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Japan Times
Jan 17, 2007

Ultra-rightist tilt posing clear, present danger to free speech

When ruling party lawmaker Koichi Kato criticized Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's annual visits to Yasukuni Shrine, retribution from the rightwing was swift: An extremist set his house on fire and tried to commit ritual suicide.
Japan Times
Jan 11, 2007

Rooms for art

The hotel, be it flophouse or five-star, is what distinguishes cosmopolitan man from the nomad. Yes, it may be a humdrum need for shelter and food that brings us to hotels. But when we slip into that unfamiliar room, and for one night make it our own, we can also find ourselves transported to a different...
Japan Times
Dec 31, 2006

Daunting challenges face fast-graying nation

Robert Feldman is chief economist at Morgan Stanley Japan Securities, where, as cohead of Japan Equity Research, he is responsible for forecasting the direction of the Japanese economy.
Dec 28, 2006

Aso, Song maintain unity on N. Korea

Putting aside thorny bilateral issues, the Japanese and South Korean foreign ministers met Wednesday in Tokyo and agreed to "closely cooperate" on seeking an end to North Korea's nuclear weapons program, a Foreign Ministry official said.
Dec 28, 2006

Aso, Song maintain unity on N. Korea

Putting aside thorny bilateral issues, the Japanese and South Korean foreign ministers met Wednesday in Tokyo and agreed to "closely cooperate" on seeking an end to North Korea's nuclear weapons program, a Foreign Ministry official said.
Dec 25, 2006

How Japan's economy fared in 2006 and its prospects for 2007

There were two major developments in the Japanese economy in 2006.
Dec 23, 2006

Investigation reveals F.A.'s failure to monitor transfers

LONDON -- Occasionally in the media we will read the blindingly obvious from a university in Texas or wherever that after a year's research they can reveal that diving from a cliff into a ravine is dangerous. Or some other statement that we all know.
Japan Times
Dec 23, 2006

Sex slave exhibition exposes darkness in East Timor

Ines de Jesus was a young girl during World War II when she was forced to become a sex slave, or "comfort woman," for Japanese troops in the then Portuguese colony of East Timor.
Dec 23, 2006

Sex slave exhibition exposes darkness in East Timor

Ines de Jesus was a young girl during World War II when she was forced to become a sex slave, or "comfort woman," for Japanese troops in the then Portuguese colony of East Timor.
Dec 21, 2006

Tax yield lifts '07 budget

The Finance Ministry on Wednesday handed the Cabinet the fiscal 2007 draft budget, which, due to projected increased tax revenues, reflects the first spending rise in two years but also slashes the issuance of new government bonds.
Dec 19, 2006

Warming to carbon rations

LONDON -- Here's the plan. Everybody in the country will get the same allowance for how much carbon dioxide they can emit each year, and every time they buy some product that involves carbon dioxide emissions -- filling their car, paying their utility bills, buying an airline ticket -- carbon points...
Dec 17, 2006

Economic power struggles in Asia

JAPAN IN A DYNAMIC ASIA: Coping With the New Security Challenges, edited by Yoichiro Sato and Satu Limaye. Lexington Books, 2006, 271 pp., 2006 (paper). Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said he will pursue a more assertive foreign policy. That won't be easy, report the authors of this comprehensive survey...
Japan Times
Dec 7, 2006

Japan can't stop the tide of people: UNHCR chief

As more people migrate worldwide, Japan will not be able to stop immigration, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, saying he was concerned with Japan's restrictive refugee acceptance program and treatment of asylum-seekers.
Dec 7, 2006

Syria in the middle

It has become increasingly clear that Syria plays a pivotal role in Middle East politics. It has influence over -- some say control of -- Lebanese politics, and its support for insurgents -- "freedom fighters" is Damascus' preferred term -- elsewhere in the region makes it a key interlocutor when trying...
Nov 28, 2006

National security council

A special panel last week started discussions on setting up a Japanese version of the National Security Council of the United States. The White House-style organization is a pet idea of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. In his first policy speech before the Diet, Mr. Abe expressed his resolve to "strengthen...
Nov 25, 2006

Odd choice of enemies, allies

LONDON -- You have to admire his timing. Just before Russian President Vladimir Putin left for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) annual meeting in Hanoi this month, he sent out a strong warning to the world leaders he expected to meet there.
Nov 20, 2006

How Japan can avoid hostage situations in a globalized economy

When international tensions mount, foreign currency-denominated external credit and debt can become tools of diplomacy. If a country is a huge net creditor, its overseas assets can be taken hostage.
Oct 30, 2006

Erosions of a shaky moral high ground

NEW YORK -- To choose the most bewildering action of George W. Bush since he became U.S. president in 2001 is tough. Is it starting a war without cause? Is it creating a dubious court and prosecuting a man for mass killings while committing even greater mass killings? Or is it concocting legislation...
Oct 19, 2006

America's double standard fuels crises

LONDON -- The U.S. government's double standard in dealing with the intensifying nuclear crisis in North Korea further strengthens the argument that President George W. Bush's colonial designs are either exasperated by the vulnerability of his foes or deterred by their lethal preparedness.
Oct 14, 2006

JAL takes on communication woes in struggle to win back customers

How does a company recover from a sullied reputation?
Oct 9, 2006

Easier way to emissions cuts

Generally speaking, innovation is driven by constraints and shortages. When Japan faced the first international oil crisis in 1973, it looked like the end of the world for the nation, since it depended on imports for 99 percent of its oil. However, Japan survived the oil crunch and used it as a springboard...
Sep 20, 2006

Gist of North Korea sanctions

Following is a breakdown of the financial sanctions imposed by Japan on North Korea on Tuesday:
Sep 20, 2006

Tokyo cuts North's cash supply

Japan on Tuesday dealt another blow to North Korea, imposing financial sanctions under a U.N. Security Council resolution that urges countries to prevent the transfer of funds for Pyongyang's weapons program.
Sep 19, 2006

End of the Lion

The mythmaker Jim Frederick TIME Magazine The most difficult aspect of reporting on Koizumi was confronting the fixed, immutable and monolithic "Koizumi Myth." What started as a campaign plank -- "Koizumi is a reformer and a rebel who is destroying the LDP and reinvigorating Japan" -- somehow became...
Sep 15, 2006

Japan loath to discuss incestuous abuse

Although incestuous abuse of a female child by her own father takes place frequently in Japan, the Japanese media refuse to critically discuss it, regarding it mostly as a plain taboo. Meanwhile, the Japanese legislature and the judiciary collusively dismiss this crime against humanity, thereby encouraging...
Aug 31, 2006

Tokyo beats Fukuoka in bid to host '16 Games

congratulates Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara after the JOC announced Wednesday that the capital, and not Fukuoka, will be the nation's candidate city to vie to host the 2016 Summer Olympics. SATOKO KAWASAKI PHOTO


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties