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Jan 8, 2001

When two worlds collide

JAPAN AND THE DUTCH 1600-1853, by Grant K. Goodman. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 2000, 304 pp., 40 pounds. Thanks to the Tokugawa shogunate's decision at the beginning of the 17th century to expel the Portuguese and other Christian missionaries who had started to meddle in Japanese affairs, the...
Jan 8, 2001

Deaths at sea up fifth year in a row

The number of people who died or went missing at sea in 2000 was 1,620, up from 1,601 in 1999, the fifth consecutive year of increase, according to information released by the Japan Coast Guard.
Jan 6, 2001

Good luck, Mr. Bush, you'll need it

At the start of a new century, the world situation remains in flux. The much-heralded "new world order" has yet to arrive. The United States, of course, holds the key. Developments in the next few years -- not only in the field of economics, but also in politics and security -- will depend largely on...
Jan 6, 2001

Mori to embark on African trip

Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori leaves Sunday for a nine-day trip to South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria and Greece with the aim of boosting diplomatic ties with sub-Saharan Africa. He will be the first Japanese prime minister to visit the region.
Jan 5, 2001

Osaka pins revitalization on 90% corporate tax cut

The Osaka Prefectural Government said Thursday that it will slash as much as 90 percent off the corporate business tax it levies on new companies headquartered in the prefecture in a bid to attract more firms.
Jan 5, 2001

Cooperative-style condos let owners realize dreams

New condo owner Emiko Kaji says her brand new color-coordinated kitchen keeps her happy while she slaves over the stove cooking for her family.
Jan 4, 2001

HAL, are you out there?

2001 is not just another year. For over three decades, those four digits symbolized the future, and triggered hopes, dreams and fears about what lay over the horizon. Brilliant though it was, Sir Arthur C. Clarke's imagination and Stanley Kubrick's rendering of life in the 21st century have also missed...
Jan 4, 2001

July election to be verdict on Mori

Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori appears to be pinning his survival on a shift from postwar economic materialism to a revival of traditional values, but his true prospects will depend more on his ability to avoid making blunders.
Jan 4, 2001

Shirt may be linked to family's killer

Police have found a bloodstained sweat-shirt in the home of a family of four discovered slain Sunday morning in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward, investigation sources said Wednesday.
Jan 4, 2001

Majority of business leaders not optimistic on economy

Nearly 70 out of 100 Japanese business leaders forecast slow economic growth for fiscal 2001, which begins April 1, with 31 saying a full recovery will not come until after 2002, according to a Kyodo News poll.
Jan 4, 2001

Returning holidaymakers congest transport routes

The flow of New Year holiday travelers returning to Tokyo before work resumed for most people today reached its peak on Wednesday, leaving airline flights, bullet trains and expressways operating well beyond their usual beyond capacity.
Jan 3, 2001

The dangers that lie ahead

One of the biggest holiday gifts last year was the Sony PlayStation2 video game console. Good luck trying to find one. Hundreds of thousands of gamers around the world are still waiting to get their hands on the elusive item. But, according to news reports, one customer managed to collect about 4,000...
Jan 3, 2001

Five-year, muscle-pumping defense plan passed easily

The Cabinet approval last month of the 25-trillion yen medium-term defense buildup program came without heated debate among lawmakers or the public, to the apparent surprise of some Defense Agency officials.
Jan 1, 2001

Economy expected to limp toward recovery

The consensus among economists at private think tanks is that the economy will continue to grow, albeit slowly, for the remaining three months of fiscal 2000 and through the next fiscal year.
Jan 1, 2001

Carrying out reform is only the beginning for politicians

The final 10 years of the 20th century have been called a "lost decade" for Japan, which continues to suffer woes from the burst of the late-1980s bubble-economy. Japan's comeback as a globally competitive economic powerhouse will require fundamental reforms not only in the industrial and financial sectors...
Jan 1, 2001

New opportunities for Japan-U.S. ties

The administration of U.S. President-elect George W. Bush will include many pro-Japanese officials. This reflects U.S. political history. Many officials of President Bill Clinton's administration had served under President Jimmy Carter, who came to power 12 years earlier. For example, former Secretary...
Jan 1, 2001

Odd echoes of the Meiji Restoration

JAPAN'S EMERGENCE AS A MODERN STATE: Political and Economic Problems of the Meiji Period, by E. Herbert Norman, 60th Anniversary Edition, edited by Lawrence T. Woods. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, Sept. 2000, 336 pp., $75 (cloth), $25.95 (paper). It's hard to fault E. Herbert Norman's analysis of Japan....
Jan 1, 2001

Merit seen in gradual opening of Japan to overseas workers

Foreign workers will help Japanese companies to not only make up for a future labor shortage but help create a more diverse and dynamic corporate environment in the current trend of globalization, according to Yotaro Kobayashi, one of the nation's top business leaders.
Jan 1, 2001

Japan needs open, clear agenda in an age of life science

The 21st century will be called the century of life science. In fact, an enormous amount of money has already been reinvested for research in this field on a global scale. A representative example is the human genome project, which is closing in on the complete deciphering of human DNA. In addition,...
Dec 31, 2000

EPA boss received 15 million yen from KSD

Economic Planning Agency chief Fukushiro Nukaga received a total of 15 million yen in donations in November 1999 and last April from the then chairman of KSD, a scandal-tainted mutual aid organization for small firms, informed sources said Saturday.
Dec 31, 2000

Minoru Akimoto

"For a college kid in a provincial town in the early 50s, there were not many options for learning English. My teachers were Hollywood movies. I memorized a script and then sat in a movie theater all day, watching and listening to the same movie time and again."
Dec 30, 2000

Economy still stuck in a rut

Looking back to 2000, the critical question hanging over the Japanese economy is: Has there been movement, or at least the preparations for a move, toward a new system befitting the start of a new century? The answer, unfortunately, is no.
Dec 30, 2000

Haggling, fast turnover key to new fashion market

Young women browse through vogue clothes, leather jackets, accessories, wigs and colorful lingerie displayed at about 50 booths in Tondemun Sijan, a new fashion market in Tokyo's Shibuya Ward.
Dec 30, 2000

An era of U.S. superficiality

The year 2000 was marked with flamboyant, highly symbolic peace accords. U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright visited North Korea; U.S. President Bill Clinton visited Vietnam. Most symbolically of all, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak visited Washington, D.C.,...
Dec 30, 2000

New Year's travelers head out of the city

The New Year's rush began Friday, with vacationers mobbing airports, railroad stations and highways.
Dec 29, 2000

State urged to improve understanding of Islam

A study group set up by Foreign Minister Yohei Kono earlier this year is urging the government to improve its understanding of Islamic thinking to deepen ties with Muslim states.
Dec 29, 2000

Chinese tied to burglary of dentist's guns

It is highly likely that a group of Chinese from Fujian Province was behind the Dec. 15 burglary of a Tokyo dentist in which seven guns were stolen, sources said Thursday.
Dec 29, 2000

Popular challenger lets down many Thais

BANGKOK -- Thai voters dissatisfied with Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai's ruling Democrat Party will have a hard time turning to the alternative Thai Rak Thai Party of telecom tycoon Thaksin Shinawatra since public trust in the businessman has eroded.


A man offers prayers at Hebikubo Shrine in Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward. The shrine is one of several across the country dedicated to the snake.
Shed your skin and reinvent yourself in the Year of the Snake