Search - 2003

Jul 30, 2013

Korean War's far-reaching legacy

For North Korea, the day the United Nations Command, North Korea and China signed the armistice ending the Korean War 60 years ago is a day to celebrate.
Jul 30, 2013

A maddening category in which America soars

The focus on economic indicators has prevented consideration of the geopolitical implications of the ever-increasing rates of severe mental disease in America.
Jul 27, 2013

What if Columbus had reached his goal, Japan?

Every school child knows that in 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered America. Every school child knows wrongly. When the Genovese explorer's three ships sailed westward from Palo de la Frontera, Spain, on Aug. 2, 1492, he was bound, he thought, for "the noble island of Cipangu" — Japan.
Jul 27, 2013

Perez named new Hokkaido coach

Levanga Hokkaido have hired Spaniard Juan Manuel Hurtado Perez as their new head coach, the National Basketball League team announced on Friday.
Japan Times
Jul 26, 2013

Brit Scoutmaster jogs for health, charity

Running up a mountain probably wouldn't be most people's idea of a pleasant weekend leisure activity, but Brit Colin Yarker thrives on the physical and mental challenge of trail running.
Jul 25, 2013

Hayao Miyazaki: Leave Constitution alone

Anime master Hayao Miyazaki blasted the government's push to revise the Constitution, saying that politicians without any understanding of history "shouldn't be messing" with the foundation of the country.
JAPAN / Politics
Jul 25, 2013

SDP's Fukushima resigns over dual election losses

Mizuho Fukushima, head of the Social Democratic Party for nearly a decade, resigned Thursday to take responsibility for the party's losses in Sunday's Upper House election and the Lower House election in December.
Jul 22, 2013

Golf courses adjust to harsher economics and changing demographics

Golfers in Japan are getting older, with no one to replace them when they're gone.
Japan Times
Jul 21, 2013

'Motor City Madman' rocks political world

On the final morning of the 2013 National Rifle Association annual convention in May, the day was bright, the mood was festive and Ted Nugent was neither dead nor in jail.
WORLD / Society
Jul 18, 2013

Review turns up FBI errors in 27 death penalty convictions

An unprecedented federal review of old criminal cases uncovers as many as 27 death penalty convictions in which FBI forensic experts may have mistakenly linked defendants to crimes with exaggerated scientific testimony.
Jul 16, 2013

What Egypt can learn from Iraq

While arguing over the merits of continuing U.S. aid to Egypt, commentators and analysts tend to agree on two main points. First, there is a general consensus on what President Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood got wrong. Second, virtually all Western observers are stressing the need for an inclusive...
Jul 16, 2013

Beach-storming drill in U.S. hones SDF amphibious edge

One thousand members of the Self-Defense Forces have been learning how to recapture territory in the face of enemy fire, and while the shoreline may be California's, the skills they are building could one day be used closer to home.
Jul 14, 2013

Gold's slumber is not the cue to stop hedging

The recent collapse of gold prices has not really changed the case for investing in it one way or the other, says a former chief economist for the IMF.
Jul 12, 2013

China and Russia practicing again

Japan should take China and Russia at their word when they say Tokyo should not be concerned by their joint large-scale naval exercise in the Japan Sea this week.
Japan Times
Jul 11, 2013

Experiments in the wild

Ten years ago, when a new cultural facility opened in the western Japan city of Yamaguchi, its founders sought to fulfill a role quite different from those museums in the countryside.
Japan Times
Jul 11, 2013

Black comedy gets under the skin of a murderer

Jack Black, whose career was built on getting deep inside the skin of his characters, arguably reaches the pinnacle of his performances as Bernie Tiede in "Bernie" — based on actual events that happened in small-town Texas 17 years ago.
Japan Times
Jul 8, 2013

Police 'foreign crime wave' falsehoods fuel racism

These Community pages have reported many times on how the National Police Agency (NPA) has manufactured the illusion of a "foreign crime wave," depicting non-Japanese (NJ) as a threat to Japan's public safety (see "Upping the fear factor," Zeit Gist, Feb. 20, 2007; "Time to come clean on foreign crime,"...
Japan Times
Jul 7, 2013

Strict rules help U.S. access data traffic on undersea cables

The U.S. government had a problem: Spying in the digital age required access to the fiber-optic cables traversing the world's oceans, carrying torrents of data at the speed of light. And one of the biggest operators of those cables was being sold to an Asian firm, which might complicate American surveillance...


Ayumi Matsuki, a priestess at Yoshiwara Shrine, shows off some "o-mamori" charms. She says visitors to the shrine have increased since the NHK drama “Unbound” began airing this month.
Tracing Tsutaya Juzaburo, Edo’s media maverick