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Sep 18, 2006

Aum's crimes marked start of growing public safety fear

Last in a series
Sep 17, 2006

Monsters out of the closet

MILLENNIAL MONSTERS: Japanese Toys and the Global Imagination, by Anne Allison, foreword by Gary Cross. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006, 332 pp., 48 b/w photos, $24.95 (paper). When I was a child, toys from Japan were kept in the cheapest bins of Woolworth's and Newberry's. Sparkler-wheels...
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2006

Bizarre bouts of self-expression

Nearly 300 spectators cheered wildly as disco music blared. A spotlight picked out two fighters approaching the ring to kick off a puroresu (prowrestling) event held recently in a Tokyo town hall.
Sep 17, 2006

Have a nice 'sol'

It's that time again. Every so often, life on our planet just seems so bleak there's nowhere to look but out. That was certainly the case this past week. Not only did the usual whack-a-mole wars keep flaring and simmering, even good things had their dark sides. Here in Japan, the welcome birth of a prince...
Sep 16, 2006

Crown Prince to go to Tonga funeral

Crown Prince Naruhito will attend the funeral of Tonga's King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV next week, the government said Friday.
Sep 16, 2006

Japan, Iran to continue talks on oil field project

Japan and Iran have agreed to continue talks beyond the Friday deadline over developing the giant Azadegan oil field, trade chief Toshihiro Nikai indicated Friday.
Japan Times
Sep 16, 2006

Commode confession of Sound Princess

All the talk of royalty these days has got me to thinking -- has anyone else ever wondered why so many royal words are associated with toilets? Think about it. You sit on the throne. If you're a woman in a public bathroom in Japan, you probably use the Oto Hime (Sound Princess) to cover up the sounds...
Sep 16, 2006

Decision on further North Korea sanctions may come Tuesday

Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe suggested Friday the Cabinet may decide to impose financial sanctions against North Korea next Tuesday under a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Pyongyang's July missile launches.
Sep 15, 2006

Abe holds tongue on Japan's war deeds

has sent signals" they want to improve the Japan-China relationship, he said. Abe's strategy has been to keep his opinions to himself about Japan's actions in the 1930s and 1940s.
Sep 14, 2006

Takahashi to compete in Philly

Sydney Olympic marathon gold medalist Naoko Takahashi will run a half-marathon race in Philadelphia on Sunday for the second straight year, her management company said Wednesday.
Japan Times
Sep 14, 2006

Blood battle is about the past and future

Sep 14, 2006

Birth of prince doesn't resolve succession crisis: agency chief

The head of the Imperial Household Agency has warned that last week's birth of the first male heir to the Chrysanthemum Throne in four decades did not resolve the Imperial family's succession crisis, an official of the agency said Wednesday.
Sep 14, 2006

TB and HIV: a combination made in hell

PRAGUE -- Fatima, who lives in western Tanzania near Lake Tanganyika, has been suffering for more than a month from a dry, hacking cough. She trembles to think that it might mean she has tuberculosis. Fatima knows that she can find out and, if necessary, receive treatment at the nearest health clinic,...
Sep 14, 2006

Let's avoid a U.N. row with South Korea

LOS ANGELES -- I do not much mind being misquoted, especially in a good cause. That cause is the worthy candidacy of South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki Moon, who is fighting for the job of U.N. secretary general. The incumbent, Kofi Annan, is finishing out his second term and must vacate later this...
Japan Times
Sep 14, 2006

The last weekend of summer to rave about

For Japan's trance music fans, this weekend is the last big outdoor romp of summer.
Sep 13, 2006

Ozawa remains DPJ leader

Ichiro Ozawa was in effect named Tuesday to a second term as the Democratic Party of Japan president after no other candidates came forward to challenge him for the post.
Japan Times
Sep 13, 2006

Own goal clouds progress

Tomorrow sees the start of a three-day meeting in the Eternal City that concerns one of the most promising and controversial scientific research areas of our time: stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have the ability to transform into any cell and tissue type in the body, and thus have the potential to...
Sep 13, 2006

Fibrous plants are helping cars go green on the outside

You might think bamboo, corn and kenaf -- a plant similar to jute -- would make poor materials for building modern cars, but you would be wrong. These plants are helping make auto parts that are green in more ways than one.
Sep 12, 2006

Ozawa seeks re-election as DPJ chief

Democratic Party of Japan leader Ichiro Ozawa announced Monday he will run for re-election as the party's president.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly