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Jun 27, 2002

A first: METI upgrades retail sales assessment

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry gently upgraded its retail sales assessment Wednesday, with the scale of the year-on-year decline in sales having shrank to 3 percent in May from 4.5 percent in April.
SOCCER / World cup
Jun 27, 2002

Maradona to arrive on Friday

Argentine soccer legend Diego Maradona will arrive in Japan on Friday for a weeklong visit to watch the World Cup final in Yokohama on Sunday and participate in other events, diplomatic sources in Havana said Tuesday.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2002

Snow seeks public trust via appointment of consumer guru

With many Japanese companies having finally recognized the importance of beefing up their corporate governance, Snow Brand Milk Products Co. is eager to show it is no exception to this trend.
Jun 26, 2002

Japan must deregulate and reform before it's too late: METI report

Japan should quickly deregulate its markets and reform its policies so it can take part in the rapid economic growth of East Asia, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said in a annual report released Tuesday.
Japan Times
Jun 26, 2002

Shareholders vent anger at Mizuho

Mizuho Financial Holdings Inc. executives issued a stream of apologies at the banking group's general shareholders' meeting Tuesday, as shareholders demanded explanations for the widespread ATM failures and account mixups that marred the banking group's official launch in April.
Jun 25, 2002

A problem of corporate ethos

The Financial Services Agency has ordered the Mizuho Financial Group, whose computer system crashed spectacularly on the occasion of its integration last April, to improve its internal management setup so as to prevent any recurrence of the bungle. Mizuho itself has decided to cut the pay of all of its...
Jun 25, 2002

No plea to WTO over China curbs

Japan will not ask the World Trade Organization to set up a dispute-settlement panel to rule on the legitimacy of steel import curbs imposed by China, a top trade official said Monday.
Jun 25, 2002

Nosy bosses foul up

Every CEO needs to know how to strike a balance between staying aloof from the nitty-gritty of his company's operations and getting too involved in the day-to-day details of those employees and divisions far from the corner office.
Japan Times
Jun 25, 2002

U.S. uncertainty threatens Japan recovery: MIT dean

With uncertainty hanging over prospects for the U.S. economy, Japan, despite recent signs of bottoming out, may face difficulties achieving a full-scale recovery, according to a business school dean at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Jun 25, 2002

Japan intervenes in money market as dollar sinks toward 120 yen mark

Japan intervened in the foreign-exchange market for the fifth time in five weeks early Monday afternoon, boosting the dollar from the lower half of 121 yen, financial authorities said.
Jun 25, 2002

In danger of becoming white elephants

There is a growing trend among prefectural governments to distance themselves from Kasumigaseki, the seat of the nation's bureaucracy, as moves accelerate to decentralize the national government and a recent ban, issued in response to a series of scandals, prevents lawmakers from wining and dining ministry...
Jun 24, 2002

Indonesia just the tip of copyright-piracy iceberg

JAKARTA -- Piracy of intellectual property rights can be found all over Southeast Asia. A short visit to the street markets of Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Manila or Singapore will convince anyone that counterfeits, fakes and so-called look-alike products are big business.
Jun 23, 2002

What's 'Onion' in Chinese

You have to feel a little sorry for those fellows over at the Beijing Evening News. Here they are a global laughingstock, and they still don't get why. But was it altogether their fault? Those of us who have tried and failed to comprehend humor, let alone satire, in a foreign language are privately thinking,...
Jun 23, 2002

Time for redesigning tacky U.S. images

WASHINGTON -- This will, for obvious reasons, be the biggest Fourth of July ever. People who tally such things predict record numbers of flag displays, cookouts and youthful fingers blown off by cherry bombs. Expressions of gung-ho patriotic sentimentality are selling briskly, from Royal Doulton firefighter...
Jun 23, 2002

Relieving yourself of worldly cares

Freudians would consider French culture to be "oral" due to its emphasis on food and wine, while Swiss culture appears "anal" because of its obsession with time, cleanliness, money and order. So, what do Freudians make of Japan, whose culture has elevated both its oral and anal aspects to the level of...
Japan Times
Jun 23, 2002

Arts of the essential

It is one of those wonderful historical coincidences that Zen Buddhism arrived in Japan at a time when political, economic and social forces converged in such a way as to foster outstanding achievements in the arts.
Jun 23, 2002

Chew-well cuisine is the stuff of saucy dreams

Let's call him "Taro."
Jun 23, 2002

Make more babies: by any means necessary

About five years ago, a mother in Kansas City started wondering about the paternity of her twins. Becky Peck had recently divorced, and she became more sensitive to what she perceived as the physical and behavioral differences between herself and her two children, Lindsay and Jeremy. Her ex-husband was...
Jun 23, 2002

The courage to endure

BAD ELEMENTS: Chinese Rebels from Los Angeles to Beijing, by Ian Buruma. Random House: New York, 2001. 367 pp. $27.95 (cloth) Are the Chinese hard-wired for authoritarian government? Is there a cultural barrier to democracy? Ian Buruma spends more space than warranted in answering these questions with...
Jun 23, 2002

S. Korea makes semifinals

KWANGJU, South Korea — South Korea's World Cup dream continues in incredible fashion.
Jun 23, 2002

Following in the footsteps of Alexander and Marco Polo

AN UNEXPECTED LIGHT: Travels in Afghanistan, by Jason Elliot. Picador, 2001, 473 pp, 3,420 yen (paper) Jason Elliot's "An Unexpected Light" has been pigeon-holed in that genre of literature known as travelogue, but it is a great deal more. An account of the author's two visits to Afghanistan -- the first...
Japan Times
Jun 22, 2002

Sumida venue showcases accessories made from hawksbill turtle shells

Along the Sumida River in Tokyo's old "shitamachi" district, a small, no-frills museum with three generations of tradition behind it is waiting to be discovered.
Jun 21, 2002

Mr. Chirac gets a second chance

The resurgence of the French right is complete. Conservatives won a landslide victory in parliamentary elections held last weekend; coming on the heels of President Jacques Chirac's re-election in early May, the right now has a chance to rule unconstrained. The victory is tainted, however, by massive...
Japan Times
Jun 21, 2002

Big companies demanding better English

Takuya Suzuki has been taking the Test of English for International Communication exams twice a year since he joined electronic parts maker Sumida Corp. two years ago.
Jun 21, 2002

Restraint suggested for steel exports

Domestic steelmakers should voluntarily cut their exports to China in the wake of Beijing's decision to impose temporary curbs on steel imports, the chairman of the Japan Iron and Steel Federation said Thursday.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows