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Jul 26, 2013

Make 1,000 visits in one at Atago Shrine

For Shinto worshippers who visit Atago Shrine in Kyoto from the night of July 31 to the morning of Aug. 1, that one visit is said to be equivalent to 1,000.
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
May 24, 2013

Record haul expected during 20-minute fireworks display

The port city of Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture, located on the country's Noto Peninsula, will be filled with things to do for one week from the end of May as it kicks off its Citizens' Festival.
Japan Times
Jan 9, 2013

Wireless file transfer, vibrating headphones and a high-tech cure for forgetfulness

Here we are in 2013. It's an exciting time of year, a welcome opportunity to reflect and give ourselves a fresh start. I personally resolved not to make resolutions, but perhaps some of you will now be trying your best to get organized, lose some weight or save some money. These new devices may help...
Dec 29, 2012

Penguins parade near Osaka aquarium

Visitors to Osaka's Kaiyukan aquarium can watch king penguins parading in front of the building on most days until Jan. 14.
Japan Times
Oct 11, 2012

Magical Mistakes goes all natural on new album, 'Everything Uncertain'

Shiga Prefecture-based musician Erik Luebs, who works under the moniker Magical Mistakes, wanted to record the majority of sounds on his new album, "Everything Uncertain," by himself. Save for a few vocal snippets and 808 bass drums, his newest full-length leans heavily on natural sounds from the world...
Japan Times
Aug 24, 2012

Ashby makes Rizing Fukuoka fifth team in Japan career

Another season, another team for Julius Ashby.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Jul 22, 2012

Power spots and prehistory in beautiful Aomori Prefecture

The government of Aomori Prefecture which straddles the whole of the northern end of Japan's main island of Honshu — and is best known as the nation's apple capital — broke new ground in its tourism promotion campaign late last year, when it announced it would start selling the prefecture as the...
Japan Times
May 9, 2012

This summer, take your gadgets camping, too

With the balmy weather and a relaxing pause from hectic day-to-day life during Golden Week, I'm sure many people have been inspired to start planning some kind of getaway to the countryside when things really heat up.
May 29, 2011

Japanese genius shines eclectic in its extravagant simplicities of style

"Live your era, surmount your era!" With these words, written in 1935, the young woodblock artist Yoshio Fujimaki gave out a cry for genius. Certainly his words apply to the genius of Bob Dylan (whose 70th birthday was celebrated on these pages last week), since both he, Fujimaki and others of genius...
Japan Times
Jan 15, 2010

Breathing life into the mythical shachihoko

In 1610, as ordered by Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa shogunate, the shogunal main office of Owari province (present-day Aichi Prefecture) was moved from Kiyosu to Nagoya, where a new castle was built. To commemorate the beginning of this magnificent castle's construction, which boasted a five-storied...
Jul 19, 2009

Explaining a hold and a tale about 'Smokey' catching for the Carp

Checking out what is on the minds of fans and readers of the column this week as we go through the e-mail inbox, and Josh Barnett in Kobe wants to know, "What is a 'hold' and what does a pitcher need to do to be awarded one?"
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
May 10, 2009

Kawasaki risen from the grit with plenty to offer

Back in December 1972, having just taken a job with a Japan Airlines subsidiary, I moved into the company's bachelors dormitory at Miyauchi 2-chome in Kawasaki's Nakahara Ward.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / IGADGET
Feb 11, 2009

Clearing up digital photography

Look sharp: In digital photography, cameras that are small and easy to use tend not to take good pictures in low light and to have a crimped dynamic range. A camera's dynamic range defines how much detail it can capture in shadowy areas of the picture and brightly lit parts at the same time. The better...
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / IGADGET
Jan 21, 2009

Olympus gets tough with new cameras

Playing hard to break: Olympus is taking advantage of the delicate nature of modern cameras to craft a niche market. It has produced a range of compact cameras sold as much on their claims to toughness as their ability to create a pleasing image. The latest additions to the ranks are the μTough-8000...
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Aug 15, 2008

Feel Brazil: Asakusa Samba Carnival

Tokyo's Asakusa district, central to the capital's traditional shitamachi (downtown) area, will be filled with Brazilian rhythm on Aug. 30 for the 28th Asakusa Samba Carnival.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / IGADGET
Jul 30, 2008

New compact Lumix makes room for better summer memories

More sensor: Increasing the number of pixels in a digital camera's sensor without increasing the sensor's size is an underhanded act designed to sell more cameras, and in that regard, Panasonic is as guilty as any compact camera maker. But the Japanese electronics giant is earning early points for parole...
LIFE / Digital / IGADGET
Oct 17, 2007

From Big Brother marketing tools to powered Kitty-chan collectibles

Looks alone might not determine a person's character, but for marketing they are at least a good start. NEC certainly believes in the power of appearances, with its new FieldAnalyst camera. The device, in essence, judges passersby on the basis of their looks, determining their gender and approximate...
LIFE / Digital / IGADGET
Aug 29, 2007

Save the planet: wind-powered toys and PC ways to catch insects

A nimal rights are as important to me as they are to the next Homo sapien. But I draw the line at in sects inflicting their unwanted presence on me, mosquitoes most especially spring to mind. Frankly, the first solution that comes to mind is finding use No. 1,001 for a newspaper. Those who prefer a less...
Aug 21, 2007

Kids' rights and cancer support

Coping after cancer M recently arrived in Tokyo from Hong Kong and, as a breast cancer survivor, is wondering where she can turn for support.
Japan Times
Aug 17, 2007

Summertime and the grazing is easy

It's holiday time and the Food File is off for a break, but not before tidying up a few loose ends. This column is a summer miscellany — call it a chop suey (from the Cantonese shap sui, meaning "odds and ends") — on a few of the places we've visited and enjoyed in recent months.
Apr 17, 2007

Springtime sumo: giving it back to the people

Sumo in late March and throughout April each year is about pressing the flesh -- literally.
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design / ON: DESIGN
Jan 30, 2007

Between the crafty and the user-friendly

Receptacle for the respectable It wouldn't seem that much could be done to improve on the functionality of the lowly water dispenser -- all you need is a receptacle and a tap. Enter Kai House with the Adhoc product from their Kitchen Design Movement collection. It features both a paired-down design --...
Japan Times
Aug 4, 2006

South of the border in 'Nakame'

Naka-Meguro's days as a hip, artsy enclave have long been numbered. The area isgentrifying fast, especially down by the river and uptoward Daikanyama. But venture along the slow-moving, old-school shopping street that forms the spiritual axis of 'Nakame' (as the locals like to call it) and you can still...
Apr 11, 2006

Cheese, yoga and knitting

We're well aware that Tokyo is not the be all and end all of the country, but it's hard to get information useful to the foreign community when we are all so scattered. This is why the following two mails are so welcome. Thanks guys.
Dec 28, 2004

Boating, studying and moving to Japan

The last column of the year! Where did the weeks go?
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / BEST BAR NONE
Jun 25, 2004

Putting a bit of Color into the Meguro scene

Like Nakameguro 10 years ago, Meguro proper is one of those areas that has been quietly amassing bars and nightlife options over the last few years. When I first heard that Color, a multilevel restaurant and bar complex, had opened just down the hill from Meguro Station, I wasn't surprised. I was, however,...
May 4, 2004

Transit visas, flowers and massage

U.S. transit visa A cautionary tale from Omar, who several weeks ago went to Narita to take a flight back to Mexico City via the U.S. Having spent most of his remaining yen, he was told he could not leave without a transit visa under the Visa Waiver Program from the U.S. Embassy.
Jun 29, 2003

KANSAI: Who & What

Guide offers illuminated tour of top Nara spots: English-speaking guide Harry Horii is offering an illuminated night tour of Nara every day from July 1 through Oct. 31.
Japan Times
Jan 5, 2003

All aboard: a nation in motion

Monday is the first business day of the new year, so on Sunday the nation's airports, highways and rail lines will be crammed to overcapacity by a mass migration known as the "U-turn."
Japan Times
Nov 17, 2002

Getting syrupy about music

When I first heard the term "self-cover," I thought it referred to errant politicians or bureaucrats making excuses for themselves when caught with their pants down, metaphorically speaking or otherwise.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties