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Feb 25, 2009

Goldman to trim equity research team as demand for analysis dips

Goldman Sachs Group Inc., which has cut 10 percent of its global workforce in the past year, will trim its equity research team in Japan as early as this week, two sources said Tuesday.
Feb 25, 2009

JLPT to be conducted twice a year

The nonprofit Japan Foundation has announced it will hold the Japanese Language Proficiency Test twice a year in Japan, China, Taiwan and South Korea to cope with sharply rising demand.
Feb 24, 2009

Introspective Europe may find it difficult accepting U.S.'s wider world view

Despite widespread public enthusiasm in Europe for the new U.S. administration of President Barack Obama, long-term worrying trends remain that confront the trans-Atlantic relationship, said James Goldgeier, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Feb 24, 2009

Unbalanced bargaining game with China

SINGAPORE — The territorial dispute in the South China Sea — referred to as the Spratly Islands dispute — used to be described as a major regional security flash point. Although core issues remain unresolved, economic integration and globalization, since the beginning of this decade, have temporarily...
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2009

What do you make of former Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa's performance at the G7 summit in Rome?

Japan Times
Feb 24, 2009

Women forsake frills but spare no expense for skin

When Miwako Taniuchi's income slumped 30 percent last year, out went the expensive dinners and new Gucci and Louis Vuitton handbags. One purchase that didn't get axed: a skin cream worth its weight in gold.
Feb 23, 2009

Crisis hits the weak spots

The worst crisis in a century is eroding the Japanese economy as a growing number of "nonregular" workers lose their jobs. The unemployment rate in December reached 4.4 percent, up 0.5 percentage point from the previous month — the steepest increase ever. The labor ministry estimates that by the end...
Feb 23, 2009

Success of Kosovo is Europe's responsibility

PRAGUE — On Feb. 17, 2008, Kosovo declared its independence and has so far been recognized by more than 50 countries representing close to 60 percent of the world's economic power. Interethnic violence — which many feared — has largely been avoided and the mass exodus of Serbs that some also predicted...
Reader Mail
Feb 22, 2009

Contrast in political behavior

Regarding the Feb. 18 articles "Nakagawa resigns after G7 disgrace," and "Japan, U.S. sign accord on forces" with a photo of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Prime Minister Taro Aso: It has been said that Japanese people are indifferent to politics. But after watching many times on...
Reader Mail
Feb 22, 2009

Shameful focus on student trivia

Regarding the Feb. 16 article "Kyoto Univ. law student busted for pot": It seems shameful that both the United States and Japan still criminalize the use of marijuana while dispensing by prescription horrible and lethal drugs to their citizens. Does anyone do anything about it until people die? I, for...
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2009

'Sustainability' in a Japanese way

Takeshi Hara is an accomplished journalist, author and educator, and at 70 years of age he could easily choose to rest on his laurels.
Japan Times
Feb 21, 2009

Holtz happy to coach Notre Dame alumni in 75th anniversary game

What a summer it will be for American football fans in Japan.
Feb 21, 2009

Pot crimes hit new record

Cannabis-related crimes have surged to a new record, stoking public interest following a spate of high-profile arrests related to marijuana use.
Feb 21, 2009

Manchester United looking like a juggernaut

LONDON — It is not so much a question of when Manchester United will lose again in the Premier League, as when it will even concede a goal.
Feb 21, 2009

Envoy lauds role of ODA in Azerbaijan's development

Official development assistance may be on a long-term decline, but its effectiveness remains integral to Azerbaijan's development, the country's deputy foreign minister said Friday in Tokyo.
Feb 20, 2009

Infants at risk as government drags feet on vaccines

Kenta Morioka, 4, died last year from suffocation caused by a bacterial infection. But the vaccine that could have saved his life, in use for 16 years and offered in 120 countries, wasn't available in Japan.
Japan Times
Feb 20, 2009

'Seven Pounds'

It was a single pound of flesh that Shylock demanded from Antonio in "The Merchant of Venice," fully aware that if his demand was met, it would kill Antonio. But Ben Thomas in "Seven Pounds" is more than willing to part with seven whole pounds of his own flesh and give them to seven complete strangers...
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Feb 20, 2009

Butoh master shows his class

Akaji Maro, founder of the Dairakudakan (Great Camel Ship) company, and one of Japan's revered icons of the butoh dance form, is known for often speaking rather obliquely. Speaking during rehearsals last July for the world premier of his company's "Secrets of Mankind" at the American Dance Festival's...
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Feb 20, 2009

Dolls to be displayed for the health of girls

Events leading up to the March 3 Hina Matsuri (Japanese doll festival) are in full swing. In the centuries-old tradition, people decorate their homes with ornamental dolls and peach blossoms — and celebrate with sake and chirashi-zushi (sushi rice topped with egg and seafood) — to wish for young...
Reader Mail
Feb 19, 2009

Job cuts for amakudari crowd

Regarding the Feb. 10 article "The uphill battle against 'descent from heaven' ": While it is commendable that people in Japan are ready to condemn the amakudari practice of retiring bureaucrats and to do something about it, the measures recently proposed by the Aso administration will be ineffectual. ...
Feb 19, 2009

Tsang praises Japan tourism deals

Visiting Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang on Wednesday praised Japan for signing accords with Hong Kong to boost tourism and launch a working holiday system.
Feb 19, 2009

Fiscal hawk set for three big hats

Despite being a fiscal hawk, newly appointed Finance Minister Kaoru Yosano appears positive about taking additional measures to juice the economy.
Japan Times
Feb 19, 2009

Kawasaki touts eco-technology

Having managed to clean up its once badly polluted skies through the application of advanced eco-friendly technology, Kawasaki is now trying to share its experience with other cities around the world.


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?