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Japan Times
Aug 2, 2016

From Tokyo to Fuji Rock to Ulaanbaatar, every crowd is different for Roth Bart Baron

When the power cut out during Roth Bart Baron's debut Fuji Rock performance last month, its members knew exactly how to improvise.
Aug 2, 2016

China proposes tightening grip on NGOs

China is proposing a further tightening of regulations on nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), including demanding that they publicize specific information like funding and membership or face being banned.
Japan Times
Aug 2, 2016

Also under IRS audit, Buffett prods Trump on tax returns, invites questions

U.S. investor Warren Buffett, speaking at a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, challenged Republican Donald Trump on Monday to release his tax returns.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Aug 2, 2016

Trial vaccine offers quick-response promise for flu, Ebola, Zika, works with mice

A type of experimental vaccine that can be made in just a week and has protected mice against influenza, Ebola and Zika viruses may offer promise for quick responses to disease outbreaks in people, according to Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers.
Japan Times
Aug 1, 2016

A Japanese guide to dealing with gentlemen callers and unruly dogs

Bookworms often have a rare jewel in their collection that they are unable to throw out — despite efforts to こんまり (Konmari, tidy in the method of Marie Kondo by getting rid of clutter) around the house. For me, this book is the 1965 エチケット事典 (Echiketto Jiten, Etiquette Dictionary)....
LIFE / Language / WELL SAID
Aug 1, 2016

It'll be all good once you learn how to use 'ii desu' the correct way

Ima-wa ii-desu. (I'm fine for now.)
Aug 1, 2016

Abe's wand has lost its magic

Prime Minister Abe's failing is that he sees Abenomics as a magic wand that he can wave and all will be well.
Aug 1, 2016

Savvy campaign helped Koike's election as Tokyo's first female governor

Yuriko Koike's focus must turn now to how she can get along with the metropolitan assembly.
Aug 1, 2016

Amid Britain nuclear debacle, Chinese state media decries 'suspicion'

China will not tolerate "unwanted accusations" about its investments in Britain, a country that cannot risk driving away other Chinese investors as it looks for post-Brexit trade deals, China's official Xinhua News Agency said Monday.
Aug 1, 2016

Pension fund's huge ¥5.3 trillion loss tied to management's passive investing

Friday was a big day for the world's largest pension fund, which posted its worst annual loss since the financial crisis and disclosed individual equity holdings for the first time. The two may be connected.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink
Aug 1, 2016

Oozing dim sum buns delight diners in Hong Kong

At Dim Sum Icon in Hong Kong, diners are encouraged to play with their food.
Japan Times
Aug 1, 2016

'Pokemon Go' a hit 20 years after franchise debuts

"Pokemon Go," the GPS-crossover game for smartphones, has been an instant hit all over the world, particularly in Japan.
Japan Times
Aug 1, 2016

Turkey captures 11 commandos who tried to seize Erdogan during coup attempt: report

Turkish special forces captured 11 fugitive commandos who were involved in a bid to seize President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a failed coup attempt last month, the state-run Anadolu Agency said on Monday.
Jul 31, 2016

London Metropolitan Police chief warns terrorist attack a case of 'when, not if'

Britain cannot be fully protected against terrorism and an attack similar to those seen recently in mainland Europe is a question of "when, not if," London's police chief said Sunday.
Japan Times
Jul 31, 2016

Hush, little baby

Hush, little baby: Nick and his three siblings were found crying, desperately trying to suckle at the belly of their dead mother. They were rescued by a kind soul out walking a dog, taken into foster care and have now grown into healthy youngsters. Nick is affectionate, loves people and absolutely adores...
Japan Times
Jul 31, 2016

Chinese state media calls Australia 'an ideal target to strike' in event of South China Sea patrol

Chinese state-run media has called Australia "an ideal target for China to warn and strike" if it ventures into the contested South China Sea.
Japan Times
Jul 30, 2016

Tokyo Skytree visitors enjoy bird's-eye view of Sumida River Fireworks

Fireworks are a magnificent enough spectacle from the ground, but looking down on them from Japan's tallest building is simply breathtaking.
Japan Times
Jul 30, 2016

Inky points of interest in Tabata

Under glowering clouds, I decide to explore the area around Tabata Station in Tokyo. Though recently renovated, the station is one of Tokyo's oldest depots, dating from 1896. The station offers nifty spots for watching shinkansen trains bullet by, but I take the north exit to find the Tabata Bunshi Mura...
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital
Jul 30, 2016

Maker Faire to celebrate fifth year in Japan

Designers, crafters and tech-nerds are gearing up for the return of the annual Maker Faire in Tokyo next month.
Japan Times
Jul 30, 2016

Bushido: Soseki, 'Star Wars' and the samurai

In September 1912, Gen. Maresuke Nogi — a hero of the Russo-Japanese War — committed ritual suicide. His sensational death took place on the day of Emperor Meiji's funeral, making it an act of junshi (following one's lord in death) and a high-water mark for the samurai code in the modern era.
Jul 30, 2016

Unclear on the concept

What are all those people waiting for?
Jul 30, 2016

Global warming and the death of World Heritage sites

As climate change grows worse, influential institutions like the World Heritage Committee must take a stand against the toxic legacy of dependence on coal and other fossil fuels.
Japan Times
Jul 30, 2016

Russia has motive, capability for U.S. email hack but players remain unclear

The Kremlin says it had zero involvement in the hacking of the Democratic Party's email system while U.S. officials say the hack originated in Russia. We may never know who is right, but one thing is for sure — Russia had motive, capability and form.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Jul 30, 2016

Clinton exits Democratic confab with six-point lead over Trump, newly worded survey says

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton held a six-point lead over Republican rival Donald Trump, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll with new wording that was released on Friday, the day after she formally accepted her party's nomination for the Nov. 8 election.


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows