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Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design
Sep 26, 2006

Barouche appliances, R Chair, DoCoMo N702iS, NEKKO flower vase, M+K Design's Sweet Icicle light

Be it for the home, while you're on the go, or even during some far away travels, this month's column has you covered with a selection of choice items that should satisfy all your stylish needs.
Sep 25, 2006

Schieffer praises sales of U.S. beef

U.S. Ambassador Thomas Schieffer on Sunday welcomed the "very positive" response from consumers to the resumption of U.S. beef exports since last month.
Sep 24, 2006

Abe may turn more assertive in Asia: U.S. paper

Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe, guaranteed to win the prime minister's post Tuesday, will likely bring an assertiveness to foreign policy and may redefine Japan's leadership role in Asia and the world, modeling himself as a "fighting statesman," an influential U.S. newspaper said in an editorial...
Sep 24, 2006

Common economic statistics sought

The government has decided to introduce common standards to determine economic statistics in cooperation with other Asia-Pacific nations as well as the United States for easier mutual comparison, officials said Saturday.
Sep 24, 2006

Monkey business can be serious literature

MONKEY by Wu Cheng-en, translated by Arthur Waley. London: Penguin Books, 2006, 352 pp., £9.99 (paper). After many years out of print, this famous translation, originally published in 1942, is this autumn back in the bookstores. It is a partial rendering of a 16th-century Chinese classic text, otherwise...
Sep 23, 2006

Abe saves seats at Aoki's urging

Liberal Democratic Party President Shinzo Abe told his party's Upper House caucus chief Friday that he will allocate two posts when he forms his first Cabinet next week to members of the House of Councilors, keeping the same number as his predecessor, a senior LDP lawmaker said Friday.
Sep 23, 2006

City Hall to appeal 'Kimigayo' ruling

Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara said Friday that City Hall will appeal Thursday's 12.03 million yen district court ruling against the "Kimigayo" directive, which obliges Tokyo's teachers to sing the national anthem before the national flag at school ceremonies.
Sep 23, 2006

Foreigners to need 'skills' to live in Japan

A Justice Ministry panel discussing long-term policies for accepting overseas workers said Friday the government should seek out those with special skills and expertise to cope with the shrinking labor force in Japan.
Sep 23, 2006

Lawyers to hold concert, sing praises of Article 9

A group of some 30 lawyers will fight to preserve Article 9 of the Constitution by giving a choral performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9, which is dedicated to world peace and happiness. The concert is an effort to draw attention to political moves to revise the article, which renounces war.
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
Sep 22, 2006

Oh gets released from hospital

Japanese home run king Sadaharu Oh left Keio University Hospital on Thursday after an extended rehabilitation following an operation to remove his stomach earlier in the year.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Sep 22, 2006

On a pathway to the divine

Since it acquired the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004, more people have naturally felt inclined to see the temples and monasteries of Koyasan in Wakayama Prefecture for themselves. But more than a few visitors to the complex find that its heavy Buddhist religiosity and the funereal gloom...
Sep 22, 2006

Thai coup puts FTA, investment in doubt

Tuesday's bloodless coup in Thailand has left a free-trade agreement negotiated between Tokyo and Bangkok up in the air, a senior Japanese official said Thursday as businesses waited for the dust to settle.
Sep 21, 2006

First Blu-ray recorder due out in November

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. said Wednesday it will launch the world's first Blu-ray DVD recorders in Japan on Nov. 15, rising to do battle with High-Definition DVD, a rival format.
Sep 21, 2006

The next Palestinian struggle

LONDON -- An expert in international law and an old friend of the Palestinian people wrote me with utter distress a few days after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh were reported to have reached an agreement Sept. 11 to form a national unity government. The content...
Japan Times
Sep 21, 2006

Tokyo Art Beat makes audience artists

After two years as the city's best source for museum and gallery listings, Tokyo Art Beat (TAB, is now getting involved in the production of exhibitions. In conjunction with Mozilla, creators of the popular Firefox browser, TAB and their associate entity Gadago are organizing a...
Sep 21, 2006

The world's biggest mystery

LONDON -- In a recent opinion poll in Russia carried out by the Yury Levada Analytical Center, 58 percent of the respondents said they believe that "non-Russian nationalities are to blame for many of Russia's misfortunes"; 52 percent said they thought the government should restrict immigration.
Japan Times
Sep 20, 2006

Quiet Tokyo neighborhood may be sitting on gruesome secret

The Toyama No. 5 apartment block is quiet at midday -- laundry flapping from balconies, old people taking an after-lunch stroll. But the building and its nearby park may be sitting on a gruesome World War II secret.
Sep 19, 2006

Tokyo's Wako University staging exhibition on Minamata disease

Wako University is holding an exhibition through Sept. 24 on Minamata disease at its campus in Machida, western Tokyo, aiming to show how the mercury-poisoning disease has affected Japan's postwar society.
Sep 19, 2006

A positive U.S.-ROK summit

While Japan has focused on the modernization of its alliance with the United States, the Republic of Korea (ROK) has been seeking a new equilibrium in its relationship with Washington, too. The maturing of South Korea's economy and political system, and the coming to power of a new generation have shifted...
Japan Times
Sep 19, 2006

How will people remember the Koizumi era?

Sep 19, 2006

Ugly finale to bogus pretexts

The fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on New York's World Trade Center by Islamic militants has come and gone, leaving some glaring contrasts in its wake.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly