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Nov 9, 2000

Death from overwork still threatens

If employers in the private and public sectors are not prepared to take adequate steps to reduce the threat to life from excessive workloads, Japanese judges seem increasingly ready to remind them of their responsibility. The nation's courts are ruling with greater frequency in favor of the families...
Oct 30, 2000

Lawmaker reveals Mori made rice vow

Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori secretly promised North Korea 500,000 tons of rice aid in 1997 when he visited Pyongyang as the head of a delegation composed of Japan's three then-ruling parties, the head of a small opposition party told Kyodo News on Saturday.
Oct 25, 2000

Kondo set to resign over solar blunder

OSAKA -- Sanyo Electric Co. President Sadao Kondo expressed his intention to resign Tuesday in an effort to take responsibility for the sale of defective solar cell systems by a subsidiary.
Oct 20, 2000

Transport council urges more IT use

Japan should shift its now-expansionary national transport policy and focus instead on environmental protection, information technology use and safety, a government advisory panel said Thursday.
Oct 15, 2000

Honesty is JAL president's policy

Entranced by the view from the windows of an executive meeting room on the 24th floor of the headquarters of Japan Airlines in Tokyo's Tennozu Isle, I almost missed the entrance of JAL's president, Isao Kaneko. Luckily he is not the kind of man to take offense. Slightly built, in a pale gray suit, he...
Oct 14, 2000

Cambodian media: cowed and corrupt

PHNOM PENH -- They don't have to worry as much as before about getting shot on the street or having grenades thrown at their houses. But Cambodia's journalists still labor under a government that doesn't like dissent. And the country still has to put up with journalists who create problems for themselves...
Oct 6, 2000

Taiwan shift away from reactors may deal blow to Japanese firms

Taiwan's Economics Ministry has taken a step toward loosening the island's reliance on nuclear power in a move that could be a major blow to Japanese firms in the atomic power industry.
Sep 30, 2000

Vietnam proves a reluctant reformer

CAMBRIDGE, England -- Foreign investors have not been showing any confidence in Vietnam's Doi Moi (liberalization) program recently. Socialist market economics, Vietnamese-style, have not proved as attractive as the Chinese version. After the initial euphoria of the early 1990s, when foreign companies...
Sep 29, 2000

Industrial output jumped 3.3% in August: MITI

The Ministry of International Trade and Industry upgraded its assessment of industrial activity Thursday, announcing that Japan's output jumped 3.3 percent from the previous month.
Sep 28, 2000

Inventors cheated by support group head: attorneys

A group of patent attorneys on Wednesday asked police to investigate the founder of an amateur inventors' support group whom it accuses of swindling inventors out of 340 million yen over the past 10 years, the attorneys said.
LIFE / Travel
Sep 27, 2000

Japanese scientists question mineral-accretion technique

A Japanese researcher who conducted a project in Okinawa to explore the effectiveness of growing reefs via mineral accretion in 1989, says he remains unsure of the effectiveness of the technique.
Sep 13, 2000

Talking Olympic tennis with Japan's best-ever player

For some, tennis is not a sport that should be in the Olympics. Its players have been professional for a long time, they earn millions of dollars a year, and they have their own major international championships.
Sep 12, 2000

'A hazardous occupation'

During his visit to the United States last week for the United Nations Millennium Summit, Chinese President Jiang Zemin met with media leaders and reportedly asked them to help soften his country's image. There is an easy way to do that. The Chinese government can stop harassing, arresting and imprisoning...
Sep 9, 2000

MSDF officer arrested, admits spying for Russia

The Metropolitan Police Department and Kanagawa Prefectural Police arrested Lt. Cmdr. Shigehiro Hagisaki, a researcher at the Defense Agency's National Institute for Defense Studies, on suspicion of violating the Self-Defense Forces Law, which prohibits SDF members from divulging classified security...
Sep 4, 2000

Russian intransigence led to U.S. missile delay

WASHINGTON -- Russia's refusal to negotiate changes in its 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with the United States played a key role in President Clinton's decision to delay the initial phases of construction for a national missile defense system, leading U.S. newspapers reported Sunday.
Aug 30, 2000

Keep Iraq on the agenda

A growing number of reports suggest that Iraq is again developing ballistic missiles. Predictably, the government in Baghdad has dismissed the charge. We cannot be sure what is going on: Efforts by the United Nations to inspect Iraqi programs to develop weapons of mass destruction are still blocked by...
Aug 26, 2000

Capital gains tax system should stay: FRC chief

Hideyuki Aizawa, chairman of the Financial Reconstruction Commission, said Friday that he will call on the Finance Ministry to maintain the current capital gains tax system in order to prevent the ministry's proposed reforms from negatively affecting the domestic stock market.
Aug 23, 2000

The summer 'silly season' everywhere

Europe is on holiday. Go to Paris and you will find half the restaurants shut. Many industries close down for weeks, and their workers flock to holiday resorts. Britain is not much different from the rest of Europe in this respect -- although British firms tend to stagger holidays more than in other...
Aug 20, 2000

Appliances on 'standby' use 9% of homes' power

The amount of power used by certain household appliances while they are in so-called standby mode -- switched off but still plugged into sockets -- accounts for 9.4 percent of total power consumption in an average Japanese home, a report released by a Ministry of International Trade and Industry affiliate...
Aug 13, 2000

Rash media prolonging hostage crises

HONG KONG -- Recent hostage crises in Fiji and Sulu have been made more protracted by unprincipled journalism.
Aug 11, 2000

Tepco gets green light for MOX nuclear fuel

The Agency of Natural Resources and Energy approved Thursday the use of plutonium-uranium mixed-oxide fuel at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s No. 3 nuclear reactor at the No. 1 Fukushima plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture.
Aug 10, 2000

MITI wants IT budget allocation

The Ministry of International Trade and Industry said Wednesday it wants budget allocations for fiscal 2001 to help the nation jump on the information technology bandwagon.
Aug 6, 2000

FTC probes Tepco over questionable practices

The Fair Trade Commission has questioned Tokyo Electric Power Co. officials over possible violation of the Antimonopoly Law in connection with an upcoming bid to select a power supplier for a government building, industry sources said Saturday.
Aug 4, 2000

A faltering lama, and the boy who is Tibet's new hope

NEW DELHI -- Will the Tibet problem ever be solved? The last several months have seen sheer despondency among the people of the plateau. With little sign of China granting them even a small degree of autonomy, let alone freeing them from its decades-old subjugation, Tibetans are now beginning to have...


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo