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Apr 26, 2017

The Democratic Party in disarray

The DP leadership needs to take the revolt and defection of its members seriously and rebuild the party before it's too late.
Apr 26, 2017

North Korea: Is a 'grand bargain' possible?

The U.S. calculus that the cost of pursuing a military solution outweighs the cost of tolerating the Kim regime is changing.
Japan Times
Apr 26, 2017

Automated factories can't solve Japan's productivity paradox

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has cut the number of workers on its turbocharger production lines west of Tokyo by more than 80 percent, as manufacturers from carmakers to electronics producers push further into automation.
JAPAN / Politics
Apr 25, 2017

Gaffe-prone minister Imamura bows out over Tohoku remark

Masahiro Imamura, minister in charge of reconstruction of the disaster-hit Tohoku region, resigned Wednesday in the wake of controversial comments about the disaster.
Japan Times
Apr 25, 2017

Antetokounmpo no longer just a diamond in the rough

Giannis Antetokounmpo probably is the least favorite player of NBA writers.
Japan Times
Figure Skating / ICE TIME
Apr 25, 2017

Hanyu looks at raising bar going into Olympic season

Yuzuru Hanyu's greatness is unquestioned.
Japan Times
Apr 25, 2017

The populist wave breaks

The 'populist wave' that seemed to be sweeping through Western politics turns out to be merely a storm in the Anglosphere teacup.
Japan Times
Apr 25, 2017

Enjoy Earth Day, while you last

Earth's climate will probably recover from this human-fueled round of global warming, but on time scales that are unimaginable to humans. And perhaps without humans.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Apr 25, 2017

Maverick Beji Sasaki picks a fight with Fujitsu to push takeovers, turnarounds of undervalued firm

Beji Sasaki, a maverick businessman who first challenged Tokyo's status quo four decades ago, says his bidding war with the $13 billion computer giant Fujitsu Ltd. is just the start of his plan to use takeovers to change Japan Inc.
Japan Times
Apr 25, 2017

Cruise-missile carrying U.S. nuclear submarine visits South Korea amid soaring tensions on peninsula

A U.S. guided-missile nuclear submarine arrived in South Korea on Tuesday — the 85th anniversary of North Korea's founding of its military — in the latest show of force by the United States amid surging tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Apr 24, 2017

Abe, Trump reconfirm commitment on North Korea

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump hold a 30-minute teleconference to discuss the North Korean situation.
Japan Times
Apr 24, 2017

The 'Brenda factor' and the British election

Prime Minister Theresa May's decision to call a snap election after repeatedly saying she would not do so has dented her reputation for honesty.
Apr 24, 2017

Lower House electoral system needs an overhaul

Only comprehensive reform can resolve the Lower House electoral system's problems.
Japan Times
Apr 24, 2017

Ahead of next iPhone, Idemitsu Kosan leads way after developing OLED screen

The iPhone's success has transformed the fortunes of dozens of suppliers, from glass manufacturers to the maker of robots that cut metal cases.
Japan Times
Apr 24, 2017

Conquering ‘Commendatore’: Murakami brandishes familiar lexicon in latest novel

Murakami's language has evolved over the course of his career, and knowing some of his tricks will help ease you into this 1,048-page novel.
Japan Times
Apr 24, 2017

Taliban's brazen attack on Afghan soldiers eclipses Trump's 'mother of all bombs'

Eight days after the U.S. military dropped its largest ever conventional bomb on suspected Islamic State fighters in eastern Afghanistan, Taliban militants breached an army base in the north of the country and killed scores of local soldiers.
Japan Times
Apr 24, 2017

Macron's advance in French runoff stalls populist wave in Europe

The populist tsunami that slammed into Britain last year, before sweeping across the Atlantic to the United States, may have faded on the shores of France on Sunday.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly