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Mar 22, 2001

Islands in the stream of Indian cuisine

It was no accident that led us to Athara Petara -- we always keep an ear to the ground for the latest of good new venues for foods from other parts of Asia. But anyone fortunate enough to stumble upon this friendly little eatery by chance will understand immediately why the word serendipity was coined...
Mar 21, 2001

Economists unconvinced by leaders' talks

Economists reacted coolly Tuesday to Monday's Japan-U.S. summit, which saw economic issues take center stage and Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori pledge to embark on structural reforms to mend Japan's ailing economy.
Mar 21, 2001

U.S. power reforms, IT sparking change in Japanese industries

The rapid liberalization of the U.S. electric power industry and the worldwide development of information technology are prompting key Japanese industries to change their structure and management styles.
Mar 21, 2001

U.S. warships not welcome in Hokkaido

While U.S. Ambassador Thomas Foley was receiving an award Jan. 9 aboard the USS Blue Ridge for his contribution to increased visits by U.S. naval vessels to Japanese ports, the mayor of Tomakomai, Hokkaido, was expressing opposition to a planned February visit to his town by the flagship.
Mar 21, 2001

An Asian financial crisis, Chinese-style

CAMBRIDGE, England -- The Chinese government has announced that death sentences have been imposed on seven people for tax fraud, in this case fraudulent claims for value-added-tax refunds on export sales. More death sentences, followed quickly by executions, are expected during what Premier Zhu Rongji...
Mar 21, 2001

Curb on Chinese sweet potatoes sought

MITO, Ibaraki Pref. (Kyodo ) An association of sweet potato farmers from the village of Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture, will demand that the government curb imports of dried sweet potatoes from China, association members said Tuesday.
Mar 21, 2001

Confessions of an outsize fashion cretin

If it is true that clothes make the man, then I confess to being poorly constructed.
Mar 21, 2001

Bookmarks old and new The New Koyo Hotel is doing for Tokyo what Kao Sahn Road has done for Bangkok. Beware of an influx of budget travelers. A gaijin zoo is springing up north of Ueno, and the temporary inhabitants are being attracted by room rates that start at 2,500 yen. The Web site is packed with other...
Mar 20, 2001

Kaio stays in front with 9-0 record

OSAKA -- Kaio bulldozed his way to a pace-setting 9-0 record Monday, keeping his bid for a second Emperor's Cup on track by mugging fellow ozeki Dejima at the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament.
Mar 20, 2001

USS Missouri to honor kamikaze

A memorial service for kamikaze pilots who died in an attack on the battleship USS Missouri in spring 1945 will be held in April on board the ship in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, with Japanese and Americans in attendance, organizers said Monday.
Mar 20, 2001

Takeout that fails to deliver

The first Japanese filmmakers, like first filmmakers almost everywhere, thought of their new medium as an extension of still photography: a way of recording reality. Thus the early films of kabuki plays, in which the camera was planted squarely in front of the stage and left there, with pauses only to...
Mar 19, 2001

Good signs for Japan-U.S. alliance

Since the end of the Cold War, Japan-U.S. relations have been in turmoil. A highly significant development was a 1996 Japan-U.S. summit, in which Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto and President Bill Clinton redefined the terms of the bilateral security system. The 50-year-old alliance will continue into...
Mar 19, 2001

Indonesia's future is visible in Kalimantan

HONG KONG -- As the Indonesian province of Central Kalimantan has been effectively cleansed of its Madurese minority, it has been another forceful reminder that communal conflict can be a terrifying reality that requires a quick and firm response if its effects are to be minimized and national unity...
Mar 19, 2001

Technological advances pose challenge for 21st century

Progress and technological innovation bring economic prosperity, as everyone knows. The advent of the steam engine brought about the Industrial Revolution, and the information technology revolution has reinvigorated the U.S. economy today. It is only natural for us to expect technology to continue contributing...
Mar 19, 2001

Earthlings, meet your parent

The four planets closest to the sun are siblings of a sort. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars have similar core properties and densities, suggesting that they probably formed from the same dust cloud in the early solar system, but they have very different surfaces and atmospheres. Mercury is hot, has low...
Mar 18, 2001

'Zapatour' gives hope to Mexico's poor

Seven years after stunning the world, the leaders of the Zapatista rebels have come out of hiding in the Lacandon jungle and traveled to the concrete jungle of Mexico City to promote indigenous rights and work toward a just and peaceful resolution to the simmering conflict in Chiapas state.
Mar 18, 2001

Where all your nightmares come together

I'm watching breathtaking video footage of a skier hucking air off 30-meter cliff then making smooth carved turns down a deadly 55-degree rock face. The last time I hucked and tucked a 55-degree rock face I woke up just before falling into a crevasse.
Mar 18, 2001

Confucius rescues China's communists

CAMBRIDGE, England -- Sometimes it takes a while for the significance of statements made by Chinese leaders to sink in. At a propaganda conference organized by the Communist Party Central Committee on Jan. 10, President Jiang Zemin said that the rule of law alone is not enough; there must also be rule...
Mar 18, 2001

Kan Mikami's 30 years of recording in a box

Kan Mikami has just released a CD box set to celebrate his 30-year recording history, here covered in 19 CDs.
Mar 18, 2001

For top U.K. ceramics, no need to see Cornwall

Koichiro Isaka was traveling with his wife in the south of England when he first became aware of a ceramic tradition. Like many Japanese, he knew the name Bernard Leach, who studied with Shoji Hamada in the early 1900s as part of Japan's folkloric revivalist movement and helped establish Mashiko as a...
Mar 17, 2001

Go, Mr. Mori, and soon

Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori has apparently acknowledged what the media have been saying of late: His days are numbered. But he has left everyone guessing exactly when he will step down. One thing is certain, however: The Liberal Democratic Party will select a new leader in a presidential election later...
Mar 17, 2001

Japan to ratify child labor pact

The government on Friday decided to seek Diet ratification of an international treaty intended to eliminate the worst forms of child labor around the world.
Mar 17, 2001

Foot cult leader failed to declare 750 million yen in income

The founder and former leader of the Honohana Sampogyo foot-reading cult failed to declare some 750 million yen in taxable income for four years until 1999, sources close to the case said Friday.
Mar 17, 2001

The sonic richness of the nightingale's song

One of the simplest yet most profound pleasures of spring in Japan is hearing the nightingale's song. Even in the urban sprawl of Tokyo, these sonorous creatures find patches of greenery and manage to make their melodies heard in spite of the cacophony of traffic, trains and ubiquitous loudspeakers....


The building of new high-rise residential buildings has some alarmed that they could empty and fall into disrepair as Japan's population shrinks.
The high cost of letting Japan's condos crumble