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Japan Times
Feb 27, 2013

Currency veteran offers BOJ credibility on reflation

The Bank of Japan may pack a bigger punch under Haruhiko Kuroda, an opponent of deflation who ran the nation's currency policy and then built an international reputation leading the Asian Development Bank.
Feb 27, 2013

Time for Jordan to get on with life

The American media recently made a big to-do over Michael Jordan turning 50. Among noted outlets, Sports Illustrated devoted the greater part of an issue to His Airness. And ESPN the Magazine likewise allocated huge space to the beginning of Mike's sixth decade on earth.
Japan Times
Feb 27, 2013

Peninsula Tokyo scholarship; charity film screening; new tourist guidebook

BUSINESS / Economy
Feb 27, 2013

Singapore tightens foreign labor curbs

Singapore on Monday tightened curbs on foreign labor for a fourth consecutive year, as the government seeks to reduce companies' reliance on overseas workers amid a public backlash over the influx.
Feb 27, 2013

The G-20 is not up to the job

If the recent circus performance of G-20 finance ministers and central bank governors is a preview, their September summit threatens to be a waste.
LIFE / Digital
Feb 27, 2013

Wearable tech will see, follow us everywhere

Apple has already transformed two industries — music and computing. Now, as the company reportedly attempts the redefinition of the watch — one of man's oldest pieces of technology — the next phase of the techno revolution is moving into clear view: Welcome to the age of "wearable tech," with a...
Feb 27, 2013

Gillard falls behind Abbott in poll

Prime Minister Julia Gillard slipped behind opposition rival Tony Abbott as Australia's preferred leader for the first time since August after her credibility was dented when a mining tax she helped design brought in less revenue than forecast.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Feb 26, 2013

Ministry to beef up hacking defenses

The trade ministry plans to beef up its database for cyber-attacks against Japanese companies and institutions to help analyze the latest trends and methods so they can protect themselves from organized assaults.
Feb 26, 2013

I've seen haras . . . haras that you've seen: when 'harassment' goes wild

In response to the article "Blame it on the hara: harassment vocabulary makes us all victims" (The Foreign Element, Jan. 28), we invited readers to come up with their own ideas for new types of "harassment." As you can see, one JT writer got a bit carried away.
BUSINESS / Economy
Feb 26, 2013

Is the U.S. near a tipping point for government debt?

How much debt can America handle? The question is one of the most fundamental the nation faces, and the answer should determine how the United States handles the delicate task of reducing budget deficits without walloping economic growth.
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 25, 2013

Running in circles DPJ's way forward

In the midst of an identity crisis, the Democratic Party of Japan adopts a new policy platform that fails to include any key points or doctrines differentiating it from its rivals.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Feb 25, 2013

NYC condo prices go through the roof

Michael Stern was prepared for a gradual real estate rebound after buying a New York office tower in December 2009, with plans to convert it to condominiums following a housing plunge that sent prices down 31 percent.
Japan Times
Feb 25, 2013

The Japanese traffic light blues: Stop on red, go on what?

Road traffic in Japan is a complicated affair. Apart from those narrow, crooked streets that sometimes end without warning, you have to get used to unclear right-of-way rules and the national fetish for backward parking.
Reader Mail
Feb 24, 2013

Common sense toward China

With regard to Hisahiko Okazaki's Feb. 20 commentary titled "Japan's step toward normalcy," I'd like to add my two pence worth.
Reader Mail
Feb 24, 2013

Familiar North Korean hostility

The lamentably hostile language and conduct of the North Korean government remind us of the Japan that stood against the whole world in the 1930s and early '40s. Withdrawing from the League of Nations, invading China and other Asian nations, and then attacking Pearl Harbor, Japan's leaders told us we...
Feb 24, 2013

Sportsmanship gone awry

Details of the brutal physical and verbal abuse by the basketball coach of an Osaka high school boy who committed suicide have finally been released. The external independent panel found that coach Hajime Komura repeatedly and consistently used corporal punishment and verbal abuse on the boy before the...
Feb 24, 2013

Recommended reading

Donald Richie was a scrupulous writer who paid finite attention to language and content. The following are 10 outstanding choices — titles that should be on any discerning readers' bookshelf.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2013

Sharing films with a master critic

Donald Richie was my friend and mentor for more than 20 years and my inspiration before that. When I was preparing to come to Japan for the first time in 1975, I read many books about the place, but Donald's masterpiece "The Inland Sea" was the one that entranced me. My first long trip after my arrival...
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2013

Spring training in Mukojima

It's hard to think of February as springlike, what with snowfalls, freezing winds and a dusting of dead leaves everywhere. But I know from experience that the intrepid Prunus mume, or plum tree, blooms this month, and a trek to see some blossoms seems de rigueur. From the Tobu Isesaki Line, I get off...


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