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Japan Times
May 13, 2015

'Ao no Ran' is a riproaring rhapsody in blue

"Ao no Ran" is the latest in the popular Geki×Cine series. To cut a long story short, Geki×Cine is a filmed stage production, but one done so meticulously that not a single moment of relevance or emotion is lost in the translating process.
Japan Times
May 13, 2015

Don't trust the U.K. pollsters

Britain's Labour Party lost the recent election because it had the wrong leader and unconvincing policies.
May 13, 2015

What can Obama salvage from Arab summit?

President Barack Obama must try to convince the Gulf Cooperation Council that the U.S. has an Iran policy that encompasses their security needs.
May 13, 2015

NSA loses in court but the police state rolls on

A U.S. court rules against an NSA data-collection program is illegal, but the police state goes on.
May 13, 2015

Residents upset by move to base Ospreys at Yokota, municipalities cite broken promises

Some residents and municipalities near the Yokota Air Base are upset the U.S. military plans to deploy Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft to the facility in western Tokyo.
Japan Times
May 13, 2015

Underground Railroad hero Harriet Tubman wins poll to replace Jackson on U.S. $20 bill

Twenty-dollar bills could soon be known as "Tubmans" if a grass-roots campaign succeeds in persuading President Barack Obama to remove Andrew Jackson's portrait from circulation on U.S. paper currency in favor of a famous woman in U.S. history.
Japan Times
May 13, 2015

MH370 hunt discovers a previously unrecorded shipwreck

The yearlong, $48 million search for a missing Malaysia Airlines jet has at last uncovered wreckage, albeit likely not that of the missing plane.
May 12, 2015

New menu on United; multiple-flight booking; KLM teams up with Miffy

New menu on United
Japan Times
May 12, 2015

Hundreds of Russian soldiers killed in east Ukraine, opposition says

Moscow spent more than 53 billion rubles ($1.04 billion) supplying a separatist rebellion in east Ukraine and at least 220 Russian soldiers have been killed there, a report by Russian opposition activists said Tuesday.
Japan Times
May 12, 2015

A prosaic picture of Japan's rural decline

With all the current problems facing Japan's rural communities, "Salt of the Earth" at the Tokyo Gallery is a visual contribution to an ongoing debate on their value and survival. The rhetoric of the show espouses the humble virtues of life in Amami, a group of islands between Kagoshima and Okinawa,...
May 12, 2015

China's baby steps toward economic disaster

Decisions Japan made in the late 1990s can serve as a cautionary example of what policies China should avoid as it tries to bump-start its stalled economy.
Japan Times
May 12, 2015

Obama's lesson in how to not make peace in Afghanistan

U.S. President Barack Obama's faltering strategy to win over the Taliban serves as a cautionary tale of how not to make peace with an enemy.
May 12, 2015

Protecting small liquor shops

The LDP should tread carefully in its effort to tighten liquor sales regulations.
May 12, 2015

New guidelines leave the U.S. defending Japan

During his recent visit to Washington, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was eloquent in stating why Japan enjoyed being allied with America. But it isn't evident what the U.S. receives in return.
May 12, 2015

U.S. to station Ospreys at Yokota Air Base starting in 2017

The government formally announces that the U.S. Air Force will deploy a squadron of tilt-rotor CV-22 Osprey aircraft at Yokota Air Base in western Tokyo in 2017.
Japan Times
May 12, 2015

Philippines watches from rundown outpost as China turns reef into island in disputed sea area

As the Philippine military C-130 transport plane made its approach to the country's most precious outpost in the disputed South China Sea on Monday, it flew past a reef that China is quickly turning into an island.
Japan Times
May 12, 2015

Europe seeks U.N. support on migrant crisis but doesn't plan to bomb boats before they leave Libya

Europe appealed to the United Nations Security Council on Monday to back its plan to stem the deadly flow of migrants across the Mediterranean by dismantling people-smuggling organizations and destroying their vessels, though not by bombing.
Japan Times
May 12, 2015

Government, business leaders address climate change

The Delegation of the European Union to Japan held a symposium in which ambassadors of European countries and executives of major corporations discussed environmental measures in the EU.
Japan Times
May 12, 2015

Encouraging studying abroad

With heightened interest among Japanese students and researchers aiming to study in Europe in recent years, the Delegation of the European Union to Japan will hold its fourth European Higher Education Fair 2015 from May 15 to 17.
Japan Times
May 11, 2015

Tokyo ramps up 'English village' plan as 2020 approaches

As Tokyo gears up to host the 2020 Olympic Games, demands for action are growing to overcome Japan's notorious English-speaking phobia.


The building of new high-rise residential buildings has some alarmed that they could empty and fall into disrepair as Japan's population shrinks.
The high cost of letting Japan's condos crumble