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Jun 1, 2006

From recovery to resilience

A devastating earthquake hit Indonesia over the weekend, even as the country is still struggling to recover from the magnitude-9 earthquake and tsunami off Sumatra Island that killed about 168,000 people in the country in December 2004.
Japan Times
Jun 1, 2006

"Naoki Honjo -- The Metropolis in Miniature"

Aoyama Book Center Gallery Closes in 12 days
Japan Times
Jun 1, 2006

"Vu Dan Tan -- Tanorigami: Suitcases of a Pilgrim"

Art-U Room Closes in 11 days
May 31, 2006

Environment white paper places focus on Minamata

The 2006 white paper on the environment features Minamata disease in its opening article as the year marked the 50th anniversary of the official recognition of the mercury-poisoning malady, and it blames the government for its failure to act.
May 31, 2006

Cabinet OKs U.S. realignment plan but is vague on specifics

The Cabinet adopted plans Tuesday to help pay for the U.S. military realignment in Japan, pledging to come up with steps to stimulate the economies of communities hosting bases and to take money out of the defense budget to finance the program.
May 31, 2006

Industrial output hits record high

Industrial production rose a seasonally adjusted 1.5 percent in April to set a record high, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said Tuesday.
Japan Times
May 31, 2006

Philosopher reignites debate over contraception

When it was reported last month that Hollywood actor Tom Cruise intended to eat his wife's placenta raw, I thought it was one of the stranger stories going round at the time. Another, according to some newspapers, was that Cruise had bought his wife, actress Katie Holmes, an adult-sized pacifier to ensure...
May 30, 2006

Revamped Narita terminal set to open

NARITA, Chiba Pref. -- About 1,000 guests and reporters toured the refurbished South Wing at Narita International Airport's Terminal 1 during a ceremony Monday held ahead of the grand reopening later in the week.
May 30, 2006

France awards Nakagawa for role in WTO farm talks

France has honored Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Shoichi Nakagawa for his proactive role in farm negotiations under the World Trade Organization, making him the first Japanese to receive the highest award of Commandeur in the agricultural sector.
May 30, 2006

Seafood dealer obtains eco-label

A Tokyo-based seafood wholesaler has become the first business in Japan to be certified by a London-based conservation group as a supplier of seafood produced by sustainable fishing, officials of the group said Monday.
May 29, 2006

English-only laws: a pain with little gain

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- "It gives the idea that any other language is excluded," stated Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain in reaction to a recently passed amendment that would make English the "national language of the United States."
May 28, 2006

American intrigues disrupt quiet of Singapore and Seoul

THE AMBASSADOR'S WIFE by Jake Needham. Hong Kong: Prime Crime Press, 2006, 349 pp., £10 (paper). MORTAL ALLIES by Brian Haig. New York: Warner Vision Books, 2002, 580 pp., $6.99 (paper). When a maid finds the nude corpse of a Western female in a suite in Singapore's Marriott Hotel, all hell breaks loose....
May 28, 2006

Japanese scholars contribute to MEGA

In 1998, Izumi Omura, professor of economics at Tohoku University's graduate school in Sendai, and seven other scholars started a rather unusual job -- deciphering voluminous, almost illegible, 19th-century German handwritten manuscripts. The following year, Rolf Hecker from Germany joined the team,...
May 27, 2006

Wolfowitz here for long weekend

Japan for four days from Saturday, the Foreign Ministry said Friday.
May 27, 2006

External assets hit 181 trillion yen at end of 2005

The balance of Japan's net external assets stood at 180.7 trillion yen at the end of 2005, down 2.7 percent from a year earlier, declining for the first time in two years, the Finance Ministry said Friday.
May 27, 2006

Livedoor ex-CFO admits guilt as trial starts, turns on Horie

are for the most part correct," contradicting Horie's assertions that he did not knowingly falsify the company's financial statements. "I deeply regret having committed these crimes, and apologize for having caused so many people trouble, he said.
May 27, 2006

WTO chief Lamy to visit in July

Pascal Lamy, director general of the World Trade Organization, is expected to visit Japan in early July to sound out Tokyo as WTO members struggle to strike a deal by the end of that month, Japanese officials said Friday.
May 26, 2006

Canon exits film cameras amid digital dominance

Following in the footsteps of camera giants Nikon Corp. and Konika Minolta Holdings Inc., Canon Inc. will stop developing new film-based camera products because of the shrinking analogue market and dramatically growing digital demand, the company's president said Thursday.
May 26, 2006

ROMZ Record 4th Anniversary Tour

Computer geeks, grab your MacBooks and rejoice -- your passion for processors and software will place you among the hippest of the hip next week.
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
May 26, 2006

Making a song and dance about human rights

Amnesty International began over four decades ago, when British lawyer Peter Benenson wrote to The Observer newspaper campaigning for worldwide protests about the rights of forgotten prisoners. Benenson had heard about the case of two Portuguese students sentenced to seven years imprisonment simply for...
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
May 26, 2006

The capital delights of Nara

To visit Kyoto is often to experience what Oscar Wilde thought of Wagner's music -- beautiful moments, but bad quarters of an hour. The time spent soaking up the splendors of its temples and gardens seems slight at the side of those long bus rides getting there across a cityscape that goes out of its...
May 25, 2006

A love that can't be legislated

The Diet has started discussions on a government bill to revise the Fundamental Law of Education. First and foremost, the bill represents an attempt to lay down a legal basis for using education as a means of instilling "love of nation" in students. While love of nation is something that should grow...
May 25, 2006

Evidence portrays Russia as failed state

LONDON -- Have you read Russian President Vladimir Putin's 2006 State of the Nation message yet? The one he gave last week? You should.
Japan Times
May 25, 2006

Playing for his master

"I entered the world of bunraku by accident, without knowing anything about it," says shamisen player Tsuruzawa Enjiro, who has just received the prestigious stage name Tsuruzawa Enza (VI) previously held by his master.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly