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Japan Times
Aug 6, 2016

South Koreans capture special moments with babies, pets, selves in 3-D figures

Shooting photographs and storing them digitally has become old school for South Koreans taking imagery to the next level with 3-D figures of themselves, as well as their babies and pets.
Aug 6, 2016

Rio 2016 Olympics, Day 1

Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Aug 6, 2016

Trump, courting GOP leaders, endorses Ryan and two senators up for re-election

Republican Donald Trump took steps to steer his White House campaign back into favor with his party establishment on Friday by endorsing House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan and two Republican senators seeking re-election, after expressing coolness toward them earlier in the week.
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 5, 2016

Renho steps forward in bid to lead DP ahead of Sept. 15 vote

The deputy leader of the Democratic Party announces she will run for its presidency, vowing to reform it into a viable alternative.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / EARLY START
Aug 5, 2016

Start your morning with a serving of tradition at these breakfast joints

The Japanese breakfast provides a healthy start to the day. It's rich in vegetables — from both land and sea — often includes fermented foods such as miso soup and pickles, and is rounded out with rice and grilled seafood. Though, it hasn't always been this way.
Japan Times
Aug 5, 2016

Kazami: A noodle joint that's hard to find but worth the hunt

It takes considerable confidence to open a new restaurant at the hottest time of the year, when people's appetites are at their lowest ebb. To locate it down a narrow alley hidden from sight of Ginza's passing foot traffic seems even more foolhardy. But ramen shops work according to different rules —...
Japan Times
Aug 5, 2016

Tabela: A touch of North Africa in central Tokyo

When eclectic indie film distributor Uplink moved across Shibuya to its current location, it did more than add extra screening rooms. It created a cultural hot spot, a meeting place for people looking beyond the mainstream. From the start, the focus for that was its restaurant, Tabela.
Aug 5, 2016

Australia's China policy adrift

Australia's joining with the U.S. and Japan to oppose China's efforts in the South China Sea has incurred the wrath of Beijing.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Aug 5, 2016

Steel king NSSMC cedes crown to Arcelor as yen soars

Japan's biggest steel maker is top of the pile no more, as a resurgent yen hands a competitive advantage to overseas rivals amid an unprecedented global glut.
Aug 5, 2016

Amazon dam opposed by tribes fails to get environmental license

Brazil's environmental regulator Ibama decided on Thursday to shelve the environmental license request for a hydroelectric dam on the Tapajos River in the Amazon, a project that had been opposed by indigenous tribes and conservation groups.
Japan Times
Aug 5, 2016

'You are handsome': Essential English as China scrubs up for maiden G-20 summit

China is sparing no effort to ensure its first Group of 20 summit passes off perfectly, enforcing measures to close factories, offer English lessons to elderly residents and even a $1.5 billion giveaway to get some to leave town.
Japan Times
Aug 5, 2016

Zen-focused Hagino ready to deliver Japan's first gold of Rio Games

Swim star Kosuke Hagino believes he is ready to end years of American Olympic dominance as he bids to get Japan off to a golden start at the Rio Games this weekend.
Aug 4, 2016

What does Koike's election mean for Japanese politics?

Yuriko Koike just won the biggest gamble of her political career.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Aug 4, 2016

Hitting Japan's best beaches

The summer is here. You've kept your New Year's resolution and stuck with that diet or new exercise regimen ... right? It doesn't matter. These beaches are so beautiful, nobody will be looking at the people.
Japan Times
Aug 4, 2016

Summer buses offer easy Odaiba access

Hinomaru Jidosha Kougyo Co. will operate a bus tour in cooperation with Sky Bus double-decker tourist buses to transport people to Tokyo’s posh Odaiba waterfront area until Aug. 31.
Japan Times
Aug 4, 2016

Sipping summer wine high above city; unique offers to celebrate 5 years; fine dining with a side of history

Sipping summer wine high above city
Japan Times
Aug 4, 2016

China's robotics industry provides lesson in out-of-control debt

Down a side street bracketed by massage parlors and cheap hotels in this city on the banks of the Yangtze River, a humanoid food service robot trundles around the corner of a table in a cafe, red eyes flashing in tune with synthesized classical music.
BUSINESS / Companies
Aug 4, 2016

Energy rout fells Japan's venerated 'Big Three' trading giants

The energy price collapse is doing in Japan what the Great Depression and two world wars couldn't: put an end to a century of dominance by its three most prestigious companies.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Aug 3, 2016

Abe retains key ministers in reshuffle, but defense chief pick likely to stoke controversy

Japan's leader chooses a right-leaning nationalist as defense minister while keeping most of his other key ministers in place.
Japan Times
Aug 2, 2016

'Louvre Museum Exhibition: Louvre No. 9 — Manga, the 9th Art'

July 22-Sept. 25


Pedestrians commute through Shibuya Station in central Tokyo, an area that is almost never devoid of people.
As the rest of Japan shrinks, Tokyo grows