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Japan Times
Jun 18, 2012

The truth about Japanese love: We just don't get along

One of my younger cousins, aged 23, managed to pull off what he calls the kotoshino igyō (今年の偉業, the great accomplishment of this year).
Reader Mail
Jun 17, 2012

Views about college validated

Regarding Washington Post columnist Robert J. Samuelson's article "It's time U.S. dropped the college-for-all crusade," which ran in The Japan Times on May 30: What Samuelson calls the largest mistake in educational policy since World War II was actually first identified in 1963 by John Keats in "The...
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Jun 12, 2012

Single fathers unite to voice their concerns about benefits in Japan

A group of dads and their small kids gathered around for a step-by-step demonstration of how to make perfect French toast. Then they got busy cracking eggs and beating them, cutting the bread into small squares that they dipped in the egg and then dropped into a hot skillet to watch sizzle as a buttery...
Reader Mail
Jun 3, 2012

Talk about a drag on the economy

Regarding the May 31 Kyodo article "Aging population a drag on economy: Shirakawa": Isn't Bank of Japan Gov. Masaaki Shirakawa forgetting something? The very same aging demographic whom he bemoans for being a "drag" on the economy built a world-class economy during the 1960s and 1970s!
May 31, 2012

Anxiety growing in China about the road ahead

The worrying news from China is that the country appears headed toward an economic and political crash sometime in the next five years, if current trends continue. The somewhat better news is that a large part of the elite grasps that danger, and is talking fairly openly about the far-reaching change...
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
May 30, 2012

Boyish style raises questions about gender roles

Men dressing up as women and women dressing up as men — where will it all lead?
Japan Times
May 20, 2012

Economic woes, political volatility may creep into U.S. foreign affairs

No matter who wins the presidential election in November, the United States appears headed for a prolonged period of political volatility as leaders do not seem to have good answers to voters' anxieties about their economic future. This threatens to spill over into U.S. relations with the rest of the...
May 16, 2012

Putting to rest five myths about gay marriage

U.S. President Barack Obama came out in support of same-sex marriage last Wednesday. Yet, only a day earlier, voters in North Carolina had approved a constitutional ban on gay marriage and other domestic-partner arrangements — even though a majority told pollsters that they favored allowing same-sex...
May 12, 2012

Five myths about America's conservative voters

We may be six months away from Election Day, but I've already racked up nearly 160,000 km this year crisscrossing the country and listening to voters in more than 20 states. Both President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are in full campaign mode, and opinions and analysis of their chances to win are flowing...
Japan Times
May 11, 2012

'Bad Teacher'

Arguably the greatest legacy of Bill Clinton's time in the White House is that fellatio jokes entered the mainstream. It's damn near impossible these days to find an American comedy that doesn't include a sniggering blow-job reference in the first five minutes, and the new Cameron Diaz comedy "Bad Teacher"...
Reader Mail
Apr 29, 2012

Prison is about rehabilitation

George Will's April 24 column "'Cruel and unusual' punishment of teenagers" is correct in two important ways. To say the least, young people, who are the most likely to commit criminal acts of theft and violence statistically, are not at their most rational stage of development. Childhood has been left...
Japan Times
Apr 3, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things — about the Japanese

Debito Arudou's Feb. 7 Just Be Cause column describing the 10 things he likes about Japan both inspired and depressed me. As a frequent critic of the country's legal system (among other things), his piece made me stop and think of some of the things I like about Japan that are all too easy to take for...
Japan Times
Mar 27, 2012

Shonan: What do you think about the government's plan to create citizen ID numbers for tax and other purposes?

Yoshihara, 45
Japan Times
Mar 25, 2012

Plum nuts about Ikegami

Whether you call the Prunus mume a plum or an apricot (it is related to both), the flowers are plum elegant on their leafless, shiny branches and help cheer us through winter's finale. To enjoy them to the full, I seek out Ikegami Baien Garden in southern Tokyo's Ota Ward, having hopped the Tokyu Ikegami...
Japan Times
Mar 20, 2012

Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya: What have you learned about Japan and the Japanese people from 3/11 and its aftermath?

Mina Jeon, 36 (Tokyo)
Japan Times
Mar 20, 2012

Fukushima not just about nuke crisis

The Tohoku region continues to struggle beyond the first anniversary of the March 11, 2011, Great East Japan Earthquake, particularly Fukushima Prefecture, whose recovery is being greatly hampered by the triple-meltdown crisis at a coastal nuclear plant.
Mar 20, 2012

Mistaken presumptions about Assad's Syria

Syria's uprising against President Bashar Assad, which began peacefully in Damascus a year ago, has become increasingly brutal and splintered. As the death toll nears 9,000, calls for international intervention have increased — but what worked in places like Libya won't necessarily succeed in Syria....
Reader Mail
Mar 18, 2012

Get serious about construction

Regarding the Bloomberg article published in the March 14 edition of The Japan Times, "Tokyo has way to go to gird for Big One, consultant says": There should be a new government department created to devise new methods and construction designs and technologies to deal with earthquakes and tsunami.
Japan Times
Mar 13, 2012

New Zealander loses legal fight over crippling med addiction

When Wayne Douglas arrived home in New Zealand from Japan in early 2001, his own mother didn't recognize him at the airport.
Mar 10, 2012

More worries about Afghanistan

Any doubts about Afghanistan's fragility have been put to rest in recent weeks. Reports that copies of the Quran were inadvertently burned at a coalition military base unleashed a spasm of violence, ranging from mass demonstrations to murder. It has torn apart already strained relations between Afghans...
Japan Times
Mar 2, 2012


Movie trailers and TV commercials both exist to sell, but unlike ads for toothpaste or instant ramen, trailers offer a direct experience, however manipulated, with the actual product. So websites that post links to trailers are not just shilling for distributors, but also offering their visitors, always...
Japan Times
Feb 26, 2012

Venturing into the zone on Showajima

In his "Meditation XVII," the English Metaphysical poet John Donne wrote in 1623 that "no man is an island, entire of itself." Well, yes — but some islands are entirely more manly than others.
Feb 23, 2012

Is the World Wide Web about to be 'closed'?

Within the tech community, there is much angst about whether the Web is about to be "closed." Will it be controlled by companies like Apple, Facebook, and Google, or will it remain "open" to all?
Feb 17, 2012

America's pivot to Asia is not just about countering China

"All right China, come out with your hands up; we've got you surrounded!"
Japan Times
Feb 17, 2012

'Water for Elephants'

What is it about Robert Pattinson that makes him slightly annoying? Despite his 18-carat movie-star status built on his vampire role in the "Twilight" series, despite the rumor that he's slated as the next Brad Pitt (er, really?) and has the lanky, boyish charm to back it up, Pattinson remains several...


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo