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Aug 11, 2007

Toshiba may buy Marubeni Kazakhstan uranium stake

Toshiba Corp., Japan's biggest maker of nuclear reactors by capacity, is in talks to buy a stake in a uranium mine in Kazakhstan from Marubeni Corp. to secure fuel.
Aug 11, 2007

Can anybody challenge Manchester United, Chelsea for title?

LONDON — In life you generally get what you pay for.
Aug 10, 2007

Kansai airport faces competition

The opening of the second runway has lifted hopes for a prominent role that Kansai airport can play in Asian air transportation. With the first, 3,500-meter runway and now the second, 4,000-meter runway, the airport can pitch itself as a 24-hour operation. But it is saddled with high costs and faces...
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / VINELAND
Aug 10, 2007

Two Victorias, twice the pleasure

Two of the hottest women winemakers in Spain today are named Victoria, so when they banded together to start a new winery, it was hardly surprising that they decided to call it Dos (two) Victorias.
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Aug 10, 2007

Festival theater heats up Shibuya

Matsuri (festivals) in Japan are not only about fireworks, as the monthlong "Summer Summit 2007" drama event attests.
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Aug 10, 2007

Web site showcases classical artists

The Web site Japan's Classical Music Artists introduces promising local classical artists to the rest of the world in addition to carrying news related to concerts, festivals and competitions.
Japan Times
Aug 10, 2007

Wise-guy George woos Tokyo

It's not clear whether George Clooney was in character for his Tokyo press conference (along with "Ocean's Thirteen" producer Jerry Weintraub), or whether he'd just been knocking back the hooch with lunch, but either way, he rarely answered a question straight.
Aug 10, 2007

Tori Amos "American Doll Posse"

On her latest opus, Tori Amos assumes five different female personae (including one named "Tori") who sing 23 songs comprising four thematic suites.
Aug 9, 2007

How to deal with disasters

LONDON — Britain is notorious for its weather. This year April was unusually fine and warm. May, June and July were unseasonably cool. To describe these months as "wet" would be an English understatement. There was record rainfall with some places being deluged by rains normally only seen in the tropics....
Aug 9, 2007

U.N. acts, at last, on Darfur

The United Nations Security Council at long last has agreed to send a peacekeeping force to Darfur. The decision to send "blue helmets" is a critical step in the attempt to bring peace to the troubled region. But peacekeepers are only a means to an end. Real peace depends on a political settlement and...
Aug 9, 2007

Product safety issue a blessing in disguise?

HONG KONG — China's preliminary agreement with the United States on measures to deal with food and drug safety worked out last week is an encouraging development that may well avert a confrontation that could poison the relationship, which is already beset by trade and other economic disputes.
Aug 9, 2007

Biggest corn buyer to cut U.S. imports 6%, diversify

Zen-Noh, Japan's largest corn buyer, will cut U.S. feed grain imports by 6 percent this year as it diversifies supply to avoid shortages as farmers sell more of their crops for use as biofuel.
Reader Mail
Aug 8, 2007

Japan, U.S. natural allies

Chan Chang Eng's July 25 letter, "U.S.- Japan ties of convenience," is a typical outpouring from a citizen of Singapore. Safe in the prosperity that the U.S. security umbrella has provided since World War II, Eng spouts the Sino-apologia sanctioned by Singapore's patriarchal government.
Aug 8, 2007

Interest rates fine, IMF says

Interest rates in Japan, the lowest among the major economies, are appropriate and the central bank needn't rush to raise them because inflation isn't a threat, the International Monetary Fund said.
Aug 7, 2007

Spielberg as himself in China-lobby role

LOS ANGELES — Has the U.N. Security Council gone Hollywood? Suddenly it's all action on the Darfur, Sudan, nightmare. Maybe the United Nations got hit with a touch of " E.T."!
Japan Times
Aug 7, 2007

"The Boyhood of Burglar Hill," "Little Rabbit's New Baby"

"The Boyhood of Burglar Hill," Allan Ahlberg, Puffin Books; 2006; 181 pp.
Aug 4, 2007

Remark costs safety expert panel post

NIIGATA ( Kyodo) The head of a local advisory panel of experts on safety at a quake-hit nuclear power station in Niigata Prefecture resigned Friday after saying a day earlier that quake-caused damage at the plant was "an irreplaceable, invaluable experiment."


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo