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Japan Times
May 28, 2002

Runway now in land holdouts' backyard

NARITA, Chiba Pref. -- Crops rustling in the wind appear to be trembling because of the jetliner taxiing nearby, its fin visible above the walls surrounding the farm.
May 27, 2002

No military solution to the Kashmir crisis

The latest killings in the disputed Indian state of Kashmir could not have happened at a worse time. Islamic militants murdered about 40 men and women, mostly civilians, near Jammu just as U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christina Rocca was arriving in New Delhi.
Japan Times
May 27, 2002

Downtown Detroit gets face-lift

DETROIT -- Downtown Detroit is trying another tactic to revive its glory days.
May 27, 2002

Archaeological probe dismisses 'findings' of disgraced Fujimura

The Japanese Archaeological Association on Sunday concluded that none of the alleged stone tools that disgraced archaeologist Shinichi Fujimura said date back to the Paleolithic period have any academic value.
May 27, 2002

Northwest ties fortunes to Japan

MINNEAPOLIS -- Northwest Airlines Inc. remains committed to Japan despite the prolonged recession and the fallout from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and is busy expanding operations at Narita airport, executives of the airline said.
May 27, 2002

Obituary: Genichi Kawakami

Genichi Kawakami, former president of Yamaha Corp., died of old age at a hospital in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, on Saturday afternoon, according to his family. He was 90.
SOCCER / World cup
May 27, 2002

England, Cameroon battle to 2-2 draw

KOBE -- A last-minute header by Robbie Fowler of Leeds United earned England a share of the spoils as it drew 2-2 with Cameroon in a leisurely friendly in front of 36,424 fans at Kobe Universiade Stadium on Sunday.
May 26, 2002

A dash of sugar, a heap of confusion

Winston Churchill called it his "black dog." British medical biologist Lewis Wolpert has described it as "the cancer of the emotions." Once known politely as melancholia, it is more often referred to these days as clinical depression, and it has been estimated that as many as two-thirds of sufferers,...
May 26, 2002

Buddhist group wants return of soldiers' remains to Korea

Japanese and South Korean members of a Buddhist liason group said Saturday they will try to have the remains of Korean soldiers returned to South Korea.
May 26, 2002

And with a wave of his wand . . .

As cofounder and artistic director of the Asian Youth Orchestra, Richard Pontzious says one of his greatest delights is providing talented youngsters with an experience that might become the most significant musical memory of their lives.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / NIHONSHU
May 26, 2002

Romancing the sake rice

With wine, it's all about the grape, and this leads to boundless potential for conversation and enjoyment above and beyond flavors and aromas.
May 26, 2002

Victor Segalen: searching out the strange to find a way home

VICTOR SEGALEN AND THE AESTHETICS OF DIVERSITY: Journeys Between Cultures, by Charles Forsdick. Oxford University Press, 2000, 242 pp., 40 pounds (cloth) In 1919, 41-year-old Victor Segalen was found dead in a Breton forest, a copy of Shakespeare beside him, the pages opened to "Hamlet." Thus ended the...
May 26, 2002

Kawaguchi seeks talks on islands

Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi is hoping to inject fresh momentum into bilateral peace treaty negotiations with Russia by holding talks with her Russian counterpart, Igor Ivanov, on the sidelines of the upcoming meeting of the Group of Eight foreign ministers in Canada, sources said Saturday.
May 25, 2002

Tokyo-Seoul panel on history ready to meet for first time

Japan and South Korea will hold the inaugural meeting of their joint history research committee Saturday in Seoul to promote better mutual understanding of history among scholars, Foreign Ministry officials said Friday.
Japan Times
May 25, 2002

Museum offers its visitors hands-on experience for drumming up a storm

On the fourth floor of a small building near the Sumida River in old-town Tokyo, people are making a racket in Megumi Ochi's museum.
May 25, 2002

Kyoto Protocol to be ratified by Cabinet on June 4: Oki

The Cabinet will ratify the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on curbing global warming on June 4, Environment Minister Hiroshi Oki said Friday.
May 25, 2002

Net overseas assets reach 179 trillion yen

The outstanding balance of the nation's net assets abroad rose for the second straight year, totaling a record 179.26 trillion yen at the end of 2001, up 34.7 percent from the previous year, the Finance Ministry said Friday.
May 25, 2002

Japan requests steel talks with China

Japan on Friday requested a meeting with China to discuss that country's provisional import curbs on steel products, according to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
May 25, 2002

Petunia diet: key to a long, slender body

Are you a city dweller living in a high-rise apartment block? Do you miss having trees as neighbors? Have the few plants you tried to grow on the veranda died of asthma? I offer all you smog dwellers my garden: a virtual garden where you too can grow tomatoes and even pick off the worms. Or just be glad...
Japan Times
May 25, 2002

Amalia Lior

Since its founding in 1959, the Japan-Israel Women's Welfare Organization has usually invited the wife of the Israeli ambassador to Japan to be its honorary president. Each one who has accepted the position has praised the organization and devoted herself to promoting its activities and aims. Amalia,...
May 24, 2002

Make it a blessing in disguise

At long last, the Shenyang saga of the five North Korean asylum seekers came to an end on Wednesday when they were allowed to leave China for South Korea via the Philippines. On May 8, the defectors were seized by Chinese police guards as they rushed into the Japanese Consulate General in Shenyang, northeastern...
May 24, 2002

Seiyu shareholders go for Wal-Mart deal

Shareholders of Seiyu Ltd. approved the retailer's plan to come under the wing of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. of the United States, allowing the world's largest retailer to take a stake of up to 66.7 percent in Seiyu.
May 24, 2002

Kyodo News agency picks new board

Kyodo News selected a new board of directors Thursday and reappointed Ichiro Saita as president, ushering in his third term at the post he assumed in June 1998.
May 24, 2002

Japanese women staying in touch with their inner virgin

What with the rise of the strong and professional Japanese woman, it may have escaped your notice. But the nation is currently undergoing a quiet boom in otome (innocent young girl) culture, to which a large number of aforementioned strong professionals are addicted.
Japan Times
May 23, 2002

Dallying where daimyo strolled

Next time you find yourself in Okayama Prefecture, down by the beautiful Seto Inland Sea in western Honshu, you could do worse than allow some time to visit Shuraku-en Park, a well-known historical garden in the Sanyo district of Tsuyama.
May 23, 2002

Flying with the Force

"Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter," ("Jedi Starfighter") a new game for PlayStation 2 and Xbox from LucasArts, does not have any familiar Star Wars characters.
May 22, 2002

Asylum policy the real scandal

HONOLULU -- Japan is indulging in righteous indignation over the incident involving North Koreans who tried to take refuge in the Japanese consulate in Shenyang, China, earlier this month. Targets of the mounting fury include the Chinese police, the consular staff and, by extension, the entire Japanese...
May 22, 2002

Languages added to help soccer visitors

Three languages have been added to a multilingual telephone tourist information service that will be launched later this month for visitors to the FIFA World Cup soccer tournament, the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry said Tuesday.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows