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Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Sep 21, 2007

A slow drink coming

At Takahata Wine Harvest Festival next month the quality of booze will not be a problem — and neither will your conscience as you nurse a hangover the next day.
Japan Times
Sep 21, 2007

Seigetsu: Great balls of cedar promise good sake

It's the constant conundrum we all face when we arrive in a strange city or wander into an unfamiliar neighborhood. Among the profusion of restaurants and bars, how can you tell which ones are any good? One rule of thumb that has stood us in good stead here over the years: keep your eyes peeled for sakabayashi....
Japan Times
Sep 21, 2007


Last year Naoko Ogigami had a surprise hit with "Kamome Shokudo (Seagull Diner)," a film about three Japanese women who end up running a restaurant together in Helsinki. It was a surprise because stars Satomi Kobayashi and Masako Motai were hardly marquee names, while the plot offered little in the way...
Japan Times
Sep 20, 2007

Traditional China popped

After the end of the Opium War in China in 1842, Shanghai opened itself to trade with the outside world. A little after that, the Taiping Rebellion of 1850-64, which took place in southern China and Nanjing, funneled into the metropolis artists and scholars seeking refuge.
Sep 20, 2007

Defense debate bordering on bizarre

The trigger for Shinzo Abe's resignation was the refusal by opposition leader Ichiro Ozawa to agree to further deployments of Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force to the Indian Ocean after authorizing legislation runs out on Nov. 1.
Japan Times
Sep 20, 2007

Seeking collectors in Shanghai, not censors

Shanghai Exhibition Center is a massive, Stalinist birthday-cake of a building surrounded by newly constructed glass-and-steel skyscrapers in Shanghai's center. Originally know as Palace of the Sino-Soviet Friendship, from Sept. 6 to 9, the exhibition center had within its walls a new, capitalist friend,...
Sep 19, 2007

BOJ seen leaving rates alone amid growth worries

Worries about slower economic growth at home and in the U.S. — Japan's biggest export market — are likely to keep the Bank of Japan from changing interest rates at a two-day Policy Board meeting that started Tuesday.
Sep 19, 2007

Projected losses at Seiyu boosted to ¥10.4 billion

Seiyu Ltd. said Tuesday it widened its forecast loss for the full year due to costs to cut jobs, its second downgrade in five weeks.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital
Sep 19, 2007

Transformers: more than meets the ear

Since 1984, Transformers has proven an immensely enduring toy brand, spawning a hugely popular TV series (which in turn spawned even more spinoff TV series), a couple of movies and ever more toys, right up to the present day. In fact, the toys have their roots in the 1970s Japanese toy lines Microman...
Sep 18, 2007

Typhoons more predictable but still deadly

Most years, the typhoon season peaks in September, as illustrated by the recent Typhoon No. 9, called Fitow, which killed two, and Typhoon No. 11, also known as Nari, which approached Okinawa last week.
LIFE / Language
Sep 18, 2007

Lang-8 puts networking onto a linguistic level

W ith the current enthusiasm for online networking sites reaching a fever pitch with people flocking to MySpace and, recently, Facebook by the millions — not to mention mixi, which has 8 million users in Japan — it was only a matter of time before there would emerge a Web site devoted to foreign...
Sep 18, 2007

Plane wrong?

Max Phillips Jr. wrote in after getting a nasty shock from his local travel agency.
Japan Times
Sep 18, 2007

Looking on the bright side

Last in a two-part series
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design / ON: FASHION
Sep 18, 2007

Tokyo Look Book, Brazil Fashion Now, etc.

You get the look
Sep 17, 2007

How to downsize Bush's 'axis of evil'

LOS ANGELES — The "axis of evil" has certainly proven one tough triangle with which to tangle. But is it about to be downsized? As defined by U.S. President George Bush in his 2002 State of the Union address, this putative axis triangulates Iraq, Iran and North Korea. But is one of them on the verge...
Sep 17, 2007

Whoever leads next must revive reform, fix Japan's economy

The moment Prime Minister Shinzo Abe resigned, pundits were out offering explanations. Weak diplomacy, scandals, verbal gaffes by Cabinet members, you name it. Yet Abe's undoing was the economy, period.
Reader Mail
Sep 16, 2007

How much liberty can be cut?

Roger Pulvers' Sept. 9 Counterpoint article, "Americans share blame for Bush's 9/11 'devil,' " belongs on the editorial page. The article simply demonstrates again that conspiracy theories are the last refuge of small minds closed to any facts that might persuade them to greater nuance.
Reader Mail
Sep 16, 2007

Poor sense of visitor comfort

Regarding a recent article on promoting tourism to Japan: It is true that Kyoto is struggling with how to change itself into one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. I think one reason Kyoto is not a popular travel destination is that the quality of people who professionally deal with...
Sep 16, 2007

Killing time on Mr. Bush's watch

United States Army Gen. David Petraeus has delivered his long-awaited progress report on the situation in Iraq. To no one's surprise, his conclusion is that there is slow progress and U.S. troops must remain in the country to avoid "rushing to failure." The general failed, however, to answer the most...
Sep 16, 2007

Fukuda enters race, vows to avoid Yasukuni

and former Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda shake hands at LDP headquarters in Tokyo on Saturday before holding a joint news conference. KYODO PHOTO
Sep 15, 2007

Naval exercises that raise anxiety

Doubts do not just run one way. China has questions about the intentions of its neighbors, too. Last week, five countries — Japan, Australia, India, Singapore and the United States — held naval war games off the coast of India. While the stated aim of the exercises was to promote cooperation in the...


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo