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Feb 24, 2016

Opposition needs common platform

The opposition parties need to come up with a common policy platform that makes sense for voters.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2016

Petulance: the English way

British Prime Minister Cameron has dropped the ball on the 'Brexit' issue, and the consequences for both Britain and Europe may be quite serious.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2016

Morocco's economic model for the Arab world

Morocco's drive to become a regional renewable-energy powerhouse offers a real option for economic development in other Arab countries.
Feb 24, 2016

Why Russia didn't go further than Crimea

A newly released document sheds light on why Russia's annexation of Crimea was bloodless, and on the limits of Putin's aggressiveness.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2016

Languorous women and amorous men in Wayne Wang's first Japanese film

An extended stay at a resort hotel, seaside villa or a similar escape hatch is only a dream for most of Japan's working adults. But local filmmakers — who are in the dream business — have made enough ensemble dramas about romantic/erotic entanglements in such places to launch a small subgenre. Wayne...
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 24, 2016

'Obstruction on steroids' as McConnell says Senate won't confirm any Obama pick for top court

The U.S. Senate will not confirm a Supreme Court nominee from President Barack Obama during his last year in office, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2016

Islamic State puts squeeze on Aleppo ahead of truce; Russian airstrikes intensify

Islamic State fighters were reported to have tightened their grip on a Syrian government supply route to Aleppo on Tuesday as the army battled to retake the road as part of its campaign to seize the city.
Feb 23, 2016

How Asia lost an economic role model

If Thaksin Shinawatra can diagnose Thailand's problems from exile, why can't the military junta fix them?
Feb 23, 2016

Sunni vs. Shiite at the heart of Islamic turmoil

Conflicts like those in Syria and Yemen reflect the struggle between Islam's two main sects, Sunni and Shiite, and that between fundamentalists and reformists.
Feb 23, 2016

The Anglosphere illusion

If Britain steps away from Europe, thinking it can compensate by creating an influential new international grouping of its own, it will find itself very lonely indeed.
Japan Times
Feb 23, 2016

Tokyo sightseeing boats offer unique views, but missing foreign tourist tide

A trip to Tokyo does not necessarily mean elbowing your way through crowds. You can get fine views of the capital from a boat on the bay.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Feb 23, 2016

Moderates could gain influence over choice of next leader in Iran vote

Iran's Assembly of Experts, made up mostly of elderly clerics, has not mattered much for years. The body's main task is choosing Iran's supreme leader, but that job has not come vacant since 1989.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Feb 23, 2016

Iran media outlets add $600,000 to Salman Rushdie fatwa bounty

Iranian state-run media outlets have added $600,000 to a bounty for the killing of British author Salman Rushdie imposed in 1989 over the publishing of his book "The Satanic Verses.
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 22, 2016

Lawmakers can't break logjam over Japan's unequal voting districts

One month after an expert panel proposed key electoral reforms to correct wide vote-value disparities between urban and less-populated areas, major political parties remain divided on the issue.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2016

Cellphone cease-fire signals change

The Japanese mobile phone industry recently came under fire from the government for using ambiguous price-setting schemes and excessive handset discounts that stole customers from rivals but penalized loyalty.
Feb 22, 2016

South Carolina puts history on Trump's side

Trump's win in South Carolina shows he commands such a fervent following that episodes that would undo conventional candidates don't hurt him.
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Feb 22, 2016

Seeing the other side and defying expectations with 'han shite'

Today we will introduce the meaning and usage of the adverbial phrases Xu306bu53cd(u306fu3093)u3057u3066 (contrary to X) and Xu53cdu9762(u306fu3093u3081u3093) (on the contrary), which are mainly used in written language, formal speech, lectures or when talking about a rather serious theme. In the pattern X(noun/noun phrase)u306bu53cdu3057u3066Y(clause), X is usually a word like u4e88u60f3 (u3088u305du3046, anticipation), u671fu5f85 (u304du305fu3044, expectation), u4e88u6e2c (u3088u305du304f, prediction), u610fu5fd7 (u3044u3057, will) or u610fu601d (u3044u3057, intention), u6cd5u5f8b (u307bu3046u308au3064, law) or u30ebu30fcu30eb (rule), and Y is the result or fact that betrays the content of X. In Ms. Yamani's sentence in Situation 1, X is her and her staff's expectation that their product would sell better and Y is the fact that it is not. Its noun-modifying form is uff5eu306bu53cdu3057u305f, as in u5e38u8b58(u3058u3087u3046u3057u304d)u306bu53cdu3057u305fu884cu52d5(u3053u3046u3069u3046) (an action that defies common sense).
Japan Times
SOCCER / J. League
Feb 22, 2016

Nanami preaches caution in Jubilo's return to top flight

Jubilo Iwata might be back among the J. League elite, but manager Hiroshi Nanami is not expecting instant miracles.
BUSINESS / Markets
Feb 22, 2016

Side effects possible if negative rates deepen, ex-BOJ official says

The Bank of Japan's new negative interest rate policy may bring "side effects" if the central bank further pushes rates into the red, a former BOJ chief economist warns.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2016

Samsung launches new campaign against Apple with Galaxy S7, virtual reality gear

Samsung Electronics Co. showed off virtual reality hardware alongside its latest Galaxy S7 smartphones, in its latest attempt to breathe life into its premium line and wrest ascendancy back from Apple Inc.
Feb 22, 2016

Just take a snap and let Aichi smartphone app explain what's seen, and where

An Aichi-based electronic parts manufacturer has developed a free smartphone app that allows people to obtain information on tourist spots simply by taking photos of them.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2016

Money trail shows China middlemen at heart of North Korea’s illicit cash-flow network

A trail of money stretching from a Panamanian shipping agent to an octogenarian Singaporean to a Chinese bank provides a window on why U.S. efforts to tighten sanctions on North Korea may be harder to achieve than in the case of Iran.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows