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Feb 9, 2006

Bulgarians get sumo equipment

Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso on Wednesday presented popular Bulgarian wrestler Kotooshu with a collection of sumo loin clothes and sumo equipment that Japan is donating to the Bulgarian Sumo Federation to upgrade the country's sumo infrastructure.
Feb 9, 2006

Referendum bill to pass by June: LDP

Lawmakers will probably pass a bill by the end of the Diet session to set up national referendum procedures that would enable the Liberal Democratic Party to introduce amendments to the Constitution to expand the role of the Self-Defense Forces, according to a senior LDP official.
Feb 9, 2006

'British' identity in the EU

LONDON -- British Chancellor of the Exchequer (Finance Minister) Gordon Brown has been calling for a national debate on the subject of British identity and what he terms "Britishness."
Feb 9, 2006

Koizumi puts bill for female succession on back burner

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe backed off Wednesday from their earlier pledge to quickly get a bill passed that would allow a female on the Chrysanthemum Throne.
Feb 9, 2006

Battling to win the hearts of Taiwanese

SINGAPORE -- As flights cross the Taiwan Strait at the start of the Year of the Dog, hopes have been high for a possible rapprochement in ties between Beijing and Taipei. But observers are split on whether to expect "a new spring" or renewed tensions across the strait in the next two years before Chen...
Japan Times
Feb 9, 2006

Burke Collection : An eye and taste for Japanese art

Among the major collections of Japanese art in the United States, the Mary Griggs Burke Collection of New York excels not only for its peerless quality but also for reflecting the eye of a connoisseuse with a deep love of Japan's traditional culture.
Japan Times
Feb 9, 2006

Aya Kondo : Rock 'n' roll with manners

What can you say about Aya Kondo, a woodblock-print artist who has taken staid wafu -- traditional Japanese style -- and turned it into girly sass? In doing so, Kondo encapsulates everything we love about Japanese youth culture at its best: well-mannered rock 'n' roll, cultural self-consciousness, the...
Feb 8, 2006

Suntory revives nostalgic blend for retiring baby boomers

For businesses from banks to high-end stereo makers, the expected mass retirement of the baby boomer generation beginning next year represents the birth of a huge consumer base with relatively deep pockets and a lot of free time.
Feb 8, 2006

Toshiba touts fastest, densest chip

Toshiba Corp. said Tuesday it has developed a new chip that features the world's fastest operating speed and highest density.
Feb 8, 2006

Koizumi skips disputed-isle rally

An annual rally calling on Moscow to return the islands it seized off Hokkaido at the end of World War II was held Tuesday in Tokyo with government officials, lawmakers and former islanders in attendance.
Feb 8, 2006

Toyota records 34% jump in third-quarter net profit

Toyota Motor Corp. said Tuesday its group net profit for the fiscal third quarter jumped 34.1 percent from the previous year to a record 397.5 billion yen thanks to thriving overseas sales and the yen's depreciation against the dollar.
Feb 7, 2006

Nissan invests 11 billion yen for paint

Nissan Motor Co. said Monday it will invest 11 billion yen by May 2007 in a new paint application system at its plant in Karita, Fukuoka Prefecture, to boost the efficiency of its auto body painting.
Feb 6, 2006

Health ministry to set specific nonsmoking goal

The health ministry has decided to set a numerical target to lower the ratio of smokers as part of a national health campaign, officials said Sunday.
Feb 6, 2006

Containing a growing divide

The growing economic gap in Japanese society under Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's reform policy is emerging as a major national political issue. Critics in the opposition camp as well as the ruling coalition charge that deregulation and intensified competition have divided society into winners and...
Feb 5, 2006

A tradition not yet finished

The bad news just keeps on coming for fans of conventional cameras. Nikon Corp. will stop manufacturing most of its film cameras, and Konika Minolta Holdings Inc. will completely withdraw from the camera and film business. The sad thing is that these makers have long contributed to Japan's photographic...
Feb 5, 2006

Japan, South Korea agree to double size of bilateral currency swap deal

Japan and South Korea agreed Saturday in Tokyo to increase the size of a bilateral currency swap agreement to $15 billion from $7 billion to help address potential financial crises in Asia.
Feb 5, 2006

Solve your neighborhood problem with NHK's "Nanmon Kaiketsu" and more

As everyone knows, Japan is no longer a haven of safety. No statistic supports this sad development better than the fact that more than 440,000 bicycles are stolen every year, so don't get angry when a policeman stops you on the street to check your registration. He's only doing his job.
Feb 4, 2006

Bourse reform proposals due this month: Yosano

Financial Services Minister Kaoru Yosano said Friday that his advisory panel will issue recommendations on stock market reforms by mid-February.
Japan Times
Feb 4, 2006

'Land art' drives home message on environment

Imagine you are driving along an expressway and suddenly you are slicing a hare -- inscribed into the landscape to right and left -- in half. Truly a most uncomfortable and powerful metaphor for what we are doing to nature.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly