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Oct 30, 2000
Lawmaker reveals Mori made rice vow
Oct 15, 2000
Honesty is JAL president's policy
Oct 14, 2000
Cambodian media: cowed and corrupt
Sep 30, 2000
Vietnam proves a reluctant reformer
Sep 13, 2000
Talking Olympic tennis with Japan's best-ever player
Sep 12, 2000
'A hazardous occupation'
Sep 9, 2000
MSDF officer arrested, admits spying for Russia
Sep 4, 2000
Russian intransigence led to U.S. missile delay
Aug 30, 2000
Keep Iraq on the agenda
Aug 26, 2000
Capital gains tax system should stay: FRC chief
Aug 23, 2000
The summer 'silly season' everywhere
Aug 20, 2000
Appliances on 'standby' use 9% of homes' power
Aug 6, 2000