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Aug 18, 2007

Nuclear safety at stake

The Nuclear Safety Commission made public its 2006 white paper on the safety of nuclear power last week. The fact that its publication came after two postponements shows that the safety of the nation's nuclear power plants cannot be taken for granted. It will take tremendous efforts on the part of the...
Aug 18, 2007

Are island people an endangered species?

The passing of O-bon (the festival of the dead), seems an appropriate time to reflect on the declining population in Japan. While the population continues to decline, depopulation is also occurring in farming communities and on Japan's small islands. As an islander myself, I am confronted with the question:...
Aug 18, 2007

Aussie bank chief: 'normalize' rates

Global financial markets need Japan's benchmark interest rate to be returned to "normal," Reserve Bank of Australia Gov. Glenn Stevens said.
Aug 18, 2007

PT Pertamina, Mitsubishi seek LNG plant loans

Mitsubishi Corp., Japan's largest trading company, and PT Pertamina will seek $800 million in loans to develop Indonesia's fourth liquefied natural gas plant.
Aug 17, 2007

Roh's trip to Pyongyang puts three scenarios in play

WASHINGTON — There is much speculation about what President Roh Moo Hyun will do when he meets North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang during Aug. 28-30.
Aug 17, 2007

Rural universities feel pinch of lower enrollments

Hagi International University in Yamaguchi Prefecture filed for court protection from creditors in June 2005, owing ¥3.7 billion after the number of freshmen enrollments and students declined sharply.
Aug 17, 2007

MUFG to sell 'catastrophe bonds' linked to quake danger

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., Japan's biggest bank, plans to sell bonds linked to earthquake risk to tap demand from investors seeking higher returns and from companies to hedge the cost of potential damage.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2007

Still Life

Director: Jia Zhang Ke Language: Mandarin
Aug 16, 2007

Subdued hopes for a Korean summit

The leaders of South and North Korea have agreed to hold a summit, the second ever between presidents of the two countries. Any dialogue among Korean heads of state is to be welcomed, but the timing of this meeting is suspicious. It is tempting to dismiss the summit as a political stunt to shore up the...
Japan Times
Aug 16, 2007

One minister breaks ranks, visits shrine

Japan observed the 62nd anniversary of its World War II surrender Wednesday as all but one of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Cabinet ministers refrained from visiting Yasukuni Shrine.
Japan Times
Aug 16, 2007

Rightwingers lash out at absent ministers' 'lack of respect'

Rightwing activists and visitors at Yasukuni Shrine were quick Wednesday to protest the Cabinet's lack of "respect for the war dead" as all but one minister chose to steer clear of the contentious site.
Japan Times
Aug 16, 2007

Quentin Tarantino: a B-movie badass

The Japanophile U.S. director talks about his love of trashy '70s cinema and why his latest film looks like it was put through a blender
Japan Times
Aug 16, 2007

"Takafumi Tsuchiya Exhibition"

Wada Fine Arts Closes in 9 days
Aug 16, 2007

Tepco's oil use triples after nuke plant shutdown

Tokyo Electric Power Co. more than tripled its crude oil consumption in July after increasing use of thermal power generation to compensate for the earthquake-triggered closure of the world's biggest nuclear power plant.
Japan Times
Reference / Special Presentations / WITNESS TO WAR
Aug 16, 2007

'War orphan' recounts feeling of abandonment

It was a rainy day in mid-August 1945. World War II was about to draw to a close, but nobody in the tiny Chinese village knew it. All they knew was that chaos was breaking out, and that the Russian military was approaching from the north.
Reader Mail
Aug 15, 2007

Wrong idea about kinesiology

John Wocher's Aug. 8 letter, "Another quack therapy let loose," demonstrates Wocher's ignorance. (Wocher includes "kinesiology" in a list of alternative-medicine therapies that he suggests lack a scientific foundation.)
Aug 15, 2007

A day to remember

As the nation marks the 62nd anniversary of its defeat in World War II, the Japanese people should strive to reflect upon the conflict's epic costs and consequences.
LIFE / Digital / IGADGET
Aug 15, 2007

Air-conditioned neckties, AERO multifunction iPod docks

Cool Biz is not a principle that your average Japanese salaryman is going to embrace without a robust philosophical debate. A key impediment to his embracing of the green logic is the necktie. If he could have it surgically attached, I do believe that he would. Thanko is giving the poor guy an option...
Japan Times
Reference / Special Presentations / WITNESS TO WAR
Aug 15, 2007

Surrender spared a young, doubting kamikaze

If Masamichi Shida, 80, had known a bit more about the world back in 1942, he might never have become a kamikaze.
Aug 15, 2007

Matsushita on hook for Nokia recall

In what would be the largest-ever consumer electronics recall, Nokia Corp. offered Tuesday to replace as many as 46 million mobile phone batteries made by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. that are at risk of overheating.
Japan Times
Aug 15, 2007

Bliss for a Lazy Birder

Birders are often motivated by their species list — often something akin to their meaning of life.
Aug 14, 2007

Health-care costs to squeeze capitalism

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Will the inexorable rise in medical costs around the world someday pose a major challenge to contemporary capitalism? I submit that in the not-so-distant future, moral, social and political support for capitalism will be severely tested as would-be egalitarian health systems face...
Aug 14, 2007

Economic growth slows to annual pace of 0.5%

The economy grew at a weaker than expected 0.1 percent in the April-June quarter as exports to the United States slowed and consumer spending declined, the Cabinet Office said Monday.


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo