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Japan Times
Events / Events In Tokyo
Jun 19, 2014

Jamaica's one love starts in Tokyo and reaches out across Japan

This festival celebrating 50 years of friendship between Japan and Jamaica culminates with a Bob Marley Songs Day competition on Sunday, where the winner will receive the grand prize of a trip to Jamaica. For most visitors, however, Bob Marley's music is just one of 12 entertaining sets by various musicians,...
Japan Times
Jun 17, 2014

Ramen Kugatsu-do: Delicate broth and fine noodles for a slurpsome summer

Born in China and raised in Japan, ramen's hybrid heritage has evolved into a wide range of different guises. At one end of the spectrum are the alpha-male turbo-charged tonkotsu counters. At the other, you find lightness, delicacy and refinement. That's the way Kugatsu-do does it.
Japan Times
May 25, 2014

Supercharged CEO Musk aims for cars and stars

When Hollywood wanted to bring to life Tony Stark, the comic-book engineering prodigy who grew up to be the billionaire industrialist and slick playboy alter ego of Iron Man, it turned to the closest thing the real world seemed to offer.
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2014

Simi Lab delivers a mixed message on 'Page 2: Mind Over Matter'

Few genres are as freighted with the politics of authenticity as hip-hop. Just last month, the New Yorker kicked off a fresh round of controversy when it ran a profile of Lord Jamar, a cantankerous middle-aged rapper who rails against what he sees as the softening — and whitening — of modern hip-hop....
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Apr 20, 2014

Telescope to probe deepest space

Cerro Armazones is a crumbling dome of rock that dominates the parched peaks of the Chilean coastal range north of Santiago.
Japan Times
Apr 17, 2014

'47 Ronin'

Director: Carl Rinsch
Japan Times
Feb 13, 2014

Toyota recalls persist as most Prius hybrids need fix

Toyota Motor Corp.'s Akio Toyoda, beset by recalls since taking over as president in 2009, is now finding more flaws in one of his most high-profile models and adding to a growing fleet of cars that need fixing.
Japan Times
Jan 29, 2014

Olé! A 'Carmen' supreme

The heroine of French composer Georges Bizet's "Carmen" is one of the most famous roles in opera, but it's also one of the most difficult of all to carry off well.
Japan Times
Dec 4, 2013

'The 150th Anniversary: The Prints of Edvard Munch from the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo'

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of symbolist painter Edvard Munch's birth, this exhibition showcases 34 of the artist's prints, mostly early works focusing on life, death and love — themes that he became particularly known for.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Entertainment news
Dec 1, 2013

Farrow courts controversy with paternity musings

For a while, Mia Farrow was a genuine housewife. In a life of bright lights and dark, dark shadows, this must surely count as one of the most unusual periods of them all: a moment of apparent stability and respectability in the late 70s and early 80s. During this time, she picked up her twin sons Matthew...
Japan Times
CULTURE / Entertainment news
Oct 4, 2013

Beatlemania: 'The screamers' and other tales of fandom

The first time Scottish concert promoter Andi Lothian booked the Beatles, in the frozen January of 1963, only 15 people showed up. The next time he brought them north of the border, to Glasgow Odeon on Oct. 5, they had scored a No. 1 album and three No. 1 singles, and it was as if a hurricane had blown...
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Sep 29, 2013

American Dream fading for many in wake of financial crisis

Four years into an economic recovery in which most of the benefits have flowed to the top earners, a majority believes that the American Dream is becoming markedly more elusive, according to the results of a Washington Post-Miller Center poll exploring Americans' changing definition of success and their...
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Aug 13, 2013

Even without a Cold War, the D.C.-Moscow link is still up

At 7:15 on the morning of June 5, 1967, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara reached for a handset, one connected to a secure telephone line to a military switchboard at the White House. He asked the operator to ring the Air Force sergeant on duty outside President Lyndon B. Johnson's bedroom.
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Aug 9, 2013

Sex addiction? Sorry, chaps, it's just plain old lust

Candidate Anthony Weiner is unlikely ever to trouble British voters, that is not to say Weiner can be filed away, with complete confidence, under the category "U.S. politicians who have incautiously disseminated images of their private parts, using the alter ego Carlos Danger." For one thing, given the...
Japan Times
Jul 28, 2013

DuckDuckGo chief spills on search engine wars

AltaVista, one of the leading search engines of the 1990s, has died. It was 18 years old. It had languished for years before its owner, Yahoo, finally pulled the plug.
Japan Times
Jun 9, 2013

Teen standout Watanabe faces major challenges in pursuit of NBA dream

When young athletes leave their home nation for a bigger challenge, nobody can really halt their overflowing passion and hope.
May 27, 2013

Hold the false prophets of doom accountable

Apocalyptic prophecies and the raucous festivities accompanying them are indisputably alluring. But imaginary cataclysms have real-world consequences.
Japan Times
May 24, 2013

Son of Cronenberg debuts with sickly body horror

Imagine you are David Cronenberg, a filmmaker but also a parent. You tell your kids that your job is making movies; naturally, they want to see one. So which do you show them? "Scanners," with its exploding heads? "Rabid," where porn-star Marilyn Chambers drinks human blood? Or maybe "The Fly," where...
Reader Mail
May 2, 2013

Abe afflicted by tunnel vision

Japan's Shinzo Abe, unlike his American counterpart, is enslaving himself to a revisionist course in Japan, defying all rhyme and reason. Believing that rewriting the past can make it go away could again split Asia in two — Japan and the rest.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Apr 4, 2013

Data from space bolsters theory of dark matter

The first results from a $2 billion instrument aboard the International Space Station offer tentative support for the theory that exotic dark matter, invisible but abundant, permeates the universe.
Japan Times
Jan 11, 2013

'The Future'

Facebook is so awash in shared quotes and clever little sayings attached to graphics, ranging from heartwarmingly New Age to hipster snarky, that few make an impression beyond the time it takes to read them. Still, every now and then you'll hit one that sticks; for me, it was one of those faux 1950s...
May 9, 2012

Sticker price of Toyota's electric RAV4 to be twice as much as gas version

Toyota Motor Corp., the biggest maker of hybrid autos, said its electric RAV4 sport utility vehicle with batteries and motor from Tesla Motors Inc. will cost more than twice as much as the gasoline version.
Apr 15, 2012

Are women really on the ascendancy as some media proclaim?

'Joshi bakari ga naze tsuyoi?" ("Why is it that only women are strong?") asks Aera (Mar. 26). The question may be a valid one, at least when limited to international sports events, where Japan's women over the past several years have been outshining their male counterparts as they excel in soccer, women's...
Mar 10, 2012

Fukushima soil plutonium traces not seen as threat

Researchers detected a type of radioactive plutonium in soil from three different locations in Fukushima Prefecture, although the amount is too tiny to affect human health, the team said in a report published in a science magazine.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital
Nov 2, 2011

Shōgi showdown for supercomputer

Eiki Ito, 49, started programming a shōgi (Japanese chess) computer in 1998, because back then, he says, his job with an IT firm wasn't keeping him busy enough. Thirteen years later, his pet machine boasts a computing ability of 4 million moves per second. And it may well soon beat one of the strongest...
Sep 29, 2011

The real financial rogues

The story of the latest "rogue trader" who allegedly cost his Swiss employer $2.3 billion in fraudulent trading is a marvelous one, especially since the alleged rogue, Kweku Adoboli, was praying on his Facebook page for a miracle more than a week before UBS realized that a large pot of its money had...
Japan Times
Aug 9, 2011

Top blogger illustrates Chinese wife's struggles

W ith his winning of the prestigious Alpha Blogger Awards 2010, Tokyo-based cartoonist Junichi Inoue is now recognized as one of the most influential Japanese bloggers.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly