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Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Jun 8, 2015

Nissan brings new spacious cabs to Tokyo to serve foreign tourists

Nissan Motor Co.'s new wagon-type cabs made their debut in Tokyo on Monday with the aim of giving a more comfortable ride to luggage-toting foreigners and aging Japanese alike.
Jun 8, 2015

First test of Raytheon's new SM-3 missile a success, Japan, U.S. say

The United States and Japan say the first live-fire test of Raytheon Co.'s new Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Block IIA missile, under joint development by the two countries, was a success.
WORLD / Society
Jun 2, 2015

Muslims find peace in New York hamlet

Just beyond the gated entrance to the tiny Catskills community of Holy Islamberg, population 200, cows graze and ducks glide on a tranquil pond. Modest houses of wood and cinder block sit along the hamlet's single thoroughfare, a rutted dirt road without traffic signs.
May 29, 2015

Changes to ODA Charter reflect new realities

Japan's strategy for distributing foreign aid has undergone a much-needed revamping to reflect today's realities.
Japan Times
May 26, 2015

More bags to bring; new routes to Taiwan; Hiroshima gains flights

More bags to bring
Japan Times
May 21, 2015

Tokyo Station Hotel fetes centenary; enjoying beer at Rihga Royal Osaka; summer sandwiches at New Otani

Tokyo Station Hotel fetes centenary
JAPAN / Politics
May 19, 2015

Ishin no To elects new leader, may align with opposition

In a desperate bid to keep its members united and stave off the party's collapse, Ishin no To (Japan Innovation Party) rushes to elect Secretary-General Yorihisa Matsuno as its new president.
Japan Times
May 15, 2015

New York's famed Ramen Burger arrives in its spiritual home

Ramen Burger has come to Tokyo. Its eponymous creation has been one of the hottest new foods in the U.S. in the past couple of years, but here in Japan the arrival has been muted to the extreme, with minimal publicity and a location far from the center of the city. That's just the way the originator,...
Japan Times
May 14, 2015

Ex-New Guinea PM recognized

The embassy of Papua New Guinea held a reception to celebrate former Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare receiving an honorary award from Japan; the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun, at the Hotel New Otani Tokyo on May 7.
May 12, 2015

New menu on United; multiple-flight booking; KLM teams up with Miffy

New menu on United
May 12, 2015

New guidelines leave the U.S. defending Japan

During his recent visit to Washington, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was eloquent in stating why Japan enjoyed being allied with America. But it isn't evident what the U.S. receives in return.
Japan Times
May 11, 2015

Cuomo concerned over oil leak into Hudson River after fire at nuclear plant near NYC

Oil leaked into the Hudson River on Sunday after a transformer fire and explosion a day earlier at the Indian Point nuclear plant north of New York City, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he was concerned about environmental damage.
May 8, 2015

Envy makes a return after five years with new album 'Atheist's Cornea'

The 20-year career of Envy went nothing like what a band out of Japan's hardcore scene would have expected. The members never predicted chumming around with Scottish postrock act Mogwai, or landing a track in a Shiseido cosmetics commercial. And two decades later, on the verge of releasing sixth album...
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
May 8, 2015

Scottish nationalists crush opponents, setting stage for new independence bid

Scottish nationalists rampaged to victory north of the border in Britain's national election, obliterating their opponents and setting the stage for a new battle over independence.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
May 5, 2015

NYPD plainclothes officer dies from gunshot wound to head while in car; murder charge sought

A New York City plainclothes police officer who was shot in the head died on Monday and a first-degree murder charge will be sought against his accused killer, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said.
May 4, 2015

Gallipoli is a reminder of the stupidity of wars

In a war noted for bloody futility, Gallipoli stood out as an example of purposeless killing.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
May 1, 2015

New avian flu viruses send U.S. scientists scrambling

Three highly pathogenic avian flu viruses that have infected poultry and wild birds in the U.S. Midwest appear unlikely to present a significant risk to humans. But the presence of the viruses in North America has scientists scrambling to understand their potential long-term threat.
May 1, 2015

China's slowing new normal

Beijing must do what it takes to ensure that any further slowdown in China's economy is not viewed as secular trend.
Apr 30, 2015

Is low growth the global economy's new norm?

While no one should expect a return to the pre-crisis boom years, the right government incentives encourage more robust economic growth.
Apr 28, 2015

New regime for security alliance

The latest revision to the guidelines on Japan-U.S. defense cooperation potentially expands the scope of the Self-Defense Forces' joint operation with the U.S. military on a global scale in ways that transcend the original architecture of the postwar security treaty between the two countries.
Japan Times
Apr 28, 2015

U.S., Japan unveil new defense guidelines for global Japanese role

Japan and the United States unveiled new guidelines for defense cooperation on Monday, reflecting Japan's willingness to take on a more robust international role at a time of growing Chinese power and rising concerns about nuclear-armed North Korea.
Apr 27, 2015

USJ to open new theme park in Okinawa

The CEO of the operator of Universal Studios Japan says the firm plans to open a new theme park in Okinawa.
Japan Times
Apr 23, 2015

Mother's Day at Hotel New Otani; mother-daughter time at Celestine; springtime sandwiches at The Hilton

Mother's Day at Hotel New Otani
Japan Times
Apr 23, 2015

New security law may drag SDF into conflicts in South China Sea

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's plans to expand Japan's noncombat role in armed conflicts beyond "areas around Japan" could see Tokyo becoming dragged into action in the South China Sea in support of U.S. forces, government and ruling party sources say.


Hiroki Shimana pauses before entering a Shinjuku Ward apartment where the owner, a woman in her 80s, passed away alone. The door had been sealed with tape to prevent any odors from disturbing the neighbors.
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan