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Aug 2, 2000

Part 2: Jealousies, revenges and tradeoffs

European soccer chief Lennart Johansson has never shied away from attacking FIFA boss Sepp Blatter, especially since being defeated in the race for the FIFA presidency two years ago.
Jul 30, 2000

Turf war delays naming of Japan's IT task force

Japan's selection of its members for a Group of Eight working group on the information technology revolution is being delayed due to a turf war among government ministries, government sources said Saturday.
Jul 20, 2000

U.S. suggests one-year extension of bilateral deregulation framework

United States Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky told Foreign Minister Yohei Kono on Wednesday that the U.S. wants a one-year extension of a bilateral deregulation framework due to expire in March 2001, a Foreign Ministry official said.
Jul 19, 2000

Diet members pitch ideas to Mori for G8

Leaders of both the ruling and opposition camps on Tuesday called on Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori to take up a wide range of issues during the upcoming Group of Eight summit in Okinawa, including information technology, Korean reconciliation and security issues.
Jul 15, 2000

Bankrupt firms owe 6.95 trillion yen

The combined debts of companies that went bust in the first half of 2000 came to 6.95 trillion yen, down 24.2 percent from a year earlier but the second-largest figure for a first-half period in postwar Japan, a major credit research agency said Friday.
Jul 15, 2000

China and Pakistan forge stronger links

NEW DELHI -- In recent days, new evidence has surfaced that China and Pakistan have stepped up their clandestine nuclear and missile collaboration as part of their joint rivalry with India. It is clear that the Sino-Pakistani nexus is getting stronger, putting India's security under increased pressure....
Jul 11, 2000

A terrifying epidemic

This will be a depressing week for the 11,000 participants at the 13th annual International AIDS Conference that is being held in Durban, South Africa. They will be told of a grim future, and see and hear for themselves horrific examples of the toll the epidemic is already taking. Their hopes may rise...
Jul 11, 2000

Boost youths' social ties: Oshima

While Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori feels educational reform is a key policy for his Cabinet, new Education Minister Tadamori Oshima wants to establish an educational program to enhance children's social participation.
Jul 3, 2000

Detention of ex-minister Nakao extended

The Tokyo District Court has decided to allow former Construction Minister Eiichi Nakao to be detained for another 10 days through July 11, sources said Sunday.
Jun 27, 2000

Sales down at supermarkets, department stores

Sales at department stores and supermarkets in Japan dropped in May from a year earlier, due partly to poor weather and a decrease in the number of holidays during the reporting month, industry groups said Monday.
Jun 17, 2000

Firms expected to raise capital spending 5.2%

Capital spending by major Japanese companies is expected to rise 5.2 percent in fiscal 2000 from a year earlier, the first increase in four years, a government advisory panel said Friday.
Jun 1, 2000

Large stores must try to fit in despite deregulation

With the abolishment of the Large-Scale Retail Store Law as of Wednesday, large retailers will no longer have to worry about harmonizing their commercial interests with local smaller businesses when establishing or expanding an outlet.
May 31, 2000

Bright prospects for corporate Japan

Corporate-earnings reports for fiscal 1999, which ended March 31, provide further evidence of a budding recovery in the corporate sector. Most of the companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange posted their first net profit increase in three years. On a consolidated basis, pretax profits surged an estimated...
May 30, 2000

Global warming to strike hard: IPCC

Global warming may cause large-scale flooding after 2100, leading to water shortages and the spread of infectious diseases, according to the draft of a report to be issued next year by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
May 27, 2000

Greenhouse gases still on the rise in some areas: MITI

An advisory panel to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry has announced that emissions of greenhouse gases such as hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons have yet to decrease in some areas.
May 24, 2000

Think tanks favor Japan-South Korea free-trade bloc

State-run institutions from Japan and South Korea said Tuesday they favor forming a comprehensive mutual free-trade agreement aimed at improving competitiveness and market access.
May 20, 2000

EPA revises downward March economic indicators

The Economic Planning Agency said Friday it has revised downward its three diffusion indexes of economic indicators for March from the preliminary figures released earlier this month.
May 16, 2000

Special losses at DDI, IDO weigh down bottom line

Telecommunications firms DDI Corp. and IDO Corp., which plan to merge with international call operator KDD Corp. in the fall, released their 1999 earnings reports Monday showing lower pretax profits despite higher sales.
May 13, 2000

Mori reports assets totaling 130 million yen

Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori owned some 130 million yen in personal and family assets as of April 5, the day his Cabinet was launched, according to government data released Friday.
May 4, 2000

Will Clinton crumble again?

If Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori's overseas foreign-policy tour this week has a theme, it is "coverup" and "damage control." Mori, known as a colorless political fixer, has been tasked with assuring foreign leaders that the July G8 summit will go forward successfully no matter what happens on the Japanese...
May 2, 2000

Stop this madness!

I'm currently reading Ichiro Ozawa's "Blueprint for a New Japan," his manifesto for giving the government and politicians of this country the kick up the backside they badly need.
Apr 23, 2000

Japan as No. 1 (in being bullied by U.S.)

With a refreshing bit of journalistic acuity, the USA Today reporter James Cox has reminded me how bizarre the U.S. attitude toward Japan has become. Under the headline, "U.S. bullies Japan like no other nation," Cox noted the astonishing extent of U.S. high-handed meddlesomeness with Japan, suggesting...
Apr 8, 2000

The game of the name

There are hints in the spring air of a diplomatic thaw: The Clinton administration is poised, they say, to let Libya out of the doghouse. Sanctions may be lifted, and Americans may once again vacation in Tripoli. Modest celebrations are in order, but there is one caveat. Washington should not let the...
Mar 31, 2000

Tokai disaster no closer to resolution

Many things have been said about last September's fatal nuclear accident at the JCO Co. uranium processing plant in Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture.
Mar 30, 2000

Car sales help February industrial output leap 3%

Industrial output grew 3 percent in February from the previous month, thanks to strong sales of new-model automobiles and extra working hours because of the leap year, according to a preliminary report issued Wednesday by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
LIFE / Food & Drink
Mar 23, 2000

For those about to sip under spreading sakura

Welcome to Spring 2000, the first primavera of the new millennium. While I'll be visiting wineries in Austria, an always inviting wine country, and later Slovenia, its mighty-mite neighbor just over the Alps, you'll probably be indulging yourselves in hanami, that annual eternally poetic pastime. Be...
Mar 19, 2000

G8 to take up food tech aid for developing nations

Japan plans to propose technical assistance on genetically modified foods to developing countries at an annual summit of the Group of Eight major nations in July in Okinawa Prefecture, government sources said Saturday.
Mar 11, 2000

School reform goals outlined

Reona Esaki, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics and head of a government education reform panel to be launched later this month, says he will strive to create a "custom-made" education system to meet the needs of individual students.
Mar 11, 2000

Current-account surplus falls again

The nation's current-account surplus in January plunged 22.8 percent from a year earlier to 610.9 billion yen with the expansion of imports outpacing that of exports, the Finance Ministry said Friday in a preliminary report.


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo