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Nov 1, 2005

Japan backs EU proposal to get WTO moving

Japan on Monday expressed support for a new proposal by the European Union to push forward negotiations at the World Trade Organization, to make progress not only in the key agricultural sector but also in industrial and services trade areas.
Japan Times
Nov 1, 2005

Major fashion show kicks off with government backing

A top fashion event comprising a fashion show, symposiums and networking for textile and fiber makers opened Monday for a 10-day run with government support, in an attempt to shore up the country's presence on the world fashion scene.
Oct 31, 2005

Force realignment plan criticized

Top Japanese and U.S. officials boasted that Saturday's interim report on U.S. military realignment in Japan will realize the two principles they set out to achieve -- maintaining a deterrent force in the Asia-Pacific region and reducing the burden of host communities.
Oct 31, 2005

Is the American dream now a mirage?

NEW YORK -- Is the American dream just a mirage now? Earlier this year the Wall Street Journal ran a series called "Challenges to the American Dream," casting into doubt the "staple of America's self-portrait" that "a child born in poverty isn't trapped there." If that was putting the matter delicately,...
Oct 31, 2005

EU must win grassroots trust

LONDON, PARIS and ROME-- European leaders have been holding a special meeting at the invitation of British Prime Minister Tony Blair to discuss what he calls "the strategic issues facing Europe in the years ahead."
Oct 30, 2005

Archimedes' mirror

A pparently the Japanese were not the only people in olden times utilizing exotic weapons to destroy invaders' fleets. Almost 1,500 years before the kamikaze, or divinely opportune typhoon winds, helped Japan rout a force sent by Kubla Khan, the ancient Greeks torched an invading Roman flotilla at Syracuse...
Oct 30, 2005

Gun control loses yet again

LONDON -- Last Sunday in Brazil, a country with the second-highest rate of gun deaths on the planet, almost two-thirds of Brazilians voted against a total ban on the sale of firearms. Explain that.
Oct 30, 2005

A war of obstinacy and misery

BURMA: The Forgotten War, by Jon Latimer. London: John Murray: 2005. 610 pp., £9.99 (paper). The ambitions and fanaticism of officers all too often imperil the men they lead into battle. The story of Imperial Japan's invasion and occupation of colonial Burma in World War II reveals just how many soldiers...
Oct 30, 2005

What lies beneath the myth of middle-class consciousness

A friend sent me an email about some new people, all Japanese, she had met at a party. There was a young man who had worked in Africa for Medecins Sans Frontieres. One middle-age man had quit a stable job in broadcasting to study French in Paris. A female graduate student in marine biology was also there....
Oct 29, 2005

Contrast in Liverpool's performance an ongoing mystery

LONDON -- There are many unanswered questions in the world.
Oct 29, 2005

Dress code not an easy sell for Stern

NEW YORK -- Nothing launches a campaign quite like Tim Duncan -- commonly identified as the league's most wholesome player -- branding David Stern's dress code as "retarded."
Oct 29, 2005

LDP revises Article 9 in draft Constitution

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party on Friday endorsed a new draft Constitution featuring a rewritten version of war-renouncing Article 9 that would officially allow the nation to possess a military for self-defense.
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Oct 28, 2005

100 steps to ikebana

Famed ikebana artist Shogo Kariyazaki will hold his annual exhibition of his works at Tokyo's Meguro Gajoen, a multipurpose community space. Titled "The World of Florist Shogo Kariyazaki," and running Oct. 29-Nov. 13, the exhibition will take place in the rooms that surround the famous "100-Step Staircase,"...
Japan Times
Oct 28, 2005

Psychedelic radar 10.28

Saturday, Oct. 29
Japan Times
Oct 28, 2005


Emo was and still is a difficult genre to pin down. The Promise Ring was one of the most popular American indie bands ever to wear the label, though they never quite embraced the punk fundamentals of fellow emo flailers Jimmy Eat World and The Get Up Kids. On their 2002 swan song, "Wood/Water," they...
Oct 27, 2005

Rakuten increases TBS stake to more than 19%

Rakuten Inc. said Wednesday it has raised its stake in Tokyo Broadcasting System Inc. to 19.09 percent, only a tad short of the TV network's 20 percent threshold for triggering a process that could lead to the activation of takeover defense measures.
Oct 27, 2005

Risks of U.S. beef low if regulations observed: panel

An expert panel on mad cow disease has agreed there is little difference in the risks posed by beef from North American and Japanese cows, paving the way to lift the ban on U.S. beef imports before President George W. Bush's visit next month.
Oct 27, 2005

Arduous birth of democracy

The democratization of a further third of the world's countries during the second half of the 20th century was a remarkable and inspiring achievement. At the start of the 21st century, however, the difficulties inherent in exporting democracy have become starkly apparent.
Oct 27, 2005

How does the state want to care for the elderly?

Japan, with one of the world's oldest populations, is having increasing problems providing universal health care as each year there are fewer working people to pay for it.
Oct 26, 2005

Key panel in favor of females on throne

can be expanded to a maternal line," panel Chairman Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, a former president of University of Tokyo, told a news conference after Tuesday's panel session. "It's almost certain that the (tradition of) paternal-line-only succession can't continue to exist," he added.
Oct 26, 2005

Mr. Rumsfeld's visit to Asia

U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has just concluded a quick tour of Northeast Asia. Mr. Rumsfeld is a relatively infrequent visitor to this part of the world, so his trip provides insight into U.S. thinking about security concerns in the region. In particular, the secretary's "frank" discussions...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly