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Japan Times
Dec 15, 2017

As focus shifts to North Korea, China keeps building on disputed islands

While global attention has been fixated on the North Korean nuclear crisis over the past year, China has further fortified its man-made outposts in the disputed South China Sea in a bid to create "fully functioning air and naval bases," a think tank said Thursday.
Japan Times
Dec 15, 2016

China installs weapons systems on artificial islands: U.S. think tank

China appears to have built up significant anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems on all seven of its man-made islands in the South China Sea's Spratly chain, a U.S. think tank reported Wednesday, citing an analysis of new satellite imagery.
Aug 15, 2016

If Japan slow to ban ivory trade, online shops even slower

Elephant ivory has long been used worldwide to make a host of items from jewelry, piano keys and billiard balls to art and personal seals.
Jul 28, 2015

Stepping up the war on poverty

The emphasis on Japan's national interests in aid policy raises doubts if the nation can make meaningful contributions to eradicating poverty in the recipient countries.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 26, 2014

Broader foreign aid urged

Japan should expand its use of overseas development assistance by targeting new regions and projects and consider funding noncombat operations led by foreign military forces, a panel said Thursday in a report to Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida.
Japan Times
Mar 13, 2014

U.N. details how North sidestepping sanctions

North Korea has developed sophisticated ways to circumvent United Nations sanctions, including the suspected use of its embassies to facilitate an illegal trade in weapons, a United Nations report issued Tuesday said.
Dec 29, 2013

Drones getting closer to home

Japanese should not assume that remotely controlled unmanned aerial vehicles for military purposes, otherwise known as drones, are being used only in remote parts of the world.
Japan Times
Nov 4, 2013

As U.S. withdraws from Afghanistan, poppy trade it spent billions fighting still flourishes

The United States is withdrawing troops from Afghanistan having lost its battle against the country's narcotics industry, marking one of the starkest failures of the 2009 strategy the Obama administration pursued in an effort to turn around the war.
Japan Times
Sep 3, 2013

Nukes, terrorists, intel gaps: U.S. 'black budget' shows extent of distrust toward Pakistan

The $52.6 billion U.S. intelligence arsenal is aimed mainly at unambiguous adversaries, including al-Qaida, North Korea and Iran. But top-secret budget documents reveal an equally intense focus on one purported ally: Pakistan, which appears at the top of charts listing critical U.S. intelligence gaps.
Apr 9, 2013

Japan's foreign trainee system said still plagued by rights abuses

Last month, a Chinese trainee went on a stabbing rampage at a Hiroshima Prefecture seafood company where he worked, killing the president and an employee and wounding six others.
Jun 8, 2011

Nuke plant was unprepared for crisis, government admits

The government on Tuesday compiled a report on the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 plant for submission to the International Atomic Energy Agency, underlining the need to reinforce measures against earthquakes, tsunami and other calamities.
Feb 24, 2010

Three lessons from Copenhagen

The world now accepts that protecting our atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and even cyberspace — the "global commons" — is the responsibility of all countries. Enforcing that norm is proving the difficult part.
Japan Times
Jun 14, 2009

Is a national 'Manga Museum' at last set to get off the ground?

When it was announced in April that ¥11.7 billion had been set aside in 2009's supplementary budget to create a new National Center for Media Arts (NCMA) — a museum for manga, anime, video games and technology art — the news was greeted in the same way that most cultural-policy issues are in Japan....
Mar 10, 2009

Think tank calls for common Asian currency

Japan should take political initiatives to achieve an Asian monetary unification in the 2030s that supplements, if not replaces, the current fragile international economic and financial system, a semigovernmental think tank said in a report released Monday.
May 2, 2005

Losing the war on terror?

The U.S. government has just released its annual report on terrorism, and it makes for grim reading. Equally troubling is the report's omissions: This year it does not give the specific number of terrorist attacks last year. Yet serious terrorist incidents are increasing, a finding that is even more...
Mar 2, 2005

Putting a lid on proliferation

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is to discuss plans for the international management of the gateways to nuclear-weapons development -- activities related to uranium enrichment and plutonium reprocessing. The debate follows a report submitted by a committee of experts to the board of governors,...
Jul 4, 2003

Women's rights vs. complacency

Japan's efforts to improve women's human rights will come up for a U.N. review this month at the Commission on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, or CEDAW, the implementing body of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. The review will be based on...
Apr 2, 2003

Matters tied to North Korea dominate 'blue book' agenda

Japan's most pressing diplomatic task is to resolve issues related to North Korea, including its suspected development of nuclear weapons, according to the annual Foreign Ministry "blue book," which was endorsed Tuesday by the Cabinet.
Mar 14, 2003

9/11 gave life to U.S. imperial ambitions

NEW DELHI -- As U.S. President George W. Bush readies a war on Iraq without any direct provocation, the United States faces international opprobrium and isolation. Rarely before has the U.S. risked its future international role and image on a huge strategic gamble untied to the protection of its vital...
Dec 26, 2002

Thirty years of environmental progress, but . . .

Yet another year is tugging impatiently at the sleeve of closure and within days will be history.
Dec 17, 2000

Japan, U.S. urged to forget trade spats and rethink focus

Japan and the United States should shift the focus of their economic relationship away from coping with individual trade issues and toward creating a more business-friendly environment, according to a still-classified Foreign Ministry report.
Oct 2, 2000

Japan must commence nuclear reforms

On Sept. 30, Japan commemorated the first anniversary of its worst nuclear disaster since the inception of its nuclear power industry. Tokaimura, approximately 150 km northwest of Tokyo, experienced a criticality accident around 10:30 a.m. when employees of JCO Co., a subsidiary of Sumitomo Metal Mining...
Sep 8, 2000

MITI kills off proposal for carbon tax

A key government panel reviewing the nation's Basic Environment Plan released an interim report calling for the introduction of economic measures to resolve environmental problems.
Japan Times
Nov 2, 2022

How to move on from the debate over the origins of the pandemic

Nearly three years since the beginning of the outbreak, and after endless debate about COVID-19's origins, the answers we're getting aren't pat, definitive or satisfying.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Sep 13, 2022

50 million people stuck in 'modern slavery,' U.N. says

The number of people caught up in forced labor or forced marriage ballooned by 10 million between 2016 and 2021, according to a new report.
Japan Times
Sep 7, 2022

‘Playing with fire’: U.N. team calls for no-fire zone at Ukraine nuclear plant

In a highly anticipated report, nuclear experts who inspected Europe's largest nuclear plant called for Russia and Ukraine to halt all military activity around the complex.
Japan Times
Jul 22, 2022

Ukraine war — and impact on Asia — take top billing in Japan defense white paper

In its annual defense report, Japan underscored the war's potentially long-lasting impact, devoting an entirely new section to the conflict and its implications for Asia.
Military vehicles carrying DF-5B intercontinental ballistic missiles in Beijing in 2019
Oct 20, 2023

Pentagon says China set to have over 1,000 nukes by 2030

The report adds that China has "probably completed" 300 intercontinental ballistic missile silos as it expands its launch facilities.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties