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Feb 3, 2006

A way of looking at profits

Mr. Takafumi Horie, the 33-year-old maverick businessman who built the Livedoor Co. empire from scratch, has entered the most difficult phase of his life, confined to sleep in an unheated, three-mat cell in the Tokyo Detention House -- a world apart from his posh Roppongi Hills residence. The criminal...
Feb 3, 2006

Matsushita profits up 39% despite heater fiasco

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. said Thursday robust sales of plasma display panel TVs and digital cameras boosted its earnings for the third quarter of fiscal 2005, raising its net profit by 39 percent to 49.3 billion yen.
Feb 3, 2006

New games bring more people to video consoles

There may be no monsters to slay or racing cars to spin, but new video games that claim to stimulate the brain or translate languages are being snapped up by a new crowd of gamers.
Japan Times
Feb 3, 2006

M.I.A. terrorizes the dancefloor

Maya Arulpragasam sighs into the phone. I've asked her if journalists have accurately depicted her life story, and she seems tired of the question.
Feb 2, 2006

Female on throne could marry foreigner, Hiranuma warns

Dozens of conservative lawmakers and their supporters Wednesday attacked a proposal to let females and their descendents ascend to the Chrysanthemum Throne, warning the move threatens a centuries-old tradition -- and could even allow foreign blood into the Imperial line.
Feb 2, 2006

Art of defense key to the bj-league championship

Defense rules in basketball, a stale cliche that rings as true in the bj-league as it does elsewhere in the hoops world.
Feb 2, 2006

Bana steps up to the plate

Director Steven Spielberg has avoided the usual press tour for his new film, "Munich," and who can blame him? The film speaks for itself, and anything he said could have pinned him down fatally when this film requires a certain ambiguity to work. And you can imagine the questions he would have gotten:...
Feb 1, 2006

ANA's profit up 11% despite surging fuel prices

All Nippon Airways Co. said Tuesday its group operating profit for the first three quarters of fiscal 2005 rose 11 percent from the previous year to 89.9 billion yen, thanks to strong demand for passenger and cargo flights that more than offset the impact of rising fuel prices.
Japan Times
Feb 1, 2006

'Twin' trip full of pleasant surprises

First of all, let me wish you a very happy new Year of the Dog, which Chinese people all over the world welcomed in last weekend.
Jan 31, 2006

Yasukuni comment was Aso's private view: Abe

Foreign Minister Taro Aso was expressing his personal opinion when he said Emperor Akihito should visit Yasukuni Shrine, Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe said Monday in a bid to ease the diplomatic fallout.
Jan 31, 2006

Family delighted film on abductee wins prize

The relatives of victims of North Korea's abductions expressed their joy Monday after a U.S. film on Megumi Yokota has won the best documentary award at the U.S. Slamdance Film Festival in Utah.
Japan Times
Jan 31, 2006

Hospital death exposes 'tip of malpractice iceberg'

Loyd Cummings tried to ignore his headache when it began on Aug. 7, 2003. But the electronic technician, who was working in Japan on U.S. Navy radars, eventually collapsed from an aneurysm -- a bulge in a vein in his head.
LIFE / Language
Jan 31, 2006

Three is the magic number for haiku and Japan

"The easiest to hurt are these three: The eye, the elbow and the knee."
Jan 31, 2006

Homeless forced out of parks after standoff with Osaka cops

OSAKA -- Osaka forcibly ejected homeless men from two city parks early Monday, six days after they were given final notice to vacate to pave the way for upcoming events.
Jan 30, 2006

Suspension of food aid to N. Korea to continue

Japan will continue to suspend food aid to North Korea despite an agreement to resume bilateral talks next Saturday in Beijing, according to government sources.
Jan 30, 2006

Another side to Japanese-Korean history

NEW YORK -- Historian George Akita recently sent me a brief essay that appeared in the December issue of the monthly Nihon Rekishi (Japanese History). He had told me of a full-length article he'd written on alternative views of Japan's rule of Korea between 1910 and 1945. The essay, titled "New Currents...
Jan 29, 2006

Beverlin back for another chance after Tommy John surgery

Call this the year of the recycled foreign player in Japanese baseball.
Jan 29, 2006

Poorest nations to get help marketing specialty goods

The government will help poor nations market their specialty goods in Japan under the "one village, one product" initiative in line with an aid package presented in December, officials said Saturday.
Jan 29, 2006

Sifting through the geeks -- that's all of us -- to identify the perverts

Less than a week after the Supreme Court upheld the death sentence for serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki on Jan. 17, the online encyclopedia Wikipedia had not only recorded the ruling in its entry on Miyazaki, but had added an incisive note. When the Miyazaki case was dominating the headlines in 1989, he...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly