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Reader Mail
Sep 8, 2011

What is Tepco talking about?

Regarding the Sept. 1 Kyodo article "Tepco plans to flood reactors, extract fuel": I find it simply amazing that the press continues to report the absurd pronouncements of Tokyo Electric Power Co. officials with a straight face. They have lied repeatedly about what they knew had happened. These lies...
Aug 31, 2011

Destroying five myths about earthquakes

Earthquakes rattle our psyches as well as our structures. We Californians can crack jokes about jumpy East Coast types, but the truth is, our blood pressure also rises precipitously when the Earth suddenly springs to life, without so much as a warning.
Aug 26, 2011

Five myths about Mormonism

The campaigns by Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman Jr. for the Republican presidential nomination, along with the popular and profane Broadway musical "The Book of Mormon," are putting Mormons in the public eye. But common caricatures — not to mention some of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints'...
Jul 31, 2011

Rise in single-member households reflects concerns about income

For the first time, single people have become the largest category of household in Japan. A preliminary tabulation of last year's government census revealed June 29 that the number of single-member households exceeded 30 percent of the total 50.9 million households in the country.
May 15, 2011

Double tragedy, questions about February 26 Incident, new 'merry-go-round' carpark, Prince Charles and Lady Di visit

100 YEARS AGOFriday, May 5, 1911
May 7, 2011

Worries about Hamaoka plant

Chubu Electric Power Co. on April 28 disclosed a plan to resume by July the operation of the No. 3 reactor in its Hamaoka nuclear power plant in Shizuoka Prefecture. The reactor has been under regular check and observation since November 2010. The plant sits inside a zone where a magnitude-8 earthquake...
Apr 13, 2011

Start learning the golden rules about kin and kane

Television broadcasts of last February's political upheaval in Egypt were regularly interspersed with scenes of the pyramids at Giza. Seeing them, I was reminded that the word for pyramid in Japanese is 金字塔 (kinjitō, "a tower in the shape of the character kin [金]"). (Note the similarity, if...
Japan Times
Apr 12, 2011

Evidence for Agent Orange on Okinawa

In the late 1960s, James Spencer was a United States Navy longshoreman on Okinawa's military docks. "During this time, we handled all kinds of cargo, including these barrels with orange stripes on them. When we unloaded them, they'd leak and the Agent Orange would get all over us. It was as if it were...
Reader Mail
Apr 10, 2011

Distorted narrative about Burma

Regarding David Burleigh's April 3 review of Emma Larkin's book "Everything Is Broken: the Untold Story of Disaster Under Burma's Military Regime": I have just returned from my homeland Burma, where the people praised the military government for preventing hardware stores from taking advantage of Cyclone...
Japan Times
Mar 23, 2011

Knightley learns about life from Ishiguro adaptation

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — Keira Knightley, at age 26, has proven herself much more than just a pretty face. Born March 26, 1985, she requested a showbiz agent at age 3 — not all that surprising, considering that her father, Will Knightley, is an actor and her mother is the acclaimed playwright Sharman...
Mar 10, 2011

What to do about Gadhafi?

LONDON — There ought to be many more red faces among the world leaders who used to kowtow and suck up to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, an insane megalomaniac bully. But only a minority will ever admit that they were wrong.
Japan Times
Mar 6, 2011

Tadao Sato: 'Japan's single finest film critic'

Tadao Sato laughed an embarrassed laugh as he recalled that three years ago, in London, he had been referred to as a "legend." Though adding to his discomfort, I had to admit that in my university days I had thought of him in the same way. And I still do.
Mar 4, 2011

Why worry about China's nuclear warheads?

SINGAPORE — Latest estimates by Western analysts put China's stockpile at 240 warheads, with 175 in active mode and 65 in reserve or waiting to be dismantled because they are considered too old for use.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2011

BOJ vice chief worried about pesky deflation

Bank of Japan Deputy Gov. Hirohide Yamaguchi said Wednesday that while he's optimistic about the economy in the short term, he's cautious in the long run because of the difficulty of overcoming deflation.
Japan Times
Feb 15, 2011

Japan, be confident!

On the day of his departure from Hokkaido on April 16, 1877, at the end of his tenure as the first president of what later became Hokkaido University, William Smith Clark left his charges, and Japan, with a parting message: "Boys, be ambitious." For the next century plus, Japan was ambitious, creating...
Japan Times
Feb 8, 2011

Tokyo: What do you make of the decision to publish the book by Tatsuya Ichihashi, prime suspect in Lindsay Ann Hawker's murder, about his years on the run?

Sri Wahyuni
Japan Times
Feb 6, 2011

Yang Sok Gil: Writing about wrongs at home and abroad

Yang Sok Gil is renowned for his novels describing, with remarkable humanity and humor, people's wanton desires and the problems they cause, often from the viewpoint of minorities in Japan or elsewhere.
Japan Times
Jan 28, 2011

'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps'

There was a time when an Oliver Stone film would approach its topic in much the same way that a pit-bull would approach a burglar's meaty calf. Films such as "JFK," "Natural Born Killers" and "Salvador" knew exactly who their targets were, and didn't mince around trying to be "fair" or objective; it...
Jan 18, 2011

Groupon chief sorry about 'osechi' fiasco

The chief executive of Groupon, the rapidly growing online coupon provider, apologized to Japanese customers Monday for a New Year's deal gone wrong that highlighted the difficulties the company faces in managing its global expansion.
Japan Times
Jan 15, 2011

Apache's Hill still learning about his players

During last week's four-game homestand, Tokyo Apache coach Bob Hill was given his first opportunity to speak at length to reporters about his team's state of affairs and offer general thoughts on his approach to this season.
Reader Mail
Jan 13, 2011

Scare-mongering about China

Regarding Michael Richardson's Jan. 5 article, " China targeting U.S. deterrence": There he goes again — scare-mongering about China by making, in this instance, the unjustified assumption that China wants to control commercial shipping traffic in Asia. China has never indicated any intention of hindering...
Jan 12, 2011

Kobe Bryant speaks out about his condition, Lakers

NEW YORK — Kobe Bryant "does phone interviews about as often as Osama bin Laden strolls through Central Park," John Black, Lakers VP of public relations, responded by e-mail to my request for an interview. "But I will ask him if he wants to call you."
Dec 31, 2010

2010's many charts tell a confusing tale

As seems to be becoming commonplace with these end-of-year roundups, the big music story was once again the rise (and rise) of AKB48 and their rapidly multiplying sister groups, SKE48 (named after their home at Nagoya's Sunshine Sakae building), NMB48 (after Namba in Osaka) and "mature" proto-porn, postgraduation...
Dec 17, 2010

'Burlesque'/'Desert Flower'

Who knew that the movie-going public was simply dying for a remake of "Showgirls," the 1995 disaster that nearly sank Paul Verhoeven's career? Well, canny souls obviously studied that much- ridiculed film's long-term success in the rental market, where it grossed over $100 million, and along comes "Burlesque,"...


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo