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Mar 3, 2003

Rules of a premodern Japan

The Liberal Democratic Party has ruled Japan since 1955 -- except for a period of less than a year from August 1993. The name LDP may suggest modern Western ideologies of liberty and democracy, but it is doubtful that the party has been the guardian of these principles.
Mar 2, 2003

Never upon a time

An American social ecologist last month published the results of tests that proved, she said, how easy it is to implant false memories in people. Dr. Elizabeth Loftus of the University of California at Irvine reported that in one experiment, subjects were shown advertisements featuring pictures of the...
Mar 2, 2003

Champ Hamaguchi to tour Europe

Kyoko Hamaguchi, a world champion wrestler in the women's 72-kg division, and five other Japanese will travel to Europe next month to take part in international tournaments, wrestling sources said Friday.
Japan Times
Mar 2, 2003

The lady explorer who took a native interest in Hokkaido

"Mori is a large, ramshackle village . . . a wild, dreary-looking place with a number of . . . disreputable characters . . . a forlorn, decayed place." Yubetsu "looks like the end of all things, as if loneliness and desolation could go no farther."
Japan Times
Mar 2, 2003

Seafood as fresh as it gets

One of the primary pleasures of any visit to Hokkaido is the food. The wide open lowlands are ideal for agriculture and livestock ranching, while hunters find the unspoiled mountainous hinterlands a rich source of game -- wild boar, deer and migrating fowl -- along with the wild mushrooms and herbs that...
Mar 2, 2003

Tours into mystery

Recently, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi announced a government plan to attract 10 million overseas tourists a year by 2010, which would be twice as many as presently visit Japan.
Japan Times
Mar 2, 2003

Whatever you do, don't call them . . .

It's not every day that someone threatens to kill you. My mistake is to suggest to Asian Dub Foundation bassist Dr. Das that the new album, "Enemy of the Enemy," suggests ADF are moving in a more chilled-out eclectic direction.
Mar 2, 2003

Ethnic cleansing by India's nationalists

MADRAS, India -- A homicide is the murder of an individual. A genocide is the murder of an ethnicity. The purpose of a genocide is beyond doubt: cleansing society of what the powers that be consider undesirable. History's most famous -- or infamous -- purge was carried out in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler...
Japan Times
Mar 2, 2003

Where are the Ainu now?

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture, is like a tree without roots. -- Marcus Garvey (1887-1940)
Mar 2, 2003

Dissent shaking institutions

LONDON -- I don't know what destruction may be visited on the Iraqis by the United States, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein himself in the next few weeks. But it is clear that great waves of destruction are already roaring through the institutions of social...
Mar 1, 2003

EU envoy advocates talks on North Korea

OSAKA -- The European Union's ambassador to Japan voiced support Friday for efforts to resolve the standoff over Pyongyang's nuclear arms program via negotiations involving the United States, Japan, China, North Korea and South Korea.
Japan Times
Mar 1, 2003

Kumamoto citrus in Ginza air

Shoppers on Sotobori Street, in Tokyo's fashionable Ginza shopping district, may have been surprised by a sweet scent of citrus hanging in the air.
Japan Times
Mar 1, 2003

Seven riddles suggest a secret city beneath Tokyo

During the Gulf War in 1991, Shun Akiba was one of only two foreign journalists reporting from Baghdad, along with Peter Arnett of CNN. With such experience and expertise, it would be reasonable to imagine him in great demand right now. Wrong.
Japan Times
Feb 28, 2003

Ex-BOJ man hopes to wield LDP clout as reformer

A glance at his Web site can tell you quite a lot about his position.
Feb 28, 2003

A new role in nation-building

Restoring internal security is an essential condition for nation-building in Afghanistan, where local warlords continue to defy the authority of the central government. It is welcome news, therefore, that the international community has pledged new aid for an Afghan program to disarm those chieftains...
Feb 28, 2003

Takenaka to miss Hubbard

Financial Services Minister Heizo Takenaka voiced regret Thursday over the resignation of top White House economist Glenn Hubbard.
Feb 28, 2003

Yongbyon reactivation 'regrettable'

Japanese government officials expressed regret Thursday over the reactivation of North Korea's nuclear facilities in Yongbyon and urged Pyongyang to end its provocation.
Feb 28, 2003

JAS to postpone launch of cargo handling unit

Japan Airlines System Corp. plans to postpone its cargo operation spinoff eyed for April 2004 as the move would make it difficult for the carrier to effectively allocate crews for the firm's overall operations, company sources said Thursday.
Japan Times
Feb 28, 2003

Maruichi: Bettering the bistro

Maruichi is so intimate and unpretentious that it has chosen to call itself a bistro. But that gives the wrong impression entirely. You will find no red checkered tablecloths here, no tourist posters, Pernod ads or guttering candles jammed into empty wine bottles. Instead it espouses a quiet simplicity...
Feb 27, 2003

Honda to miss Grand Prix final

World bronze medalist Takeshi Honda will skip the upcoming Grand Prix figure skating final after injuring his ankle, the Japan Skating Federation (JSF) said Wednesday.
Feb 27, 2003

Chirac cancels March trip to Japan

French President Jacques Chirac has canceled a visit to Japan scheduled for mid-March, saying he will stay at home because of the tense international situation, Japanese government officials said Wednesday.
Feb 27, 2003

Artist to bedazzle Yokohama

Starting in April, Hiro Yamagata will bombard onlookers in Yokohama with images of an ever-changing universe.
Feb 27, 2003

Persecuted for centuries, Iraq's Assyrian Christians once again wary of their future

LONDON -- Iraq's 1.2 million Assyrian Christians -- remnants of the Assyrian empire and the only people who still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ -- are once again the victims of circumstances beyond their control. Unlike the Kurds, the Assyrians are all but ignored in discussions over Iraq's...
Feb 26, 2003

Trans-Atlantic arrogance defeats unity

LONDON -- One of the most depressing features of the past few weeks has been the arrogance displayed by political leaders. With some leaders, power goes to their heads. They are surrounded by sycophantic underlings and protected by posses of security guards. The media are bludgeoned by press offices...
Feb 26, 2003

Gates courts LDP leadership over 'e-Japan' deal

In an unprecedented attempt to encourage the Japanese government to adopt Windows for a planned electronic government project, Microsoft Corp. founder and Chairman Bill Gates said Tuesday that he will reveal Microsoft's most tightly guarded secret -- the operating system's source code.
Feb 26, 2003

Japan plays down North Korean missile provocation

The government tried Tuesday to play down the impact of North Korea firing a surface-to-ship missile into the Sea of Japan, saying launches of short-range missiles do not violate the Pyongyang Declaration.
Feb 26, 2003

Shibui to miss Nagoya Marathon

Yoko Shibui, who injured her left knee while training in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming, will miss the upcoming Nagoya Marathon, sponsors said Tuesday.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows