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Reader Mail
Sep 9, 2012

Root cause of Japan's conflicts

Regarding Yoshio Shimoji's Sept. 2 letter, "Best venue for settling dispute": Shimoji points out that the International Court of Justice must prepare for the opportunity to discuss disputes such as the Japan-China territorial row over the Senkaku Islands (called the Diaoyu in China) before the problem...
Sep 9, 2012

My seminal link with manga god Osamu Tezuka

In this month's column I am going to claim an audacious link with that great "god of manga," Osamu Tezuka.
Sep 8, 2012

Tokyo-Seoul: enough is enough!

Enough is enough! Obviously, the political leadership in Tokyo and Seoul never learned about the First Rule of Holes: When you find yourself in one, stop digging. Each side seems to be going out of its way to make a bad situation worse, even while providing private assurances that it won't let the situation...
Sep 8, 2012

Where the skies are not cloudy all day

Recently I once again journeyed back to the gentle plains of my Midwestern home, this time with my younger son in tow.
Sep 8, 2012

Do you overestimate your dental IQ?

I really feel sorry for dentists because they have to deal with difficult patients, especially those who have inflated ideas about their own dental IQ.
Sep 8, 2012

Cloudy outlook for economy

In its latest monthly economic report released on Aug. 28, the government downgraded its assessment of the economy for the first time since October 2011 when the effects of the European sovereign debt crisis and the strong yen broadsided the economy.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Sep 7, 2012

New Japanese tourists: have social network, will travel

Have group, will travel: social travel companies taking off in Japan.
Japan Times
Sep 7, 2012

Beard: Foodies will grow to love this brilliant brunch

Beard. What sort of name is that for a restaurant, least of all one serving French-inflected food?
Sep 7, 2012

Rising tensions hurting China sales, Nissan exec says

Nissan Motor Co., the best-selling Japanese automaker in China, said deliveries are off as it cut back on marketing events in the wake of violent anti-Japan demonstrations last month.
Japan Times
Sep 7, 2012

Nearly half of Nomura's cost cuts based in Europe

Nomura Holdings Inc. aims to derive almost half a billion dollars in planned savings from Europe, where it lost the most money last year, as the brokerage scales back its global ambitions
Reader Mail
Sep 6, 2012

Japan's history is in the details

In his Aug. 26 letter, "Military brothels go way back," Takashi Nagata treats us to a generalized history lesson: Europeans and others kept "comfort women." ... South Koreans had separate brothels for their soldiers and Americans in the 1970s. ... The film "Sandakan Brothel No. 8" depicts a brothel worker's...
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Sep 6, 2012

Hints of love fill the air at Nara's Manyo festival

Japan's oldest market in Sakurai, Nara Prefecture, will host the Manyo Matsuri on Sept. 8, a festival to commemorate the market and the region's (central Nara Prefecture) ancient culture.
Sep 6, 2012

Nationalists making waves in Japan-China ties

Forty years ago this month, Japan and China established diplomatic relations. However, the two countries are clearly in no mood to celebrate because of a heated territorial dispute over tiny uninhabited islands called the Senkakus by Japan and the Diaoyus by China. They are under Japanese control but...
Sep 5, 2012

Cinemas going digital

Japan's cinema world is now undergoing its greatest transformation since the introduction of "talkie" and color films. It has been learned recently that 10 major cinema complex firms, which cover some 70 percent of the roughly 3,300 movie screens in Japan, are expected to complete the introduction of...
Sep 4, 2012

Mr. Mitt Romney, a man of faith

It is now official: Mr. Willard Mitt Romney is the Republican Party nominee to contest the presidency of the United States in 2012. Mr. Romney acquired the requisite number of delegates in the Republican primary race months ago but it took the party convention to make it official. Now, Mr. Romney and...
Sep 2, 2012

Unwanted pregnancies need to be discussed

Two weeks ago a 17-year-old girl collapsed in a shopping mall in Hiroshima and was rushed to the hospital. At the same time a dead fetus was found on the floor in the corner of the mall's food court. The girl eventually admitted that she had just given birth to the child. On Aug. 9, a cleaning person...
Reader Mail
Sep 2, 2012

Best venue for settling dispute

The Japan-China territorial row over the Senkaku (called Diaoyu in China) Islands looks like a brawl of a nationalistic group from one country against a nationalistic group from another country. But the number of people who have taken to the streets in Chinese cities shows that there are far more nationalistic...
Sep 2, 2012

Troubling rise in small arms trade

T he international trade in small arms more than doubled since 2006, growing into a stunning $8.5 billion a year industry. The latest Small Arms Survey by an independent research group in Geneva found that large-scale government spending and increased purchases by American civilians, in addition to steady...
Sep 1, 2012

The blame for Diet paralysis

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and the ruling Democratic Party of Japan bear primary responsibility for the current paralytic political situation — the virtual stoppage of Diet deliberations after a censure motion against Mr. Noda passed in the opposition-controlled Upper House Wednesday.
Japan Times
Aug 31, 2012


It's often said that the Japanese are blissfully ignorant of race issues that occur in the West while being overly (sometimes absurdly) alert to those same issues at home, even as they have no idea how to deal with them. With this in mind, it's a little tempting to think what would happen if a remake...
Japan Times
Aug 31, 2012

Reverse imports on the rise thanks to strong yen

Japan Inc. has found a new export market: Japan.
Reader Mail
Aug 30, 2012

Old 'small government' refrain

In a Washington Post opinion article that ran Aug. 27 in The Japan Times under the headline "The unlikely chance of shrinking government," Lawrence Summers discusses the debate about the size of government, and how and why the size is unlikely to decrease in the coming years.
Reader Mail
Aug 30, 2012

The fight against climate change

A quote often attributed to Gandhi reads "Be the change you want to see in the world." This sentiment seems lost on Stephen Hesse, who, in his Aug. 26 article titled "If we ruin the air, what will our children breathe?", writes about his trans-Pacific sojourn with a group of Japanese university students...
Aug 30, 2012

U.S. presidential election needs another Teddy

What America feared above all was the growing concentration of wealth and political power. A Republican alliance with big business had flooded election campaigns with torrents of money, and it threatened to reduce — if not eliminate — whatever influence ordinary Americans had with their elected officials....
Aug 30, 2012

Going to the moon still matters

When the first man on the moon died Saturday, U.S. President Barack Obama tweeted: "Neil Armstrong was a hero not just of his time, but of all time." Armstrong's final comment on Obama, on the other hand, was that the president's policy on manned space flight was "devastating," adding that it condemned...


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?