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Jul 24, 2013

Too early to talk about 'Likonomics' in China

Premier Li Keqiang's plans to overhaul the Chinese economy have hardly earned such a grand moniker as 'Likonomics' yet. Cutthroat politics lie ahead.
Jul 20, 2013

Misconceptions about how Wal-Mart operates

Wal-Mart's supporters laud its low prices while its opponents charge that it exploits workers and pollutes the environment. The truth is more complex.
Jul 16, 2013

Inconvenient truths about Obama's health law

The White House's recent decision to delay part of its health care overhaul illustrates six truths about the law that its supporters can't easily acknowledge.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Jul 13, 2013

Hot weather's cold comfort for eels

In March this year, I spent a week in Taiwan as a guest of the Taiwan Fisheries Agency. My hosts had laid on a relentless daily schedule that took in a complete circuit of the island nation, visiting nearly all the major commercial fishing ports, including Taitung on the Pacific Ocean, Tainan and Kaosiung...
Jul 12, 2013

Feelings about Japan depend on who's polled, and where

Public sentiment about the economy and the direction Japan is taking has improved somewhat since last year, according to a study by the Washington-based Pew Research Center.
Japan Times
Jul 5, 2013

Mom who blogged about tsunami wants people to remember

Stranded for three days after March 11, 2011, with her mother-in-law and young children on the second floor of their home near the industrial port of Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, Naoko Nakayama fought panic by communicating the only way she could: scribbling on torn scraps of paper.
WORLD / Science & Health
Jul 5, 2013

Hoping to slow the advance of dementia? Forget about it

It is a thought that crosses many middle-aged minds when a word is forgotten or a set of keys misplaced: Is this a fluke, or the first sign of dementia?
Japan Times
Jul 2, 2013

Record shows U.S. officials misled public on NSA programs

Amid the cascading disclosures about National Security Agency surveillance programs, the top lawyer in the U.S. intelligence community opened his remarks at a rare public appearance last week with a lament about how much of the information being spilled was wrong.
WORLD / Politics
Jul 1, 2013

The Hillary hype: Buzz about possible campaign is double-edged sword

There is a super PAC to support her and another one that is trying, at least in part, to stop her. Every word she utters is parsed by cable television commentators, bloggers and anyone with a political pulse for indications of which way she is leaning. And, there are still more than 900 days between...
Jun 27, 2013

Five myths about the National Security Agency

One common denominator of NSA whistleblowers is that they feel ignored when attempting to bring illegal or unethical operations to the attention of higher-ups.
Jun 25, 2013

A year on, what you should already know about residence cards and re-entry

Reader CW writes: "I've lived here 35 years and am a permanent resident. Recently I met an American who had just returned through Tokyo immigration and all the information about his work, residence and visa status was on his card but not on his passport. The passport had not been endorsed. Why is Japan...
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jun 22, 2013

Robotics about to transform our notion of what is 'human'

Bertolt Meyer is used to being viewed as not fully human. Born with a stump where his left hand should have been, he spent his childhood wearing a hook connected to an elaborate pulley and harness. "To open the hook and grasp things I had to flex my shoulders like this," he says, striking a he-man pose....
Jun 22, 2013

Papers define limits of NSA's spy program

The National Security Agency may keep the emails and telephone calls of citizens and legal residents if the communications contain "significant foreign intelligence" or evidence of a crime, according to classified documents that lay out procedures for targeting foreigners and for guarding Americans'...
Jun 19, 2013

Putting to rest five myths about personal privacy

Americans don't have to choose between privacy and terror prevention. They do have to decide how much accountability to demand of government surveillance.
Reader Mail
Jun 16, 2013

Stop crying wolf about China

Regarding Michael Richardson's June 6 article, "China's troubling core interests": Richardson is again beating the "China threat" drum as if repeating this theme over and over will somehow convince others of its verity.
Jun 11, 2013

Five myths about the legalization of marijuana

With 16 U.S. states having decriminalized or legalized cannabis for non-medical use and eight more heading toward some kind of legalization, federal prohibition's days seem numbered.
Jun 1, 2013

Singer Misia help raise awareness about Africa

A powerful five-octave voice coming from a small frame is normally what describes Misia as a singer. The second hat she wears is as a philanthropic activist for Africa.
Japan Times
May 28, 2013

Osaka: What do you make of Mayor Toru Hashimoto’s comments about “comfort women” and his suggestion that U.S. forces in Okinawa use local brothels?

He's a perfect example of why 'diapers and politicians should be changed often, and for the same reason'! He's too incompetent for Osaka, and should be 'promoted' to national government. I've lived here for 30 years; I miss the old days when mayors and governors concentrated on administering Osaka and stayed out of the limelight. Hashimoto should take his showboating to Tokyo and leave Osaka under the radar.
May 22, 2013

Five myths about Benghazi

The events surrounding the deaths of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, look dramatically different depending on your politics. Republicans tend to see a cover-up and a scandal. Democrats see an attempt to damage President Barack Obama and...
Japan Times
May 20, 2013

What the Bloomberg terminal scandal reveals about the media and its money-making ways

The chatter across the world of financial journalism over the last few days has been the story of Bloomberg reporters accessing information about subscribers of the firm's financial data service that those customers thought should remain secret. The episode contains some important lessons for how the...
May 15, 2013

Dispelling five myths about missing children

The number of missing-person cases and other crimes against children in the U.S. have been dropping. Cell phones are almost certainly part of the explanation.
Japan Times
May 14, 2013

Tokyo: What do you make of Gov. Naoki Inose's comments about Muslims and Istanbul's Olympic bid?

I think many people in Japan see all foreigners as fighting with each other, not just Muslims. But, focusing on the positives [and ignoring Inose's negative comments], I see Istanbul as the better option [to be 2020 host].
Japan Times
May 14, 2013

Turks in Kansai fear Inose gaffe indicative of wider ignorance about culture

'Stupid', 'shockingly provincial' and 'a sign of how little Japanese people really understand that part of the world' were among the reactions of Turkish residents in Kansai to Tokyo Gov. Naoki Inose's comments about Turkey and the wider Muslim world.
May 12, 2013

Problems with figuring poor countries' GDP cloud judgments about which policies work

Since we can't be sure whether one poor country's GDP is higher than another's, we should not use GDP alone to determine which policies lead to growth.


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo