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Nov 12, 1998

Japanese-American heritage blooms in L.A. museum

The Japanese-American experience is a useful reference point in Japan's globalization efforts, but more insights await in Los Angeles, where the Japanese American National Museum is raising the profile of these people, representatives said Thursday.
Oct 28, 1998

DPJ comes up with new defense guidelines proposal

While bills to implement the revised Japan-U.S. defense cooperation guidelines are being suspended in the Diet, the Democratic Party of Japan -- the largest opposition party -- released new proposals Wednesday, calling for the bills' early passage by the Diet.In the draft proposals, the DPJ shows a...
Oct 1, 1998

Kim visit may pave Emperor's way to Seoul

Japan hopes that South Korean President Kim Dae Jung's visit next week will pave the way for the Emperor to visit South Korea, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiromu Nonaka said Thursday.The government's chief spokesman made the remarks in reference to media reports that the president, during his four-day visit...
Sep 14, 1998

LDP offers to dump public funds use laws

In an attempt to strike a deal with the opposition camp, the Liberal Democratic Party offered Monday to scrap two financial stabilization laws that allow the injection of public funds into troubled banks.
Jul 21, 1998

Freeze austerity law only as last resort: Matsunaga

Freezing the fiscal austerity law should be the last resort when the new Cabinet tries to revive the moribund economy, Finance Minister Hikaru Matsunaga said Tuesday.
Jun 23, 1998

Family values, war still touchy subjects for textbooks

The Education Ministry is demanding less when it comes to schoolbooks but continues to stubbornly impose its views on such issues as national security, family values and war compensation, the 1997 textbook screening shows.
Jun 4, 1998

English poets can conquer traditional tanka form, too

Responding to the growing popularity of Japanese poetry overseas, Tokyo publishing company Hoshi to Mori Co. is sponsoring an international poetry contest featuring tanka, a traditional form of verse dating back to the seventh century.
May 19, 1998

IMF asked to consider effects of stringent aid requirements

The International Monetary Fund should consider the economic impact on the weak when setting conditions on aid for currency crisis-hit countries, an advisory body to the finance minister said Tuesday, in reference to the social confusion in Indonesia.
May 11, 1998

Hint at Lower House breakup denied

Chief Cabinet Secretary Kanezo Muraoka on Monday said comments he made the previous day alluding to a possible dissolution of the House of Representatives were misinterpreted by the media.
Apr 20, 1998

Tokyo peace hall plan omits 'military city' reference

An advisory panel to Tokyo Gov. Yukio Aoshima proposed April 20 two versions of a draft for a planned war museum in Tokyo that drop a controversial phrase describing the capital as a "military city" during World War II.
Apr 10, 1998

BOJ reprimands 98 officials over bribery scandals

The Bank of Japan punished 98 officials April 10, including two executive directors, for their connections to the bribery scandal hanging over the central bank as well as other questionable conduct involving financial institutions.
Mar 24, 1998

LDP's new stimulus plan fails to impress

The government admitted Tuesday that it will soon draft new economic stimulus measures based on a plan being worked out by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
Feb 2, 1998

Brokerages must disclose capital ratios

The Finance Ministry has decided to require all securities houses to maintain capital adequacy ratios above an appropriate level and to disclose the ratios once every three months, sources in the ministry said Monday.
Jan 21, 1998

Reports on deficit-covering-bond remarks irk Kato

Secretary General Koichi Kato of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party expressed his disapproval Wednesday of some morning media reports that he said misinterpreted his comments from the previous day."I did not mean at all that the government is considering moving back the target year to stop issuing...
Dec 19, 1997

Hashimoto to meet new president of South Korea

Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto and newly elected South Korean President Kim Dae Jung agreed during a telephone conversation Friday to meet soon, according to Japanese government officials.
Dec 15, 1997

Foley urges Mitsuzuka to take action on financial system

Japan should take measures to stabilize its financial system and stimulate the economy, U.S. Ambassador Thomas Foley urged Monday, stressing that the nation's economic performance greatly affects Asia and the rest of the world.
Nov 19, 1997

Cooperation the cure to currency crisis, Ramos told

Nations must cooperate to counteract the currency crisis gripping Asia, Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto told Philippine President Fidel Ramos on Wednesday, according to Foreign Ministry officials.
Sep 12, 1997

U.S. urges Japan to take market-opening steps

The United States renewed calls on Japan to eliminate the Large-Scale Retail Store Law and other obstacles blocking the penetration of foreign products into the Japanese market, Japanese government officials said Sept. 12.
Sep 9, 1997

Supreme Court rules lawmaker not liable for her remarks in Diet

The Supreme Court on Sept. 9 turned down a damages suit filed by the wife of a mental hospital chief who claims her husband killed himself in 1985 because of a slanderous remark made against him by a Diet member.
Sep 5, 1997

Sato opposes split of telecommunication administration

Shinji Sato, minister for international trade and industry, expressed his opposition Friday to a proposed plan to split the administration of the information and telecommunication industry into regulation and promotion.
Aug 5, 1997

China's WTO proposals called subpar

Trade chief Shinji Sato on August 5 urged China to improve its market liberalization proposals if the nation wants to be accepted by the World Trade Organization.
Jul 28, 1997

U.S. swipe at FTC has MITI irked

Osamu Watanabe, vice minister for international trade and industry, on July 28 criticized Washington for going too far in its attack on the Fair Trade Commission.
Jun 23, 1997

Mobile network computer to take on Microsoft's Net PC

Eleven of the world's leading computer hardware and software makers have agreed on a common set of standards for building mobile network computers, lightweight mobile devices with easy access to the Internet or corporate networks, the firms announced June 23.
May 30, 1997

Education council airs reform plan

Respect for a student's individuality will be the key to reforming school education in Japan -- known for its uniformity and conformity -- for the 21st century, an advisory panel to the education minister said May 30.
May 1, 1997

May Day events sidestep thorny politics

An estimated 2 million people gathered for May Day celebrations May 1 at about 1,000 locations throughout the country, according to sponsors of the events.
Apr 8, 1997

U.S. defense secretary Cohen visits Yokosuka base

YOKOSUKA, Kanagawa Pref. -- U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen, visiting Japan for talks with Tokyo, urged U.S. sailors at the Yokosuka Naval Base on April 8 to maintain America's superpower capability in the Asia-Pacific region in the post-Cold War era.
Apr 2, 1997

Kajiyama speech hints at stiffer base land law

Tough new legislation could be introduced in the future to help the central government override opposition from landowners and local governments when leases for property within U.S. bases expire, the government's top spokesman hinted Apr. 2.
Mar 25, 1997

Sato maintains current recovery not export-based

Shinji Sato, international trade and industry minister, on Mar. 25 brushed aside U.S. concerns that Japan is trying to achieve economic recovery by boosting its exports.
Mar 3, 1997

Finance official rules stimulus measures out

A top Finance Ministry official ruled out on Mar. 3 the need for fiscal economic stimulus at this time, expressing confidence that the nation's recovery can be led by domestic demand.
Jan 27, 1997

Kajiyama elaborates on sex-slave comments

Chief Cabinet Secretary Seiroku Kajiyama apologized Jan. 27 to the South Korean people for his remarks concerning the "comfort women" that overshadowed the weekend Japan-Korea summit. Comfort women is the term Japan euphemistically used to refer to its wartime sex slaves.But he then repeated his earlier...


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan