Search - people

Jun 7, 2015

Remembering when space could still awe us

Through a strange process of inversion, the U.S. victory in the 1960s space race against the Soviet Union rendered space travel boring.
WORLD / Politics
Jun 7, 2015

Over 50 lawmakers from Cameron's party will join EU exit campaign: British paper

More than 50 lawmakers from David Cameron's Conservative Party are to join a campaign backing Britain's exit from the European Union unless the British prime minister achieves radical changes in the bloc, according to the Sunday Telegraph newspaper.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2015

'Bottakuri' scams put the squeeze on the unwary

"On any given evening, you can see noisy quarrels between club staff and customers outside the local police box," attorney Katsuyuki Aoshima tells Asahi Geino (May 2), adding, "The police treat these as civil claims between the shop and the customer, and won't get involved, adopting the position of neutral...
Jun 6, 2015

History is harsh unless you erase it

On his visit to the United States in April, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe addressed Congress and told them: "History is harsh. What was done cannot be undone."
Jun 6, 2015

Watch out for hidden hazards of buying land

When we were looking for property we consulted topographical maps prior to checking a particular piece of land in person. Understanding the elevation of a plot is important if you're buying land near the coast or along a river. In the event of flooding or a tsunami, it's obviously better to be located...
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design / ON: DESIGN
Jun 6, 2015

A few ideas that may ring your bell

Someone in your way? You can ring your bell
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2015

Budget hotels thinking outside the capsule

With Japan's tourist numbers and hotel prices on the rise thanks to a weaker yen, developers are getting creative with a new niche line of stylish but cheap accommodations in bunks, cabins and pods of all shapes and sizes.
Jun 6, 2015

Why carmakers don't want robots to drive

While automakers are embracing technology that eliminates the drudgery of driving, they haven't warmed up to the idea of autonomous cars.
Reader Mail
Jun 6, 2015

Sports Agency can be boon for young

I concur with the editorial "Aiming for more than medals" in the May 31 edition that the limited resources should be focused on broadening and deepening sports participation among the underprivileged and disadvantaged for the long-term benefit of Japan.
Jun 6, 2015

A look at some of the hacking accusations against China

AP — U.S. accusations of hacking by China and Beijing's denial of such activity have strained U.S.-Chinese relations.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jun 6, 2015

Oregon port's fake orca 'scarecrow' capsizes

A giant, motorized fake orca deployed to scare off hundreds of sea lions ensconced on the docks of an Oregon fishing village capsized before it could complete its scarecrow mission, officials said Friday.
Japan Times
Jun 6, 2015

June 6, 2015

JAPAN / Politics
Jun 5, 2015

Experts' tongue-lashing rekindles Diet debate on reinterpreted Constitution

The surprise tongue-lashing in the Diet meted out by three noted constitutional scholars has reignited debate on whether the Cabinet's reinterpretation of Article 9 last year was legitimate.
Jun 5, 2015

Mass death sentences now a part of life in Egypt

With its mass death sentences, Egypt's military regime is joining the ranks of Adolf Hitler's Nazis and Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2015

Zen and the delicate art of demitasse coffee

Shingo Naganuma isn't exaggerating when he compares the atmosphere of his coffee shop, Nejimakigumo, to a temple. Open the menu here and you'll find a list of rules, ranging from prohibitions (no smoking, no pets) to a requirement that laptop users buy extra drinks if they plan on occupying one of the...
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2015

Pho 321 Noodle Bar brings mountains of coriander leaves and pho to Harajuku

As the heat builds and the city starts to swelter, simple, appetizing foods are called for — in Vietnam, that's the way people eat all year round. Thanks to Pho 321 Noodle Bar, so can we.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2015

Fruit-flavored potato chips you can eat for breakfast

It's an idea that could only come from a truly desperate board meeting: "What if we sold potato chips for people to eat at breakfast?" The Koikeya snack company has taken this proposition and turned it into a terrifying reality with its new banana-and-peach-flavored chips, which are marketed as breakfast...
WORLD / Science & Health
Jun 5, 2015

Oregon town uses fake killer whale to scare sea lions off docks

Officials in a small Oregon fishing village have deployed a giant, motorized fake killer whale to scare off hundreds of sea lions thct have made the local port's docks their new home.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2015

Why Japan should, or shouldn't, join the China-led AIIB

When Finance Minister Taro Aso meets with his Chinese counterpart, Lou Jiwei, in Beijing on Saturday, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will loom large in the talks.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jun 5, 2015

Texas doctors perform historic skull and scalp transplant surgery on man with cancer

A man whose cancer left him with severe damage to the top of the head has received what his doctors in Houston describe as the first skull and scalp transplant, the MD Anderson Cancer Center said on Thursday.
Japan Times
Jun 5, 2015

Apple Watch coming to stores on June 26

Apple Inc. said it would start selling some models of its watch at retail stores this month, and also roll out the gadget in seven more countries.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 4, 2015

House of Representatives passes bill to lower voting age

The legislation to reduce the minimum voting age to 18 from 20 will enfranchise some 2.4 million 18- and 19-year-olds ahead of next year's House of Councilors election.
Japan Times
Jun 4, 2015

Kyu Karuizawa Hotel re-opening; lunch at the Century Southern Tower; ANA offers taste of South America

Kyu Karuizawa Hotel re-opening
Japan Times
Jun 4, 2015

U.S. should stay out of Asian countries' territorial disputes

Instead of goading China, the U.S. should withdraw from East Asia's territorial miasma.


The building of new high-rise residential buildings has some alarmed that they could empty and fall into disrepair as Japan's population shrinks.
The high cost of letting Japan's condos crumble