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Dec 22, 2003

Courageous decision on Iraq

LONDON -- The Japanese government's decision to send members of the Self-Defense Forces to take part in humanitarian efforts in Iraq was a courageous one.
Dec 21, 2003

Draft 2004 budget relies heavily on bond issuance

Finance Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki submitted on Saturday a draft budget for fiscal 2004 worth 82.11 trillion yen -- but is reliant on bond issuance as Japan faces growing social welfare costs due to the rapidly aging population.
Japan Times
Dec 21, 2003

Of death and glories

The stench! That was what got me first as I pushed my bike up the steep, narrow lane: the reek of burning hair, bones, hooves and flesh.
Dec 21, 2003

Olympic champ really was the full Monti

The news that Eugenio Monti had committed suicide on Dec. 1 at the age of 75 (brought about by his battle with Parkinson's disease) probably didn't raise too many eyebrows, but for those in the know the Italian was the very epitome of sportsmanship.
Dec 21, 2003

Mysteries along the Mekong

BANGKOK 8, by John Burdett. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003, 318 pp., $24.00 (cloth). WAITING FOR THE LADY, by Christopher G. Moore. Bangkok: Heaven Lake Press, 2003, 342 pp., $24.95 (cloth). Can a Western author convincingly put himself inside the mind of a Thai cop? Writing in the first person in...
Dec 20, 2003

Captive of a democracy

Following the seizure of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein eight days ago, some riveting discussions took place among politicians and pundits of all stripes about how such a catch should be treated -- not just in the coming weeks and months, but from the first minutes of the deposed leader's detention....
Dec 20, 2003

Ai-chan to compete in four events

Teenager Ai Fukuhara will appear in four events at next year's national championships, the Japan Table Tennis Association said Friday. The 15-year-old Fukuhara, who advanced as far as the quarterfinals in women's singles at this year's World Championships, will meet defending champion Aya Umemura in...
Dec 20, 2003

Union membership under 20% for first time in postwar era

Union membership under 20% for first time in postwar era
Dec 20, 2003

Colin Brown

Colin Brown says he is a lifelong rail fan. He has a strong personal interest additionally in "trams," the English term he uses for streetcars. His twin passions have brought him twice a year for the last six years to Japan. He praises especially "the discipline, smartness, courtesy and dedication of...
Dec 20, 2003

Over 4,000 babies delivered and still counting

Dr. Hideki Sakamoto is late for the very best of reasons. "I had an emergency at the hospital, but am happy to be able to say that mother and baby are both doing well."
Dec 19, 2003

Average surface temperature falls to five-year low

Bucking the recent warming trend, the average surface temperature in Japan this year was the lowest since 1997, according to the Meteorological Agency.
Dec 19, 2003

3G phones to boast music, animation

Animation attachments for e-mail, complex role-playing video games and Hollywood film cuts as screen savers will be some of the features offered in new third-generation cell phones from Japan's top mobile carrier.
Dec 19, 2003

Sony's Qrio robot learns how to jog

Sony Corp.'s child-size walking robot already knows a few hip dance steps and can kick a miniature soccer ball.
Dec 19, 2003

Bush rightly responded to Chen's tactics

SINGAPORE -- U.S. President George W. Bush got it just about right last week when he publicly criticized Taiwan's leader during Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's visit to Washington. Accusations from "friends of Taiwan's democracy" notwithstanding, Bush was not kowtowing to China; he was merely expressing...
Japan Times
Dec 18, 2003

As seas rise, Tuvalu calls for emission cuts

Tuvalu Prime Minister Saufatu Sopoanga urged industrialized nations Wednesday to cut greenhouse-gas emissions as soon as possible by shifting to renewable energy sources, fearing his island nation will sink if global warming continues.
Dec 18, 2003

Honda sets sights on 10% sales increase in 2004

Honda Motor Co. said Wednesday it hopes to boost its global sales in 2004 to a record 3.2 million vehicles, up 10 percent from the forecast for this year.
Dec 18, 2003

Real growth projection seen at 1.8%

The government is expected to set its fiscal 2004 economic growth projection at 1.8 percent in real terms and 0.5 percent in nominal terms, official sources said Wednesday.
Japan Times
Dec 17, 2003

Samurai drama airs 1,000 times but plot thins

The popular samurai TV drama "Mito Komon," which debuted in 1969, has become the nation's first such program to air 1,000 episodes.
Dec 16, 2003

Koizumi era sees China ties deteriorate

Relations between Beijing and Tokyo have grown ever more thorny since the demise of pro-China politicians such as former Prime Ministers Noboru Takeshita and Keizo Obuchi.
Japan Times
Dec 16, 2003

Are hikikomori (shut-ins) part of a troubling social trend or harmless misfits?

Steve Van der Westeisen 25
Dec 14, 2003

Crime crackdown includes plan to cut illegal foreign residents

In an effort to regain its reputation as a safe nation, Japan aims to halve by 2005 the number of illegal foreign residents from the current estimate of 250,000, according to a government action plan to combat crime obtained by Kyodo News on Saturday.
Dec 14, 2003

Sweet sounds of the soundtrack

MUSIC FOR MOVIES: Toru Takemitsu, Vols. I & II (3-4 of the "Complete Takemitsu Edition"), edited by Tetsuo Ohara. Tokyo: Shogakukan, 2003, 21 CDs, with program books, 24,000 yen each. Some of the most interesting contemporary film music was written by Toru Takemitsu. In just under 40 years he composed...
Japan Times
Dec 14, 2003

Netsuke artist carves a niche in Electric Town

Walking into the Matsuzaka Ivory Shop is almost like disembarking from a time machine. One minute you're among the futuristic 21st-century gizmos spilling out into Chuo Dori, the main drag of Tokyo's Akihabara electronics district; the next, you're back in the realm of a craftsman whose tools and techniques...
Dec 14, 2003

Rugguts shock Green Rockets

On paper this game should have been a formality. The NEC Green Rockets -- the All Japan champion of 2003 and riding high in third place in the Top League against the Secom Rugguts, winless in this year's competition and without so much as a bonus point to show for their efforts.
Dec 14, 2003

Toasting the top of 2003's pop

It's been a fantastic 12 months for rock 'n' roll. Any of the top 10 albums listed here could easily have taken the No. 1 spot in a different year. Buy (or burn) them all. The only surprise was that, bar Kings of Leon, none of the new garage-rock upstarts hitching a lift on "The White Strokes" bandwagon...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly