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Aug 25, 2003

Tokyo grave plots hot commodities

Tokyo's most famous cemetery solidified its to-die-for reputation when a rare public sale of burial plots attracted more than 40 applicants for every available space despite prices topping 10 million yen.
Aug 25, 2003

Humanity takes a bite out of Mother Earth

SUNSET BEACH, North Carolina -- Sunset Beach is a summer resort town that appears to have achieved its full-blown status only about a dozen years or so ago, just about the time we started spending our two-week vacation in the beach house of our poet friend Grace Gibson. Photos taken when she built the...
Aug 24, 2003

China, U.S. now share a sense of crisis

For the past few years, I have been going to Hawaii every summer to stand atop Diamond Head and speculate on the historic destinies of the United States and China, the two superpowers facing each other across the Pacific, and Japan, which is sandwiched between them.
Aug 24, 2003

Revisiting the Enola Gay

Fifty-eight years ago this month, a U.S. aircrew dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima from a lumbering B-29 that had been nicknamed Enola Gay in honor of the pilot's mother. Eight years ago, the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum in Washington mounted an exhibit of the...
Aug 24, 2003

Beijing betting that a better economy will calm restless Hong Kong democrats

HONG KONG -- China's strategy for dealing with the political situation in Hong Kong in the aftermath of the massive rallies last month -- when more than half a million people took to the streets -- is two-pronged: On one hand, Beijing is waging a massive economic campaign to prop up the Hong Kong economy....
Aug 24, 2003

There's more to noh than meets the eye

FIGURES OF DESIRE: Wordplay, Spirit Possession, Fantasy, Madness and Mourning in Japanese Noh Plays, by Etsuko Terasaki. Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 2002, 329 pp., with monochrome plates, $60 (cloth). Noh texts are usually seen as mere aids for performance. They are routinely...
Aug 24, 2003

Japan again risking too little, too late

Last month Japan passed legislation that opened the door to sending the Self-Defense Forces on missions to Iraq. In principle, this was a very positive step forward for those who had hoped to see Japan play a greater role in international security affairs.
Aug 24, 2003

Voices from the past help explain the present

SERVING OUR COUNTRY: Japanese American Women in the Military during World War II, by Brenda L. Moore. Rutgers University Press, 2003, $60 (cloth), $22 (paper). Building on her previous studies of racial issues, gender issues and military sociology, Brenda L. Moore has analyzed and documented an unusual...
Japan Times
SOCCER / J. League
Aug 24, 2003

Ichihara sinks Gamba

JEF United Ichihara maintained its perfect start to the J. League second stage with a 2-1 win over Gamba Osaka on Saturday.
Japan Times
Aug 24, 2003

Is anyone out there looking?

In streets and parks, at schools, airports or shopping centers, you won't go far in Japan these days without encountering artworks in some shape or form, from monumental sculptures to decorative tiles underfoot -- or even simply children's drawings on display.
Aug 23, 2003

Japan to wait longer for Power Macs

Apple Computer Inc. said Friday it will postpone the release of what it says are "the world's fastest personal computers" on the Japanese market by one month.
Japan Times
Aug 23, 2003

Polly Derby

LONDON -- For many years and for many people, the resort island of Bali in Indonesia conjured images of sun, sand and sea, coconut palms and mountains in the mist, batik shirts and early morning flower offerings to the gods. Last Oct. 12, terrorist attacks on nightspots in the Kuta tourist district destroyed...
Japan Times
Aug 23, 2003

Imagine! Project approach child care in Japan

"I visited Japan for the first time three years ago," says Tina Peterson, director of the Imagine Child Development Center on the 13th floor of Yokohama's Landmark Tower. "I came to Landmark then, because the building's the highest in Japan. If anyone had predicted, 'In 2003 you will be working here,'...
Aug 23, 2003

Falling savings rate is a warning

Until not long ago Japan was criticized -- or praised -- for its extraordinarily high savings rate, depending on how one looked at it. The United States, for one, pointed out that Japan was saving too much and investing too little, and called for steps to stimulate domestic demand and boost consumer...
Aug 23, 2003

A sound bite of married life

On the morning of his son's wedding, Frank Gibbs, the neighborly physician in Thorton Wilder's "Our Town," confesses to his wife that his chief concern in the early days of their own marriage was how to make small talk with his bride.
Aug 22, 2003

Arsenal plays rough, but F.A. going too far with Campbell charge

LONDON -- Arsenal struggled for the opening 25 minutes against Everton last Saturday. Then Sol Campbell was sent off and Arsenal clicked into top gear, playing some outstanding attacking football that saw it win more comfortably than the 2-1 scoreline suggests.
Aug 22, 2003

Getting realistic on defense

LONDON -- Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's government has taken some sensible steps toward a more realistic defense policy. In particular there has been some easing in dealing with emergency situations. Japanese Self-Defense Forces can also now be sent to Iraq to support peacekeeping there, but they...
Japan Times
Aug 22, 2003

Wanted in Kafue: tourists, not poachers

The rains had just broken over the Zambian capital, Lusaka. Lightning was tearing open the skies. And we were sitting on a tiled veranda listening to the bedlam of water crashing off the tin roof, the thudding percussion of thunder and the thrilled shouts of children in the street beyond the hibiscus...
Aug 21, 2003

Good day for Giants' vets

Giants lefty Kimiyasu Kudo scattered three hits over the distance for his sixth win while infielder Masahiro Kawai recorded his career 512th sacrifice bunt to set a world record for the most sacrifice bunts by a single player as Yomiuri downed the Yokohama BayStars 3-0 at Tokyo Dome on Wednesday.
Aug 21, 2003

Digital cameras claim ever bigger chunk of market

Yet another tidal wave of digitization has swept Japan's camera sector, forcing makers of conventional products to compete for a share of the burgeoning new market.
Aug 20, 2003

Libya accepts responsibility

Libya's decision to accept responsibility for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103, which blew up over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, is a victory for the families of the 270 victims who had demanded accountability from the government of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. It is a diplomatic triumph for the United...
Japan Times
Aug 19, 2003

Online games offer users chance to communicate, slay dragons

In the medieval kingdom of Aden, thousands of princes, princesses, knights, elves and wizards hunt monsters and dragons and battle to take over each other's fortresses.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly