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Japan Times
May 19, 2006

A Japanese Jim Jarmusch

If the name Atsushi Funahashi doesn't ring any bells in the Japanese film industry, it's mainly because the domestic film scene had never been his primary concern.
Japan Times
May 19, 2006

Beacon: Power dining that shines

The stock market's up and ditto consumer spending. Real estate is rebounding and there's even talk of another bubble. No surprise then that we've been seeing plenty of upmarket restaurants opening in recent months. Better still, some of our favorite restaurateurs are getting into the action.
May 18, 2006

Fudo, Oyama bound for c'ship

Yuri Fudo and Shiho Oyama have been guaranteed spots at next month's U.S. LPGA Championship, the second major tournament of the year on the tour, the Ladies Professional Golfers' Association of Japan said Wednesday.
May 18, 2006

Annan asks Koizumi to give air support to U.N. in Iraq

Visiting U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan asked Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Wednesday to provide air support for U.N. activities in Iraq, opening the possibility that the Air Self-Defense Force will get a new mission there.
May 17, 2006

Aso says change needed in war-dead system

Foreign Minister Taro Aso said Tuesday he sees problems in the current method of honoring the war dead at Yasukuni Shrine and suggested that having a single religious institution in charge of the system needs changing.
May 17, 2006

Taro Aso has a history problem with Australia

When Foreign Minister Taro Aso visited Australia recently, did he know that the father of the Australian foreign minister, Alexander Downer, had been a Japanese prisoner of war in the notorious Changi jail in Singapore? And if Alexander Downer Sr. had been sent to a certain camp in Kyushu, as some 200...
May 17, 2006

Egypt says thanks for new yen loan

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on Tuesday thanked Prime Minister Koizumi for Japan's agreement to provide yen loans up to 34.8 billion yen for a new museum project, a Foreign Ministry official said.
May 17, 2006

Bid to address Congress has Yasukuni proviso

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's contentious visits to Yasukuni Shrine are a matter of religious freedom, the government said Tuesday, rejecting criticism leveled by a powerful U.S. congressman.
May 16, 2006

Old books find new life with young

Defying conventional wisdom, more young Japanese are getting interested in secondhand books -- not only to read but also taking pleasure in selling them at flea markets -- thanks in part to an enterprising young woman who started selling used books on the Internet.
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
May 16, 2006

Nippon Ham's Ogasawara available for free agency

Nippon Ham Fighters infielder Michihiro Ogasawara has fulfilled the requirements to become a free agent but said Monday he has not considered what course of action, if any, he will take with the Pacific League club.
Japan Times
May 16, 2006

Is Japan a good country to raise children?

Tomas Castro Account exec., 40 Children here are lacking parental role models. Fathers spend too much time at work and mothers are stressed with the running of the household. These responsibilities then fall to cram schools, peers and, lastly, grandparents.
May 14, 2006

Fisheries Agency to try new method to restore ailing coral at southern isle

The Fisheries Agency will start a project this fiscal year to restore the ailing coral reef around Japan's southernmost island of Okinotori that many experts fear will be in for further damage due to global warming.
Japan Times
May 14, 2006

Home and away

Young Japanese lead the way in a cultural exchange set to erode their homeland's hidebound mentality
Japan Times
May 13, 2006

The Japan Lite reader shrine

Dear Amy: Every time I read you I get more sentimental for the land of my birth. I was born in Yokohama Japan, of British parents in 1920, and was evacuated just prior to Pearl Harbor, 1941. Thank you so much for all the pleasure you have given me over the years I have been reading you. I [went] back...
May 13, 2006

Softbank plans online university

Softbank Corp. said Friday the education ministry has accepted its application to set up a four-year, all-online college.
May 13, 2006

Hussein's novel coming

A historical novel that former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein wrote shortly before the U.S.-led invasion of his country in March 2003 will go on sale in Japan on May 19, the publisher said.
May 12, 2006

Beijing flouts an old rule of separation

LOS ANGELES -- "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's."
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
May 12, 2006

Designing for life

Asia's biggest art event, Design Festa, returns for its spring installment to Tokyo Big Sight on May 20-21 when it hopes to attract 60,000 people to its 2,600 booths. Approximately 6,000 exhibitors from around the world will be participating in Design Festa Vol. 23, showing off everything from flower...
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / VINELAND
May 12, 2006

Resurrecting Girard

Good wine at a fair price is not a phrase heard often in Napa Valley these days, but the buzz among Tokyo wine lovers is that the recently revived Girard winery is now delivering just that.
May 12, 2006

Fixing the freedom to move

LONDON -- Recent marches in the United States by Latin Americans calling for some 12 million illegal immigrants to be given the right to reside and work in "the land of the free" are the most striking manifestation of a problem that affects every advanced country, although the issue is disguised in Japan....
May 11, 2006

JSF plans to accuse ex-president for embezzlement

The Japan Skating Federation plans to file civil and criminal charges against its former president for suspected embezzlement, acting federation president Yasuakira Hayashi said Wednesday.
Japan Times
May 11, 2006

Children of Lesotho orphaned by AIDS

MASERU, Lesotho -- If I had heard a sadder song, I could not remember.
May 11, 2006

It's crying time for Labour

LONDON -- In Tokyo, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has clearly announced the time when he will depart from office. In London, British Prime Minister Tony Blair has left the time of his departure wide open. Therein lies the difference, and the core, of the deep problems currently besetting...
May 11, 2006

While Hamas is snubbed, kids starve

NEW YORK -- The decision by the United States, the European Union and Canada to cut financial assistance to Hamas, the winner of the recent Palestinian elections, not only disrespects the results of a clean and democratic electoral process; more ominously, it will further harm Palestinian children, already...


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo