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Feb 20, 2008

Morgan fund buys Citigroup HQ

Morgan Stanley has bought Citigroup Inc.'s Tokyo headquarters to boost its Japanese property portfolio.
Reader Mail
Feb 19, 2008

Limit the numbers at fish market

Regarding the Feb. 7 article "Tsukiji looks to curb pesky glut of tourists": While having some sympathy for the fishmongers of Tsukiji market, the article presents the inescapable and, unfortunately, all-too-common whiff of xenophobia in Japanese institutions (however insignificant).
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2008

Should Japan's teachers stand up for the national anthem?

Reader Mail
Feb 19, 2008

What a difference a 'pilot' makes

Regarding the Feb. 14 article "Australian lawmakers deliver official apology to Aborigines": How long I have waited for this! I first read about the "stolen generation" in 1999 while I was staying in Australia. At first I could not believe that there was such a sad past in Australian history. But after...
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2008

Sitting out but standing tall

In "Japan at War: An Oral History," Hideo Sato recalls being forced to hoist the Hinomaru flag in tandem with the playing of the "Kimigayo" — "His Majesty's Reign," the Japanese national anthem — as a schoolchild in the 1940s. If the flag reached the top of the pole too early the teachers would beat...
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2008


Dear Alice,
Feb 18, 2008

Climate change, rising energy costs cloud security, geopolitical horizons

Climate change and rising energy prices pose new security and geopolitical challenges that require multinational responses, U.S. experts told the Feb. 1 symposium.
Feb 17, 2008

Downward risks for Japan's economy

Japan's real gross domestic product grew 0.9 percent in the October-December period from the previous quarter for annualized growth of 3.7 percent growth — more than double the market forecast of 1.5 percent annualized growth. The nation's economy is expected to achieve the government projection of...
Reader Mail
Feb 17, 2008

Stoking more distrust of foreigners

Regarding the Feb. 13 article "Okinawa rape case sparks resentment": So the Japanese government and people are "outraged" by another alleged rape of an underage Okinawan schoolgirl by a U.S. Marine. Is it just me who thinks these outpourings of outrage are driven by the fact that a foreigner is involved...
Japan Times
Feb 17, 2008

Taking to the streets of tomorrow

Listen carefully and you might detect the slight whir of this car's motor, a little wind noise and a faint thrum from the tires. Could this be the sound of driving in the future? Will our streets one day be whisper-quiet even as they teem with traffic? Mitsubishi's electric mini-car, due on the market...
Japan Times
Feb 17, 2008

Japanese star vows to spread the 'bling-pong' gospel

When I went to the Table Tennis National Championships in Tokyo a month ago, the last thing I expected was a revolution.
Japan Times
Feb 17, 2008

Japan's 'pouch curry' turns a tasty 40

Fancy a feast? Un petit peu du foie gras, perchance? A slice or three of the finest Aberdeen Angus roast beef, if you will — with lashings of horseradish, sans doute. Or, drop a plastic pouch of curry into boiling water, wait for 3 minutes, pour it over rice and — voila! — you have a meal fit for...
Feb 16, 2008

Sarin killer's death penalty is finalized

Rejecting his appeal, the Supreme Court on Friday finalized the death sentence of senior Aum Shinrikyo cultist Yasuo Hayashi, a key figure in the deadly 1995 sarin gas attack on Tokyo's subway system.
Feb 16, 2008

Displaced dwellers sue over Aneha design scam

Fifty-two residents displaced from a condominium complex in Tokyo's Sumida Ward sued the ward and disgraced architects Hidetsugu Aneha and Kazuyoshi Sasaki for a combined ¥1 billion in damages Friday over the loss of their homes in connection with the earthquake-resistance falsification fraud.
Feb 15, 2008

McCain's stubbornness raises questions

LOS ANGELES — One of my all-time favorite Chinese proverbs goes like this: "To listen well is as powerful a means to influence as to talk well, and it is essential to all true conversations."
Japan Times
Feb 15, 2008

U.S. sets up task force over Okinawa rape case

The United States Forces Japan set up a task force of top brass to review and reinforce its sexual-harassment and assault-prevention programs as resentment builds over the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl by a U.S. Marine in Okinawa, its commander said Thursday.
Japan Times
Feb 14, 2008

Sculpting the sacred and the profane

Given the boom in all things Edo in recent years — perhaps best exemplified by the explosion of interest in last year's The Price Collection's tour of Japan, featuring the artists Ito Jakuchu, Maruyama Okyo and Nagasawa Rosetsu — it is surprising that there hasn't been equal attention paid to the...


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?