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Mar 25, 2003

Fukui weighs up asset risk options

BOJ Gov. Toshihiko Fukui indicated Monday that he is willing to consider measures such as buying riskier assets from banks to help money flow into the economy, although he added that the central bank must tread lightly.
Mar 25, 2003

The Rules of Clout: the whens and hows of granting favors safely

The story has passed its first blush now, and has faded in public memory into just another head-shaker about the apparently out-of-control lifestyles of CEOs. But the saga of how a star stock analyst, Jack Grubman, allegedly upgraded a stock as a favor for Sandy Weill of Citigroup, who in turn pressured...
Mar 25, 2003

Weak tobacco pact reflects Japan's lukewarm attitude

The member-nations of the World Health Organization have recently approved a draft Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), putting an end to four years of negotiations. The draft is expected to be adopted at the general meeting of the WHO in May, and will take effect after 40 countries have ratified...
Mar 25, 2003

Talent agency exec gets 30 months

Tetsuo Taira, 56, who used to run Rising Production Co., was sentenced Monday to 30 months in prison for evading some 1.1 billion yen in corporate taxes. Taira had for the most part owned up to the charges, saying he wanted to set aside money for the future, as the entertainment world was full of uncertainties....
Mar 23, 2003

KANSAI: Who & What

Foreign artists put their own spin on Japan's art: Two foreign artists will jointly display works based on traditional Japanese art forms between Tuesday and March 30 at Gallery Tobe in Kyoto's Nakagyo Ward.
Mar 23, 2003

Number of Japanese in Iraq increases to 32

The number of Japanese nationals in Iraq totaled 32 as of 1 p.m. Saturday, Japan time, with seven serving as human shields in protest of the U.S.-led war on Iraq, the Foreign Ministry said.
Japan Times
Mar 23, 2003

A beautiful day in the life of sound

The phone line buzzes, the electric heater drones and the pitter-patter of rain can be heard in the background. Not the perfect sonic environment for a phone interview, but for Yuko Kitamura, it is perfect.
Mar 23, 2003

By the people, for the people

Pop into any bookstore and you'll find shelves overflowing with comic books about samurai, yakuza, war, business, baseball, soccer, golf, examination hell, high-school romance, office affairs -- in every genre from sci-fi to porn. And that's just the tip of Japan's manga iceberg.
Mar 23, 2003

Practice makes perfect

COPYING THE MASTER AND STEALING HIS SECRETS, edited by Brenda Jordan and Victoria Weston, with an introduction by J. Thomas Rimer. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003, 248 pp., 14 color plates, 52 monochrome photos, $50 (cloth) As Thomas Rimer writes in his introduction to this interesting collection...
Mar 23, 2003

U.S. must rethink North Korea strategy

MONTEREY, Calif. -- On the eve of South Korean President Roh Moo Hyun's swearing-in ceremony, North Korea lobbed a land-to-ship cruise missile into the Sea of Japan. This provocation took place as the world's dignitaries -- among them U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi...
Japan Times
Mar 23, 2003

Some culture with your coffee?

KANAZAWA, Ishikawa Pref. -- As orderly creatures, Japanese generally have a fondness for numbers and happily assimilate the world in neat numerical packages. Of these, the triad has always beguiled. Japan has its Three Most Beautiful Landscapes, its Three Imperial Regalia, its Three Plants of Good Fortune...
Mar 23, 2003

Women on top

Shows about and for women will highlight the second week of Japan's pre-spring TV specials. Fuji TV will present the eighth in its occasional series of talk shows, "Ganbare! Onna Bakari no Jinsei Tatenaoshi Hitori Mi, Issho Kenmei Special" (Monday, 7 p.m.), in which a dozen or so single female celebrities...
Mar 22, 2003

Onda, Suguri leave for Washington

Japan's Yoshie Onda and Fumie Suguri departed Friday for next week's Figure Skating World Championships in Washington despite the war on Iraq putting the United States on heightened terror alert.
Mar 22, 2003

ASEAN counting on China

SINGAPORE -- As the third generation of Chinese leaders since 1949 hands power over to the fourth, Southeast Asia and the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are following the landmark political transition with keen interest. What does ASEAN expect from the transition?
Mar 22, 2003

Committee to review nation's dams

KYOTO -- Experts from Japan and the U.S. on Friday launched a committee to examine Japan's love affair with dams, hoping to draw on U.S. experiences in reviewing and decommissioning such projects.
Japan Times
Mar 22, 2003

Painter enhances nature to give ikebana new life

About to spend four days in Tokyo curating her students' work for an exhibition -- "Collaboration with Nature" -- at Sogetsu Kaikan in Akasaka, Liga Pang juggles cooking lunch and packing bags as we talk.
Mar 21, 2003

Defense Agency stays vigilant on Pyongyang

The Defense Agency will maintain a high-level watch over North Korea out of concern Pyongyang's actions may become more provocative now that the world's attention is on Iraq.
Japan Times
Mar 21, 2003

Antiwar rallies go on unfazed

Rallies against the U.S.-led war on Iraq continued Thursday in front of U.S. diplomatic offices in Japan, with hunger strikes continuing as U.S. bombs started falling on Baghdad.
Mar 20, 2003

China's smooth change of power

The People's Republic of China has completed its first smooth transition of power since its founding more than half a century ago. The National People's Congress, the Parliament, ended its two-week session on Tuesday after electing Mr. Hu Jintao as president and Mr. Wen Jiabao as premier. The two men...
Japan Times
Mar 20, 2003

Rash of theme park failures blamed on lack of vision, poor management

As large theme parks go bust across Japan, Tokyo Disneyland and its affiliate, Tokyo DisneySea, are exceptions, attracting more than 20 million visitors every year with the help of their innovative business strategy.
Mar 20, 2003

Latest WTO farm trade proposal nixed

The latest WTO proposal regarding agricultural trade is unacceptable to Japan in that it urges big tariff cuts, farm minister Tadamori Oshima said Wednesday.
Japan Times
Mar 20, 2003

Walking on waters that were

Tsukiji, now famous as home to the world's biggest fish market, was reclaimed from the sea in the 17th century. Its transformation from seabed to seashore came after the magnificent first city of Edo, designed by Shogun Ieyasu in 1603 and completed around 1650, was destroyed by a fire in 1657. Then,...
Mar 19, 2003

MLB Tour promises fun for everyone

Yes, I know, it's fans prediction week for Japanese baseball, but there were more entries than expected from Japan, North America and even New Zealand, and there just is not enough space to include all the picks and comments. Instead, let me tell you something about the Major League tour set to begin...
Japan Times
Mar 19, 2003

Double the beauty and pain

The Kabukiza Theater celebrates the advent of spring by offering an attractive selection of kabuki plays and dance numbers with excellent casts, including the two renowned onnagata, Nakamura Shikan and Bando Tamasaburo.
Japan Times
Mar 19, 2003

The conductor, his wife, her lover

A recent survey by Theater Guide magazine put Koki Mitani ahead of even Shakespeare as the dramatist best known in Japan.
Mar 18, 2003

Oshima stays upbeat over trade plans

Farm minister Tadamori Oshima said Monday he expects that a new global trade proposal will better favor Japanese interests.
SOCCER / J. League
Mar 18, 2003

Zico picks full strength squad for U.S. tour

Kyoto Purple Sanga striker Teruaki Kurobe won his first ever call-up to the national squad, while Shimizu S-Pulse defender Ryuzo Morioka and Portsmouth goalkeeper Yoshikatsu Kawaguchi were recalled for the first time since last year's World Cup as Japan coach Zico named his squad for the two-match U.S....
Japan Times
Mar 18, 2003

Water privatization not the answer: American activist

Patrick McCully had a revelation in India more than a decade ago. The campaign director of International Rivers Network witnessed indigenous people in Gujarat state, India, risking their lives to protest construction of a dam on the Narmada River. All were eventually arrested, but government officials...
Mar 17, 2003

Human rights abuses behind bars

Human rights violations in prisons are nothing new. But what happened last year at Nagoya Prison is alarming. Six prison guards, including a deputy warden, stand accused of physical abuses that resulted in the death of an inmate and caused severe injury to another. On the first day of their trial earlier...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly