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Jan 21, 2003

Kaiho hands Asashoryu first loss of basho

High-flying sumo star Asashoryu failed to impress the sumo world on a day when yokozuna Takanohana retired, falling to his first loss at the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament at the hands of rank-and-filer Kaiho on Monday.
Jan 21, 2003

Recovery projection pushed back

Driven by deep recession at home and a cloudy economic outlook abroad, a key government panel said Monday it will postpone the target year of an expected economic recovery by about two years.
Jan 21, 2003

Leaving Japan, getting organized and cash refunds

Being thankful Hello from Tokyo. For all of our complaints, isn't it wonderful to be in Japan? With war, hunger and strife rampant in the world, Japan, with all its problems, is an oasis. It's a good time to be thankful, as we enter the new year, for the simple blessings of peace, trains that run on...
Jan 20, 2003

Hike in consumption tax center of lobby's vision

The Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren) on Jan. 1 released a grand vision aimed at reviving Japan into a vigor- ous and attractive nation.
Jan 20, 2003

Shenzhen's promise for China

Twenty-two years ago, the sleepy southern Chinese city of Shenzhen became the test case for China's future. It was designated a "special economic zone," a laboratory for economic reforms that would transform the nation. Today, Shenzhen is again in the forefront of change in China. This time, the city...
Jan 20, 2003

Establishing confidence in Northeast Asia

Recent developments on the Korean Peninsula clearly indicate the need for establishing a political mechanism to maintain regional security.
Jan 19, 2003

The danchi and postwar society

At the time, they were homes most Japanese could only dream about. Within their thick concrete walls, they were equipped with such mod cons as flush toilets and stainless-steel kitchen sinks, and they even had separate bedrooms -- for parents and children.
Jan 19, 2003

Trail of tears from Deshima

TITIA: The First Western Woman in Japan, by Rene P. Bersma. Amsterdam: Hotei Publishing, 2002, 140 pp. with 37 plates, $17.50 (paper) One August afternoon in 1817, a Dutch ship entered Nagasaki and anchored in the bay. Waiting for clearance was Jan Cock Blomhoff, the new director of the Dutch trading...
Jan 19, 2003

fl 20030119a3.xml SUN YES DOJUNKAI Concrete ideals

The Great Kanto Earthquake on Sept. 1, 1923, devastated the capital and its vicinity, destroying 63 percent of homes in Tokyo and 72 percent in Yokohama. From the ashes of the fires that raged in the wake of the massive temblor, though, there arose a public-housing policy whose enlightenment was in many...
Jan 18, 2003

Economic assessment downgraded

The government downgraded its economic assessment for the third straight month Friday, citing the slowing of production activities, which had been fueling the fragile recovery.
SOCCER / J. League
Jan 18, 2003

Tokyo Verdy signs Cameroon striker Mboma

Tokyo Verdy has signed Cameroon striker and former J. League star Patrick Mboma on a deal running through Jan. 31, 2004, officials of the first-division club said Thursday.
Jan 18, 2003

Starting the year with a 32-person cold

It's January, when you see many Japanese people wearing surgical masks. No they are not doctors on call. Those people have "pulled the wind," as the Japanese say: They have caught a cold. They wear the masks either to contain their germs and avoid spreading them to others, or, more likely, to hide their...
Jan 17, 2003

Former slave laborer visits steelmaker's headquarters

A Chinese man who was forced to work as a slave laborer in Japanese mines during World War II for Nippon Yakin Kogyo Co. visited the major steelmaker and demanded an apology Thursday, a day after losing a damages lawsuit against the firm and the government.
Jan 17, 2003

Manchester City hopes to get money's worth out of Fowler

LONDON -- Robbie Fowler joined Leeds United in November 2001 from Liverpool for £11 million. Fourteen months, 32 games and 14 goals later Fowler signed with Manchester City in a deal worth £7.5 million.
Jan 17, 2003

Cigarette packs may get stricter health warning

The Finance Ministry is considering requiring tobacco firms to print a stricter health warning on cigarette packs to bring Japan in line with other countries where smokers are warned about lung cancer and other maladies.
Jan 16, 2003

When two hemispheres of the brain work as one

The French surgeon Paul Broca had a patient in his care in 1861 who had fallen and broken his hip. Eighteen months earlier the man, called Lelong, had collapsed with a stroke that left him unable to speak. When Lelong died on Broca's ward, a hip fracture being a fatal condition in those days, an autopsy...
Jan 16, 2003

Berlin-Paris partnership faces challenges as EU grows larger

LONDON -- Forty years ago this month, President Charles de Gaulle of France and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of West Germany signed a historic agreement to consecrate the end of 75 years of conflict between their two nations. The Franco-German Friendship Treaty came six years after the establishment of...
Japan Times
Jan 16, 2003

Shame in a 'showcase'

Second of two parts I ended my last story by saying, "If it is wolves, or winter wilderness, you want to see, don't waste time wondering -- get to Yellowstone! But please, when you're there, don't rent a two-stroke snowmobile! I'll explain why in my next column."
Japan Times
Jan 16, 2003

LucasArts gives till it hurts

I have not finished the game "Star Wars Bounty Hunter," and I doubt many people will. But that doesn't make it a bad game.
Japan Times
Jan 15, 2003

The Sea and Cake

Post-rock seems to have been born a genre already approaching middle age. While rock 'n' roll swaggered and screamed, this reticent cousin of indie-rock purposefully strode away from the testosterone. Post-rock's aim was a departure from rock's basic instincts, placing mood and texture over guitar hooks...
Japan Times
Jan 15, 2003

Koizumi stirs diplomatic row with surprise Yasukuni visit

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi made a surprise visit to Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on Tuesday afternoon, a move that is likely to rekindle anger in South Korea and China -- countries in pivotal positions at a time of mounting concerns over North Korea.
Jan 14, 2003

Electronics trio eyes grid-computing project

NEC Corp., Fujitsu Ltd. and Hitachi Ltd. are considering joint development of software for grid computing, the integration of many computers to enable ultrahigh-speed data processing, company sources told Kyodo News on Monday.
Jan 14, 2003

Campaign cooperation elusive for DPJ, Liberals

The Democratic Party of Japan and the Liberal Party remain at odds over how they might pursue campaign cooperation in the next general election of the Lower House, as speculation continues to grow that it will be held sometime this year.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows