 2001

You haven't seen Japan till you've been in a bus

The bus is one of the best places for observing Japan. It's different from the train, where people pack in and do "gaman" till they get to their destination.
Feb 10, 2001

One for the guy upstairs

If God was in the mood for a really good movie, chances are he'd flip through the listings and make tracks for "Unbreakable." Everything about it has a huge appeal to the Omniscient: the dynamics of Good and Evil, the fundamental questions of Existence, man's helplessness in the face of accidental fate....


The building of new high-rise residential buildings has some alarmed that they could empty and fall into disrepair as Japan's population shrinks.
The high cost of letting Japan's condos crumble