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Japan Times
Mar 10, 2012

Cuts to wasteful public works now said blocking rebound

After years of criticism for public works spending that rewarded political constituents at the cost of adding debt, the government succeeded in cutting the largesse in half. Now, that legacy of success is hampering an economic rebound.
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Mar 9, 2012

Drummers hope to support earthquake victims

Many artists that watched the destruction of the Great East Japan Earthquake a year ago have said in media interviews that they've struggled with how to interpret the disaster. The taiko (drum) troupe at the International Christian University is no different.
Japan Times
Mar 9, 2012

Deeper cooperation urged for key East Asian powers to sustain growth

China, with its increasingly assertive diplomacy and rapid military buildup, is a common security threat for Japan and South Korea, but the two countries also need to work with China as a partner in East Asia's economic growth, veteran journalists from South Korea said in a recent symposium in Tokyo....
Reader Mail
Mar 8, 2012

Distorting the idea of 'majority'

Poor analogies aside, the reasoning in Jennifer Kim's March 4 letter, "Poor analogies to 'gay marriage," borders on the ludicrous. Kim imagines that she and another reader hold the majority opinion on some unclear issue. Readers may wonder, what precisely is this issue on which the majority opinion,...
Japan Times
Mar 8, 2012

Tohoku fears nuke crisis evacuees gone for good

Second in a series During a visit in late February to Shidamyo, less than 30 km from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, a few elderly residents could be seen ambling around the tranquil rural district, but there were no signs of any children.
Mar 8, 2012

Lower House dissolution, snap poll baloney: Noda

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on Wednesday rejected speculation that he intends to cave to the opposition camp and dissolve the Lower House for a snap poll, in exchange for its support in passing legislation to hike the sales tax.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Art / Japan Pulse
Mar 7, 2012

15th Japan Media Arts Festival

Creators of interactive technology and cutting-edge eye candy get their week in the spotlight.
Mar 7, 2012

Myth-busting Vladimir Putin

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin unnerved many Russians and foreigners alike when he announced in September that he wanted to switch places with his handpicked successor, President Dmitry Medvedev. Although Putin won back the presidency in the election on Sunday, his popularity is sagging, and Russians...
Mar 7, 2012

An Israeli strike on Iran would backfire

On June 7, 1981, eight Israeli F-16 fighter jets, protected by six F-15 escorts, dropped 16 907-kg bombs on the nearly completed Osirak nuclear reactor at the Tuwaitha complex in Iraq. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Defense Minister Ariel Sharon saw the reactor as central to Iraqi President...
Japan Times
SOCCER / J. League
Mar 7, 2012

Popovic thinking big in his first season with FC Tokyo

Kashiwa Reysol pulled off the unprecedented feat of winning the J. League only a year after claiming the second-division title last season, but FC Tokyo manager Ranko Popovic is hoping history will repeat itself with his newly promoted team.
Mar 7, 2012

Third term for Mr. Putin

He did it again. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin won another presidential election. While the outcome was no surprise, neither was the controversy that greeted his victory. Despite Mr. Putin's claim that he won "an open and honest fight," the opposition has charged that the outcome reflects vote...
Mar 6, 2012

Hamas' perilous maneuvers

Despite all of Hamas' assurances to the contrary, a defining struggle is taking place within the Palestinian Islamic movement. The outcome of this struggle — which is still confined to polite political disagreements and occasional intellectual tussle — is likely to change Hamas' outlook, if not fundamentally...
Mar 6, 2012

Immigration 'informers' call on foreigners in Suginami Ward

C.W., who lives in Tokyo's Suginami Ward, recently received a notice about the upcoming resident law changes and was informed that an "officer" would visit him and other foreign residents in the area. He is concerned about the intent of these changes and wondering why "officers" are only visiting the...
Mar 6, 2012

Government to pay debris disposal costs

The environment minister said Monday that financial support will be given to any local government that accepts and disposes of debris from Iwate and Miyagi prefectures generated by last year's devastating earthquake and tsunami.
Mar 6, 2012

Work for the public's well-being

During a debate in the Lower House last week, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and Mr. Sadakazu Tanigaki, chief of the opposition Liberal Democratic Party, appeared to have reached agreements on several issues. The ruling and opposition parties should use that momentum to break the current political stagnation,...
Reader Mail
Mar 4, 2012

Blind presumption of atrocities

Regarding Shai Greenberg's Feb. 23 letter, "Unbearable cost of Iranian oil": How does Japan's purchase of Iranian oil lead to the government in Tehran continuing "its atrocities against the Iranian people"? Is it not a case of blind ignorance to write this — as if atrocities do indeed take place in...
Reader Mail
Mar 4, 2012

Don't impose gold medal targets

Regarding the Feb. 29 Kyodo article "Draft program targets buckets of Olympic gold medals": If I am not mistaken, the only countries that had or have such government-set numerical targets for Olympic gold medals are dictatorships.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Mar 4, 2012

Winter kept us warm in Kamikochi's silence

Emerging from the 1.3-km darkness of the Kama Tunnel, our footsteps echoing eerily, we step into the white silence of Kamikochi's upland basin at the heart of the Chubusangaku National Park, which itself marks the center of the Hida Mountains, long ago dubbed the "Japan Alps."
Mar 3, 2012

Redknapp may make England wait

When Fabio Capello said he wanted to resign as England manager, David Bernstein, the chairman of the Football Association, said it was "best for the F.A." so the Italian's offer was one he could not refuse.
Japan Times
Mar 3, 2012

Ice phenomenon warms up hearts in the Lake Suwa region

To the delight of local residents this winter, an elevated line of cracked ice appeared on the frozen surface of Lake Suwa in Nagano Prefecture for the first time in four years.
Japan Times
Mar 2, 2012

Aomori's entry delayed a year by lack of sponsorship

By delaying its entry into the bj-league by a year, the Aomori expansion franchise will have more time to get its financial house in order. At least that's the basic assumption one has after last Friday's announcement made official what had been expected for several months.


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?