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Japan Times
Jun 10, 2011

New media keep old media honest

Ssecond of Two Parts
Jun 10, 2011

Widen evacuation zone for children, pregnant women: Greenpeace chief

The government should consider evacuating children and pregnant women from a wider area around the Fukushima No. 1 power plant because radiation levels remain high even outside the 20-km no-go zone, Kumi Naidoo, executive director of Greenpeace International, said Thursday in Tokyo.
Jun 10, 2011

Anonymity stymies hunt for Google, Sony hackers

Hardly a month has gone by this year without a multinational company such as Google Inc., EMC Corp. or Sony Corp. disclosing it's been hacked by cyber-intruders who infiltrated networks or stole customer information. Yet no hacker has been publicly identified, charged or arrested.
Japan Times
Jun 7, 2011

'English-speaking diaspora' should unite, not backbite

There has been an ill wind blowing around Japan, and I don't just mean the fallout after Fukushima. I'm talking about the nasty attitude non-Japanese (NJ) residents have towards each other, even in this time of crisis.
Jun 4, 2011

Mr. Kan's tricky promise

What happened Thursday in the Diet — a vote on a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Naoto Kan in the Lower House — will further deepen people's distrust of lawmakers at home and tarnish Japan's image abroad. The motion did lead, however, to Mr. Kan's vague pledge to resign in the near future,...
Jun 1, 2011

Radiation-linked cancer an intangible numbers game

With contaminated produce continuing to be detected beyond Fukushima Prefecture, public concern over the health effects of radiation exposure continues to mount.
Japan Times
May 26, 2011

Knowing Sharaku's art without knowing the artist

One of Japan's greatest mysteries is the true identity of the ukiyo-e (woodblock print) artist Toshusai Sharaku, whose entire career was crammed into a 10-month period from 1794 to 1795, during which he produced 145 separate print sheets.
May 24, 2011

Disorganized dreams of Egyptian democrats

The Internet is an extraordinarily powerful tool. It has changed how we do business, how we do politics, and even how we change our leaders — at least some of the time. But the ease with which we now communicate, the efficiencies we take for granted, can give us a false sense of how easy it is to follow...
Japan Times
May 24, 2011

Travel firms feel pinch, pitch in after disasters

Every spring, as the wave of blossoms sweeps up the archipelago from south to north, washing up from the coasts into the higher altitudes, travelers flood into Japan. Rivaled only by the cool autumn months that redden maple leaves across the country, March and April are high season for tourism in Japan....
May 23, 2011

Kan, Wen, Lee bolster disaster plans

Prime Minister Naoto Kan and his Chinese and South Korean counterparts agreed Sunday to enhance cooperation on a range of programs — including nuclear safety and disaster management — in light of the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.
Japan Times
May 22, 2011

Up close and personal: Why Dylan is so big in Japan

It was the fall of 1963, when — in what seemed like a flash of lightning — I became a fan of Bob Dylan the moment I heard "Blowin' in the Wind" on the radio. I was in my first year of high school.
Reader Mail
May 19, 2011

Lack of details worsens situation

As a resident of Koto Ward in Tokyo with an infant son, I am very concerned when The Japan Times publishes vague articles about highly radioactive ash being found in Koto Ward ("Radioactive ash found in Tokyo after March 11").
May 19, 2011

Asahi kicks off news pay service

The Asahi Shimbun Co. launched a digital newspaper Wednesday, aiming to find a profitable balance between old and new media.
Japan Times
May 19, 2011

Art in the realm of the sense of smell

In the battle between sight and smell, sight usually comes out on top as the more valued sense. But while our visual sense supplies us with copious and precise information about the world around us and allows us to appreciate images of beauty, our olfactory sense often has a firmer grasp on our moods,...
Japan Times
May 19, 2011

Sony's Stringer calls hacker attack 'hiccup'

The hacker attack that crippled Sony Corp.'s PlayStation Network and Qriocity entertainment services was "a hiccup" in the company's online strategy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Howard Stringer said.
Japan Times
May 16, 2011

Asians fuel record rally in U.S. meat prices

Food shoppers in South Korea, Mexico and Japan are fueling a surge in U.S. beef prices just as demand is set to reach a seasonal peak this month and retailers including Sam's Club promote the meat in stores.
Reader Mail
May 15, 2011

Step up antiterror preparations

Regarding the May 5 editorial, "Death of bin Laden": Japan should spare no efforts to prevent terror attacks. In order to recover completely from the March 11 Tohoku-Pacific earthquake and the subsequent nuclear plant crisis at Fukushima, Japan needs to concentrate on eradicating the risk of terrorist...
Japan Times
May 15, 2011

Japan's renegade hero gives Saipan new hope

Graciano Lisua doesn't look like someone who would get too worked up about ghosts. Yet superstition, says the broad-shouldered, barrel-chested Chomorron as he leans on his machete, is of great import for the inhabitants of the Mariana Islands.
Japan Times
May 14, 2011

Finding fulfillment the hard way through NGOs, activism

The tiny Amnesty International Japan headquarters is hidden on the fourth floor of a nondescript building in a dull business district not far from Ochanomizu, in central Tokyo.
May 12, 2011

Nuclear safety and disarmament

On April 30, foreign ministers from 10 nonnuclear weapons states — Japan, Australia, Germany, Canada, Chile, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates — gathered in Berlin and issued a statement reaffirming their joint intention to "work toward achieving nuclear disarmament...
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design / STYLE WISE
May 10, 2011

The girls, the heart, the virility and the ingenuity of fashion

Let's hear it for the girls: Fashion, music and celebrities The Girls Award, a twice-yearly event not unlike the already massively popular Tokyo Girls Collection (TGC), proves that the trend of daylong fashion festivals is picking up speed.
May 5, 2011

Death of bin Laden

Osama bin Laden, the face of Islamic militancy, was killed Monday morning in an assault by U.S. special forces on his compound in Pakistan. His death ends the hunt for the man who claimed to have launched the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, which killed some 3,000 people, and a host of other atrocities....
Japan Times
May 3, 2011

It's innovate or die in today's mad mag world

In few countries are the most vital political, economic and cultural activities as geographically concentrated as in Japan. All the main institutions can be found in Tokyo — one can only shudder to think what will happen not only to this city, but to the whole country if and when a massive earthquake...


Atsuyoshi Koike, the president and CEO of Rapidus, says there is a “sense of urgency” when it comes to Japan’s efforts in manufacturing semiconductors. “We have to make sure we are successful,” he says.
Atsuyoshi Koike’s big game: Fourth down and 2 nanometers to go