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Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jan 20, 2013

Hostage crisis upends U.S. regional plans

The hostage crisis in Algeria has thrown a wrench into the Obama administration's strategy for coordinating an international military campaign against al-Qaida fighters in North Africa, leaving U.S., European and African leaders even more at odds over how to tackle the problem.
Japan Times
Jan 20, 2013

China may prevent Korean unification: U.S. report

A recent report by Republican staff members in the U.S. Senate warns that China, because of its deepening economic ties with North Korea as well as its ancient claims on Korean land, could attempt to "manage, and conceivably block," the eventual unification of the two Koreas, if ever the Kim family falls...
LIFE / Lifestyle / WEEK 3
Jan 19, 2013

Turnip-tossing turns up trumps for trader

Yoshio Otsuka's years of striving to revive a near-extinct strain of turnip known to have been grown some 400 years ago in the Shinagawa district of today's central Tokyo recently struck pay dirt in a most unexpected fashion.
Reader Mail
Jan 19, 2013

Radiation results beggar belief

The Jan. 10 article "As radiation fears dwindle, so do checkups" has a Dr. Masaharu Tsubokura complaining that Fukushima residents have stopped coming in for additional body scans to gauge their exposure to radiation following the 3/11 nuclear plant disaster.
Jan 19, 2013

Japan's growing diaspora reflects concern for the country's future

Here's a surprising fact: One Japanese in a hundred lives abroad. It's surprising because so much is made lately of Japan's growing insularity. Young people seem less interested than ever in studying overseas, and voters last month elected a new government whose platform includes strong doses of patriotism...
Jan 19, 2013

Share house lovers; "Tonbi"; CM of the week: Open House

A "share house" is a relatively new concept in Japan: unrelated people sharing a rented residence. The new drama series, "Shea Hausu no Koibito" ("Share House Lovers"; Nippon TV, Wed., 10 p.m.) puts the inevitable romantic spin on it.
Reader Mail
Jan 19, 2013

Let the games inspire Japan

Regarding William Noll's Jan. 17 letter, "Olympics bid a waste of money": Is Tokyo's bid a waste of money?
Reader Mail
Jan 19, 2013

Coach may be just tip of iceberg

Regarding the Jan. 12/13 Kyodo article "Osaka basketball coach tries to justify physical discipline after beaten boy's suicide": Whether the student was struck one time, 10 times or 30 times does not make any difference. People with a mind-set like this teacher's have to be kept away from pupils.
Jan 19, 2013

Rebel filmmaker will be missed

Mr. Nagisa Oshima, the filmmaker who, perhaps more than any other, challenged the conventional morality and sober certainties of Japan, died of pneumonia Tuesday at the age of 80. His films earned respect around the world and broke restraints on what could be shown and told within cinematic art. Japan...
Jan 19, 2013

Guardiola right not to join Chelsea

There is one reason why Pep Guardiola never seriously considered joining Chelsea: Roman Abramovich.
Jan 19, 2013

Agura Bokujo victims may sue Kaieda

Investors who were fleeced when the Agura Bokujo cattle farm business went under are threatening to sue Democratic Party of Japan President Banri Kaieda for damages over articles and books he wrote 20 years ago recommending investment in the ranch, according to their lawyers.
Jan 19, 2013

Waste undermines reconstruction

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has declared that he will scrap the ¥19 trillion cap the Democratic Party of Japan government had set on the reconstruction budget for areas devastated by the 3/11 triple disasters. He is intent on boosting the image of his administration and the Liberal Democratic Party before...
Japan Times
Jan 19, 2013

Theater's collection of historical documents endangered

The Misonoza theater, long a fixture in Naka Ward, Nagoya, will be closed down at the end of March. Highly regarded as a symbol of the art world in Nagoya, its basement houses the only library for live theater in the Chubu region.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jan 19, 2013

Seven Japanese confirmed safe but fate of 10 others unknown in Algeria hostage situation: JGC

Amid conflicting reports Friday about casualties among foreigners who were taken hostage at a natural gas complex in Algeria, the government and JGC Corp. confirmed the safety of seven Japanese workers but said 10 others were still missing.
Jan 19, 2013

Rape stirs debate on juvenile laws

The gang rape in India of a young woman and her resulting death last month sparked a national outcry and calls for harsh punishment of the five people charged with the crime.
Japan Times
Jan 19, 2013

Lance Armstrong and the art of public confession

There are no free rides out of paradise. As a disgraced sporting legend, Lance Armstrong, who for the most part came clean to Oprah Winfrey on American television this week, could be forgiven for thinking he has trespassed in the Garden of Eden, or perhaps gone sunbathing on the rock usually occupied...
Jan 17, 2013

Khar attempts to start dialogue

WORLD / Crime & Legal
Jan 17, 2013

Top Russian crime boss gunned down by sniper in Moscow

One of Russia's biggest criminal bosses was gunned down in the center of Moscow on Wednesday as he left his favorite hangout surrounded by bodyguards.
Japan Times
Jan 17, 2013

Matsue: 'Goma's positivity left me revitalized'

Since his 1999 debut "Anyon Kimuchi (Annyong Kimchi)," a documentary about his zainichi (ethnic Korean) family, Tetsuaki Matsue has been interested in those on the margins of Japanese society — though he is hardly the director-as-crusader.
Japan Times
Jan 17, 2013

'Armadillo' / 'Cockfighter'

If you go to see "Armadillo", you will be in a cinema watching a war movie. A documentary, yes, but one that's safely on the screen as you sit back and watch Danish soldiers deployed in Afghanistan. You will watch those same soldiers try to relieve the boredom of life on a forward operating base by playing...
Japan Times
Jan 17, 2013

'Cesare Deve Morire'

Roberto Rossellini once said that a good movie has the power to change the world, and here's a film made by his compatriots (octogenarian Italian brothers Paolo and Vittorio Taviani) that may prove him right. It certainly alters the way one looks at the world, at history and how art can lock people in...


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