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LIFE / Style & Design / Japan Pulse
Nov 4, 2011

DesignTide Tokyo 2011

DesignTide Tokyo 2011
Japan Times
Nov 4, 2011

Akita's Gardener proving a formidable force once again

With identical 5-1 records, the upstart Akita Northern Happinets and expansion Chiba Jets square off four times over the next two weekends. It will be a strong early season test for both squads.
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Nov 4, 2011

Get a sample of Japanese arts

The Japanese arts of noh and kabuki are popular with tourists from all over, and Kamigata Traditional Entertainment Night was created to make productions easier to comprehend with its all-English program of traditional theater.
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Nov 4, 2011

Strengthening ties with Brazil via film

Brazilian films enchant in a way Hollywood or other Asian movies cannot, according to the organizers of this year's Festival Cinema Brazil.
Japan Times
Nov 4, 2011

"Asami Kiyokawa: Bijo Saishu"

Most people only think of drawing, painting and photography as the media for 2-D art works. Asami Kiyokawa, however, has chosen something different to enhance her work: embroidery.
Reader Mail
Nov 3, 2011

Nonsense from a poison pen

As much as I admire Debito Arudou for his efforts to point out flaws in the Japanese society and politics, he let himself get carried away this time.
Reader Mail
Nov 3, 2011

Culture shift to make cycling safer

Regarding the Oct. 26 article "Reckless cyclists face crackdown," I don't see that stricter enforcement of existing bicycle safety laws, or levying fines, or even banning bicycles from sidewalks altogether necessarily effectively address the problem of accidents involving cyclists and pedestrians.
Nov 3, 2011

Radiation reports may rise: officials

After two recent reports of radioactive substances being detected in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward, the science ministry Wednesday acknowledged that it receives a number of similar reports of unapproved radioactive materials each year.
Japan Times
Nov 3, 2011

"Beatriz Inglessis, The Primal Scen"

TANA Gallery Bookshelf Closes Nov. 18
Nov 2, 2011

Car taxes could be cut next year

The government may try to spur car sales by slashing related taxes.
Nov 2, 2011

U.S. military spending cuts have gone too far

We shouldn't gut defense. A central question of our budget debates is how much we allow growing social spending to crowd out the military and, in effect, force the United States into a dangerous, slow-motion disarmament.
Nov 2, 2011

Restoring Tohoku fisheries

In an attempt to restore fisheries in the Tohoku region devastated by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, the government on Oct. 15 decided to allow new private enterprises to engage in coastal fishery farming if certain conditions are met. It plans to submit a related bill to the current Diet session....
Nov 2, 2011

Cesium in pollen not viewed as health risk

The Forestry Agency believes cedar pollen next spring contaminated by cesium fallout from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant will be well below the legal safety limit.
Nov 2, 2011

TPP bandwagons play tunes not all find pleasing to the ear

The question of whether Japan should join the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade talks has taken center stage in the Diet as the chasm grows between TPP advocates, mainly on the side of businesses, and opponents, representing long-protected farming and fishing constituencies.
Nov 2, 2011

Mitt Romney, the pretzel candidate

The Republican presidential dynamic — various candidates rise and recede; Mitt Romney remains at about 25 percent support — is peculiar because conservatives correctly believe it is important to defeat Barack Obama but unimportant that Romney be president. This is not cognitive dissonance.
Nov 2, 2011

Myanmar's new guardian?

Myanmar's one-time military generals, who have miraculously transformed themselves into benign politicians, really do seem to be taking remarkable steps to restructure both the domestic and foreign policy of that fragile nation.
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Nov 1, 2011

More ways to try before you buy

Not sure if you're ready to Roomba? Trial offers let you take just about anything for a spin.
Nov 1, 2011

Hashimoto bows out amid controversy

Toru Hashimoto finished his term Monday as Osaka governor, resigning three months early to run for mayor of the city of Osaka on Nov. 27.
Nov 1, 2011

Japan's 'new towns' are finally getting too old

In September, real estate developer Tokyo Tatemono started to demolish the Suwa Ni-chome apartments in the western Tokyo region of Tama. The Suwa danchi (housing development) was an integral part of Tama New Town, which opened in 1971. Of the various "new towns" built in the late 1960s and '70s by the...
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Nov 1, 2011

Designs that come out of the blue

Reflecting on Okinawa's natural pigmentations, one thinks instinctively of the red of its hibiscus, the pinks and mauves of bougainvillea, the green of ripening shikuwasa limes and fukugi trees. The strongest association, though, is blue.


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?