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Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Mar 13, 2014

EU approves framework for asset freezes, travel bans on Russia

European Union member states have agreed on the wording of sanctions on Russia, including travel restrictions and asset freezes against those responsible for violating the sovereignty of Ukraine, according to a draft document.
Oct 27, 2013

Afternoon affairs plus Hideaki Takahashi and daughter team up for travel; CM of the Week: Tokyo Gas

Afternoon soap operas are getting racier. The hook of the new half-hour series "Tengoku no Koi" ("Heaven's Love"; Fuji TV, Mon.-Fri., 1:30 p.m.) is a 41-year-old female protagonist having steamy love affairs with two men half her age.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Jul 16, 2012

Rickshaws roll back into style

The trendiest way to get around town on two wheels without breaking a sweat? Hand-pulled rickshaw.
Japan Times
Jul 1, 2012

Author Lesley Downer's romance with Japan is no fleeting affair

British writer, historian and journalist Lesley Downer has been visiting Japan and writing about it for nearly 35 years — beginning in 1978, when she was part of the first-ever intake of the English Teaching Recruitment Program, which evolved into the famous JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching Program)...
Feb 25, 2012

Centrair gearing up for a busy summer of travel

Starting in late March, the number of international flights at Central Japan International Airport, also known as Centrair, will return to what they were before the Lehman Brothers collapse in September 2008, reaching 294 per week when airlines switch to their summer timetables.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Jan 31, 2012

Danshikai: deals for dudes' night out

Weekends away, with a beauty treatments and mountains of cake? Sounds familiar, right? But with the guys?
Japan Times
Jul 26, 2011

Tokyo summer festivals offer taste of faraway lands without the travel

One does not have to travel to another country to get to know its people and culture. Summer festivals being organized by embassies of several nations and other groups in Tokyo in the coming weeks can offer that taste of life abroad.
Oct 20, 2010

The advantages of travel via Haneda

The opening of Tokyo's Haneda airport to more international flights, starting Thursday, makes a lot of sense for travelers.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Aug 10, 2010

Entame tours: Let us entertain and guide you

Travel company KNT hits a sweet spot with tours that target entertainment-themed tours for avid fans.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / Japan Pulse
Jul 29, 2010

Pulse Rate:

Japan isn't exactly the land of discounts, but the Web is at least helping consumers pinpoint the price drops in certain sectors.
Oct 20, 2009

Foreign parents face travel curbs?

I think it is safe to say that the countdown has begun — the countdown to it becoming more difficult for you to leave Japan with your children. Difficult, that is, if you are non-Japanese and traveling without their other parent (or his or her written consent).
May 23, 2009

Flu virus starts to take toll on businesses

The spreading H1N1 swine flu virus is having an ill effect on a wide range of businesses from tourism to retailing, particularly in the western regions where the outbreak was first detected, industry sources said Friday.
Oct 28, 2008

Strong yen takes a toll on visitors

The yen's recent surge is hitting many foreigners hard in the wallet.
Jun 1, 2008

Cultural visitation, travel show special, eating game show

This week, rakugo (raconteur) storyteller Tsurube Shofukutei visits the historic town of Izumo in Shimane Prefecture on his travel show "Tsurube no Kazoku ni Kampai (Tsurube Toasts Families)" (NHK-G, Monday, 8 p.m.). He's joined by former J. League soccer star Rui Ramos, whom he meets under the torii...
Apr 27, 2008

Travel information, talk show product review, family melodrama

In 2007, more than 8 million people visited Japan from overseas, double the number that visited 10 years ago.
Feb 3, 2008

Documentary on abandoned children, chocolate travel special

According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), there are presently 2.2 billion human beings in the world under the age of 18, 300 million of whom do not exist in any sort of official capacity.
Dec 12, 2006

Birthday travel offers

Birthday special In spring 2005, Marion availed herself of ANA's birthday special ticket, but has discovered the service not longer exists. "Is there any other? It was great. I went all the way to Fukuoka in Kyushu for just 10,000 yen."
Sep 23, 2006

Thailand travel advisory softened

The Foreign Ministry downgraded its travel advisory for Thailand on Thursday night, after the Thai capital appeared calm in the wake of the military coup Tuesday.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly