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BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
Mar 14, 2006

Japan soccer chief blasts American baseball ump

Japan Football Association chief Saburo Kawabuchi on Monday blasted an American umpire for a controversial call in Japan's 4-3 defeat to the United States in their World Baseball Classic second-round game and said it has "left an ugly blot" on the inaugural competition.
Mar 14, 2006

Jack Welch to teach for Ohmae

Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric Co., will teach a distance-education program in partnership with Business Breakthrough Inc., a provider of business-related content via satellite television and the Internet, the firm announced Monday.
Japan Times
Mar 14, 2006

Where do you go to check for news on Japan?

Gabrielle Kennedy Journalist, 35 I check all the newspapers using the nexuslexus search engine. For regular papers, I read the Sydney Morning Herald and the Guardian. The only Japanese magazine I read is Casa Brutus. They often have a translated feature.
Mar 14, 2006

Curves and live-in temples

Curves Kirsty has heard of a new fitness chain. "It's called Curves. Do you know anything about it?"
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
Mar 13, 2006

Japan: Can it get ahead by getting even?

Is It Any Surprise to Be in Anaheim?: Not for the Japanese, although it may be a bit of a jolt to be heading to Disneyland as the No. 2 seed.
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
Mar 13, 2006

New stars emerge to crank up the power for Japan

PHOENIX -- Several of Japan's center-stage stars haven't been the guys whose names were circled on programs heading into the World Baseball Classic, but after a weekend at Tokyo Dome, they are producing, no matter where they are in the order.
Mar 13, 2006

Koreans hope semi spot enough for military release

PHOENIX -- Grab a uniform and do it for your country. Whether it is in the army or in the World Baseball Classic, several members of Team Korea will do just that soon enough. Or they will already have done both.
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
Mar 12, 2006

Three homers not enough for Japan

PHOENIX -- Team Japan couldn't have done less with three home runs.
Mar 12, 2006

A tribute to a brave soul

In May 2004, a woman named Dana Reeve delivered a commencement speech at her alma mater, Middlebury College in Vermont, where she and her husband were being awarded honorary degrees. It was an upbeat speech. There was nothing unusual about that. Commencement speeches are supposed to be upbeat. Most of...
Mar 12, 2006

Business in India the focus of TV Tokyo's "Dawn of Gaia" and more

NHK has done an excellent job of providing in-depth coverage of China's economic situation for the past 20 years, but, for some reason, that other potential Asian powerhouse, India, has been overlooked by the Japanese media.
Mar 12, 2006

Times of change

This story is part of a package on women in Japan. The introduction is here.
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
Mar 11, 2006

Rangers whip Team Japan

SURPRISE, Ariz. -- The Texas Rangers should wear sunglasses, their future is so bright.
Mar 11, 2006

Yamato, DHL in marketing tieup

Yamato Holdings Co. said Friday it has signed an agreement with DHL Global Mail (Japan) K.K., part of the Deutsche Post World Net group, that will create a joint direct marketing venture on April 3.
Japan Times
Mar 11, 2006

Akane Okamoto-Kaminski

Marek Kaminski, born in Poland in 1947, graduated from Warsaw University. As an advanced student of ethnic minority groups, he went on to the University of Sweden. In Sweden he met and married his wife, a Korean-Japanese who was traveling there. Akane, their daughter, was born in Goteborg, and their...
Mar 11, 2006

Japanese universities need foreign students: U.K. scholar

Recruiting foreign students will be key if Japanese universities are to survive the competition expected as the population shrinks, according to British scholar Peter Mathias.
Japan Times
Mar 10, 2006

Japan's offshore firms unprepared for health crises

Despite a possible outbreak of a new strain of influenza that may kill more people than SARS did in 2002, only a few Japanese firms operating overseas have drawn up plans to deal with an epidemic.
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Mar 10, 2006

Geisha under directors' gaze

The Steven Spielberg-produced "Memoirs of a Geisha" may have just walked away with three Academy Awards, but it left some cinemagoers, including many in Japan, underwhelmed.
Japan Times
Mar 10, 2006

Romancing, not stoned

I've got four High Teens in my apartment, one of them is unconscious on my futon, and "romance" will ultimately be on the agenda. But please hesitate from rushing to the nearest koban and filing a report because, I promise you, this story does not involve drugs and underage sex. (I'm saving that for...
Mar 10, 2006

BOJ lifts ultraloose policy

The Bank of Japan on Thursday ended its five-year-old ultraloose monetary policy, brushing aside concerns in the Cabinet and the ruling coalition that the nation has not yet overcome years of deflation.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly